






2000-2004, 四川大學,環境科學,理學學士學位;

2004-2007, 四川大學,環境科學,理學碩士學位.

2007-2011, 北京大學,自然地理學,理學博士學位.


2011.12-2012.09, 德國馬普學會research fellow, 馬普生物地球化學研究所,德國.

2013.01-2014.07 , 博士後, 法國國家科學研究中心(CNRS)氣候與環境科學實驗室(LSCE), 法國.



兼任中國地理學會生物地理專業委員會委員(2017-)、中國自然資源學會資源地理專業委員會委員、中國地理學會樹木年輪分會(籌)理事、中國林學會森林水文與流域治理分會理事、EGU complimentary membership、AGU會員、EGU會員、中國生態學會會員。

擔任Global Change Biology,Geoscientific Model Development, Environmental Research Letters, Geophysical ResearchLetters等20多個國際著名SCI期刊審稿專家,國家自然科學基金委評審專家。









2016-2020「十三五」重點研發計劃 「人工林生產力形成的結構與環境效應」(專題共同主持)。



2021年 1. Li, Y., Wu, X.*, Huang,Y., Li, X., Shi, F., Zhao, S., Yang, Y., Tian, Y., Wang, P., Zhang, S., Zhang,C., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Zhao, P., 2021. Compensation effect of winter snow onlarch growth in Northeast China. Climatic Change 164..doi:10.1007/s10584-021-02998-1

2. Zhang, W., Li, Y., Wu, X.*,Chen, Y., Chen, A., Schwalm, C.R., Kimball, J.S., 2021. Divergent Response ofVegetation Growth to Soil Water Availability in Dry and Wet Periods OverCentral Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126..doi:10.1029/2020jg005912

3. Wu, D., Liu, S., Wu, X.,Yang, X., Xu, T., Xu, Z., Shi, H., 2021. Diagnosing the Temperature Sensitivityof Ecosystem Respiration in Northern High‐Latitude Regions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,126.. doi:10.1029/2020jg005998

4. Zhang, S., Yang, Y., Wu, X.,Li, X., & Shi, F. (2021). Postdrought recovery time across globalterrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126,e2020JG005699.

5. Chen, Z., Liu, H., Xu, C., Wu,X., Liang, B., Cao, J., Chen, D., 2021. Modeling vegetation greenness andits climate sensitivity with deep‐learning technology. Ecology and Evolution 11, 7335–7345.. doi:10.1002/ece3.7564

6. Cheng, Y., Liu, H., Wang, H.,Chen, D., Ciais, P., Luo, Y., Wu, X., Yin, Y., 2021. Indication ofpaleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity andsoil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene. Science China EarthSciences.. doi:10.1007/s11430-020-9757-1

7. Sun, S., Du, W., Song, Z.,Zhang, D., Wu, X., Chen, B., Wu, Y., 2021. Response of Gross PrimaryProductivity to Drought Time‐Scales Across China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,126.. doi:10.1029/2020jg005953

8. Zhao, J., Feng, H., Xu, T.,Xiao, J., Guerrieri, R., Liu, S., Wu, X., He, X., He, X., 2021.Physiological and environmental control on ecosystem water use efficiency inresponse to drought across the northern hemisphere. Science of The Total Environment 758, 143599.. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143599

9. Hao, B., Hartmann, H., Li, Y.,Liu, H., Shi, F., Yu, K., Li, X., Li, Z., Wang, P., Allen, C.D., Wu, X.*,2021. Precipitation Gradient Drives Divergent Relationship betweenNon-Structural Carbohydrates and Water Availability in Pinus tabulaeformis of Northern China. Forests 12, 133.. doi:10.3390/f12020133

10. Keyimu, M., Li, Z., Liu, G.,Fu, B., Fan, Z., Wang, X., Wu, X., Zhang, Y., Halik, U., 2021. Tree-ring based minimum temperature reconstruction on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau.Quaternary Science Reviews 251, 106712.. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106712

11. Zhang, C., Yang, Y., Yang, D., Wu,X., 2021. Multidimensional assessment of global dryland changes under future warming in climate projections. Journal of Hydrology 592, 125618..doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125618

2020年 1. Zhang, P., Jeong, J.-H., Yoon,J.-H., Kim, H., Wang, S.-Y.S., Linderholm, H.W., Fang, K., Wu, X., Chen,D., 2020. Abrupt shift to hotter and drier climate over inner East Asia beyond the tipping point. Science 370, 1095–1099.. doi:10.1126/science.abb3368

2. Jiang, Z., Liu, H., Wang, H.,Peng, J., Meersmans, J., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., Wu, X., Song, Z.,2020. Bedrock geochemistry influences vegetation growth by regulating theregolith water holding capacity. Nature Communications 11..doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16156-1

3. Xu, X., Liu, H., Wang, W., Hu,G., Wu, X., Song, Z., 2021. Effects of manipulated precipitation on above ground net primary productivity of grassland fields: Controlled rainfall experiments in Inner Mongolia, China. Land Degradation & Development 32,1981–1992.. doi:10.1002/ldr.3854

4. Zhang, C., Yang, Y., Yang, D.,Wang, Z., Wu, X., Zhang, S., Zhang, W., 2020. Vegetation Response to Elevated CO2 Slows Down the Eastward Movement of the 100th Meridian.Geophysical Research Letters 47.. doi:10.1029/2020gl089681

5. Keyimu, M., Li, Z., Wu, X.,Fu, B., Liu, G., Shi, S., Fan, Z., Wang, X., 2020. Recent decline of high altitude coniferous growth due to thermo-hydraulic constrains: evidence from the Miyaluo Forest Reserve, Western Sichuan Plateau of China. Dendrochronologia 63, 125751.. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125751

6. Liu, H., Dai, J., Xu, C., Peng,J., Wu, X., Wang, H., 2021. Bedrock-associated below ground and aboveground interactions and their implications for vegetation restoration in the karst critical zone of subtropical Southwest China. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 45, 7–19.. doi:10.1177/0309133320949865

2019年 1. Wu, X*, Li, X, Liu, H, et al. Uneven winter snow influence on tree growth across temperate China. Glob Change Biol. 2019; 25: 144– 154.https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14464

2. Wu, X.*, Li, X., Chen, Y., Bai, Y., Tong, Y., Wang, P., et al. (2019).Atmospheric water demand dominates daily variations in water use efficiency inalpine meadows, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences, 124, 2174– 2185.

3. Wu, X.*, Guo, W., Liu, H., Li, X., Peng, C., Allen, C.D., Zhang, C., Wang,P., Pei, T., Ma, Y., Tian, Y., Song, Z., Zhu, W., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Chen, D.,2019. Exposures to temperature beyond threshold disproportionately reduce vegetation growth in the northern hemisphere. National Science Review 6,786–795.. doi:10.1093/nsr/nwy158

4. Jiang, P., Liu, H., Piao, S., Ciais,P., Wu, X., Yin, Y., Wang, H., 2019. Enhanced growth after extreme wetness compensates for post-drought carbon loss in dry forests. Nature Communications 10, 195.

5. Song, L., Li, Y., Ren, Y.,Wu, X., Guo, B., Tang, X., Shi, W., Ma, M., Han, X., Zhao, L., 2019.Divergent vegetation responses to extreme spring and summer droughts in Southwestern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 279, 107703..doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107703

6. Green, S.M., Dungait, J.A.J.,Tu, C., Buss, H.L., Sanderson, N., Hawkes, S.J., Xing, K., Yue, F., Hussey,V.L., Peng, J., Johnes, P., Barrows, T., Hartley, I.P., Song, X., Jiang, Z.,Meersmans, J., Zhang, X., Tian, J., Wu, X., Liu, H., Song, Z., Evershed,R., Gao, Y., Quine, T.A., 2019. Soil functions and ecosystem services research in the Chinese karst Critical Zone. Chemical Geology 527, 119107..doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.03.018

7. He, B., Wang, S., Guo, L., Wu,X., 2019. Aridity change and its correlation with greening over drylands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107663..doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107663

8. Zong-Chao Li, Hu, X., Li,X.-Y., Huang, Y.-M., Wu, X.-C., Wang, P., Liu, L.-Y., 2019.Quantification of Soil Macropores at Different Slope Positions under Alpine Meadow Using Computed Tomography in the Qinghai Lake Watershed, NEQinghai–Tibet. Eurasian Soil Science 52, 1391–1401..doi:10.1134/s1064229319110152

9. Liu, H., Jiang, Z., Dai, J., Wu,X., Peng, J., Wang, H., Meersmans, J., Green, S.M., Quine, T.A., 2019. Rockcrevices determine woody and herbaceous plant cover in the karst critical zone.Science China Earth Sciences 62, 1756–1763.. doi:10.1007/s11430-018-9328-3

10. Piao, S., Zhang, X., Chen, A.,Liu, Q., Lian, X., Wang, X., Peng, S., Wu, X., 2019. The impacts of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review. Science China Earth Sciences 62, 1551–1563.. doi:10.1007/s11430-018-9363-5

12. Ma, Y.-J., Li, X.-Y., Liu, L.,Yang, X.-F., Wu, X.-C., Wang, P., Lin, H., Zhang, G.-H., Miao, C.-Y.,2019. Evapotranspiration and its dominant controls along an elevation gradient in the Qinghai Lake watershed, northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 575, 257–268.. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.05.019

13. Shi, C., Sun, C., Wu, G., Wu,X., Chen, D., Masson-Delmotte, V., Li, J., Xue, J., Li, Z., Ji, D., Zhang,J., Fan, Z., Shen, M., Shu, L., Ciais, P., 2019. Summer Temperature over theTibetan Plateau Modulated by Atlantic Multidecadal Variability. Journal of Climate 32, 4055–4067.. doi:10.1175/jcli-d-17-0858.1

14. Yang Wang, Xiao-yan Li,Xiu-chen Wu, Hua-wu Wu, Jing-hui Zhang, Yi-nan Wu, Chuan-yan Zhao, 2019.Temporal changes of soil respiration in a subalpine meadow in the Heihe RiverBasin, Northwest China, CATENA 178, 267-275..doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.03.010.

15. Bai, Y., Li, X., Zhou, S.,Yang, X., Yu, K., Wang, M., Liu, S., Wang, P., Wu, X., Wang, X., Zhang,C., Shi, F., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., 2019. Quantifying plant transpiration and canopy conductance using eddy flux data: An underlying water use efficiency method.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 271, 375–384..doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.02.035

16. Liu, H., Shangguan, H., Zhou,M., Airebule, P., Zhao, P., He, W., Xiang, C., Wu, X., 2019.Differentiated responses of nonstructural carbohydrate allocation to climatic dryness and drought events in the Inner Asian arid timberline. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 271, 355–361.. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.03.008

17. Hu, X., Li, X.-Y., Wang, P.,Liu, Y., Wu, X.-C., Li, Z.-C., Zhao, Y.-D., Cheng, Y.-Q., Guo, L.-L.,Lyu, Y.-L., Liu, L.-Y., 2019. Influence of exclosure on CT-measured soil macropores and root architecture in a shrub-encroached grassland in northern China. Soil and Tillage Research 187, 21–30.. doi:10.1016/j.still.2018.10.020

18. Tong, Y., Wang, P., Li, X.-Y.,Wang, L., Wu, X., Shi, F., Bai, Y., Li, E., Wang, J., Wang, Y., 2019.Seasonality of the Transpiration Fraction and Its Controls Across Typical Ecosystems Within the Heihe River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research:Atmospheres 124, 1277–1291.. doi:10.1029/2018jd029680

19. Shi, F., Wu, X.*, Li,X., Wang, P., Yang, X., Li, Y., Jiang, X., Pei, T., Bai, Y., Hao, B., Zhang,C., Tong, Y., 2019. Seasonal Divergent Tree Growth Trends and Growth Variability along Drought Gradient over Northeastern China. Forests 10, 39..doi:10.3390/f10010039

2018年 1. Shi, F., Wu, X.*, Li,X., Chen, D., Liu, H., Liu, S., Hu, X., He, B., Shi, C., Wang, P., Mao, R., Ma,Y., Huang, Y., 2018. Weakening Relationship Between Vegetation Growth Over the Tibetan Plateau and Large-Scale Climate Variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, 1247–1259.. doi:10.1002/2017jg004134

2. Wu, X., Liu, H., Li, X., Ciais, P., Babst, F., Guo, W., Zhang, C.,Magliulo, V., Pavelka, M., Liu, S., Huang, Y., Wang, P., Shi, C., Ma, Y., 2018.Differentiating drought legacy effects on vegetation growth over the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology 24, 504–516.. doi:10.1111/gcb.13920

3. Wang, M., Chen, Y., Wu, X.,Bai, Y., 2018. Forest‐Type‐Dependent Water Use Efficiency Trends Across the Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 8283–8293.. doi:10.1029/2018gl079093

4. Li, X., Yang, X., Ma, Y., Hu,G., Hu, X., Wu, X., Wang, P., Huang, Y., Cui, B., Wei, J., 2018. Qinghai Lake Basin Critical Zone Observatory on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Vadose Zone Journal 17, 180069.. doi:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0069

5. Guo, W., Liu, H., Wu, X.,2018. Vegetation Greening Despite Weakening Coupling Between Vegetation Growth and Temperature Over the Boreal Region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, 2376–2387.. doi:10.1029/2018jg004486

6. Shi, C., Daux, V., Li, Z., Wu,X., Fan, T., Ma, Q., Wu, X., Tian, H., Carré, M., Ji, D., Wang, W.,Rinke, A., Gong, W., Liu, Y., Chen, Y., Masson-Delmotte, V., 2018. The response of relative humidity to centennial-scale warming over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from tree-ring width chronologies. Climate Dynamics 51,3735–3746.. doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4107-5

7. Ma, Y.-J., Li, X.-Y., Liu, L.,Huang, Y.-M., Li, Z., Hu, X., Wu, X.-C., Yang, X.-F., Wang, P., Zhao,S.-J., Zhang, G.-H., Liu, B.-Y., 2018. Measurements and Modeling of the Water Budget in Semiarid High-Altitude Qinghai Lake Basin, Northeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123, 10, 857–10, 871..doi:10.1029/2018jd028459

8. Wang, P., Yamanaka, T., Li,X.-Y., Wu, X., Chen, B., Liu, Y., Wei, Z., Ma, W., 2018. A multiple timescale modeling investigation of leaf water isotope enrichment in a temperate grassland ecosystem. Ecological Research 33, 901–915..doi:10.1007/s11284-018-1591-3

9. Wang, P., Li, X., Wang, L., Wu,X., Hu, X., Fan, Y., Tong, Y., 2018. Divergent evapotranspiration partition dynamics between shrubs and grasses in a shrub‐encroached steppe ecosystem. New Phytologist 219, 1325–1337.. doi:10.1111/nph.15237

10. Hu, G., Liu, H., Shangguan, H.,Wu, X., Xu, X., Williams, M., 2018. The role of heartwood water storage for sem-arid trees under drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256-257,534–541.. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.04.007

11. He, B., Liu, J., Guo, L., Wu,X., Xie, X., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Zhong, Z., Chen, Z., 2018. Recovery of Ecosystem Carbon and Energy Fluxes From the 2003 Drought in Europe and the 2012 Drought in the United States. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 4879–4888..doi:10.1029/2018gl077518

2017年 1. Wu, X., Liu, H., Li, X., Tian, Y., Mahecha, Miguel D.,2017. Responses of Winter Wheat Yields to Warming-Mediated Vernalization Variations across Temperate Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5. doi:10.3389/fevo.2017.00126

2. Wu, X.*, Liu, H., Li, X., Piao, S., Ciais, P., Guo, W., Yin, Y., Poulter,B., Peng, C., Viovy, N., Vuichard, N., Wang, P., Huang, Y., 2017. Higher temperature variability reduces temperature sensitivity of vegetation growth in Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters 44, 6173–6181.. doi:10.1002/2017gl073285

3. Pei, T., Wu, X.*, Li,X., Zhang, Y., Shi, F., Ma, Y., Wang, P., Zhang, C., 2017. Seasonal divergence in the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to climate and vegetation growth inthe Yellow River Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 103–118.. doi:10.1002/2016jg003648

4. Zhang, C., Li, X., Wu, H.,Wang, P., Wang, Y., Wu, X., Li, W., Huang, Y., 2017. Differences inwater-use strategies along an aridity gradient between two coexisting desert shrubs (Reaumuria soongorica and Nitraria sphaerocarpa): isotopic approaches with physiological evidence. Plant and Soil 419, 169–187..doi:10.1007/s11104-017-3332-8

5. Xu, C., Liu, H., Anenkhonov,O.A., Korolyuk, A.Y., Sandanov, D.V., Balsanova, L.D., Naidanov, B.B., Wu,X., 2017. Long-term forest resilience to climate change indicated by mortality, regeneration, and growth in semiarid southern Siberia. Global Change Biology 23, 2370–2382.. doi:10.1111/gcb.13582

6. Zhang, Y., Li, X.-Y., Li, W., Wu,X.-C., Shi, F.-Z., Fang, W.-W., Pei, T.-T., 2017. Modeling rainfall interception loss by two xerophytic shrubs in the Loess Plateau. Hydrological Processes 31, 1926–1937.. doi:10.1002/hyp.11157

7. Jiang, P., Liu, H., Wu, X.,Wang, H., 2017. Tree-ring-based SPEI reconstruction in central Tianshan Mountains of China since A.D. 1820 and links to westerly circulation.International Journal of Climatology 37, 2863–2872.. doi:10.1002/joc.4884

8. Wang, X., Ciais, P., Li, L.,Ruget, F., Vuichard, N., Viovy, N., Zhou, F., Chang, J., Wu, X., Zhao,H., Piao, S., 2017. Management outweighs climate change on affecting length of rice growing period for early rice and single rice in China during 1991–2012.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 233, 1–11..doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.10.016

9. Liu, X., Liu, H., Qiu, S., Wu,X., Tian, Y., Hao, Q., 2017. An Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples. Remote Sensing 9, 32.. doi:10.3390/rs9010032

2016年及以前 1. Wu, X.*, Liu, H., Li, X., Liang, E., Beck, P.S.A., Huang, Y., 2016.Seasonal divergence in the interannual responses of Northern Hemisphere vegetation activity to variations in diurnal climate. Scientific Reports 6,19000.. doi:10.1038/srep19000

2. Ma, Y.-J., Li, X.-Y., Wilson,M., Wu, X.-C., Smith, A., Wu, J., 2016. Water loss by evaporation from China’s South-North Water Transfer Project. Ecological Engineering 95, 206–215..doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.06.086

3. Li, X.-Y., Ma, Y.-J., Huang,Y.-M., Hu, X., Wu, X.-C., Wang, P., Li, G.-Y., Zhang, S.-Y., Wu, H.-W.,Jiang, Z.-Y., Cui, B.-L., Liu, L., 2016. Evaporation and surface energy budget over the largest high-altitude saline lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121, 10, 470–10, 485..doi:10.1002/2016jd025027

4. Xu, C., Liu, H., Williams,A.P., Yin, Y., Wu, X., 2016. Trends toward an earlier peak of the growing season in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. Global Change Biology 22,2852–2860.. doi:10.1111/gcb.13224

5. Fan, Y., Li, X., Wu, X.,Li, L., Li, W., Huang, Y., 2016. Divergent responses of vegetation above ground net primary productivity to rainfall pulses in the Inner Mongolian Plateau,China. Journal of Arid Environments 129, 1–8..doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.02.002

6. Qi, Z., Liu, H., Wu, X.,Hao, Q., 2015. Climate-driven speedup of alpine treeline forest growth in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China. Global Change Biology 21, 816–826..doi:10.1111/gcb.12703

7. Liu, H., Park Williams, A.,Allen, C.D., Guo, D., Wu, X., Anenkhonov, O.A., Liang, E., Sandanov,D.V., Yin, Y., Qi, Z. and Badmaeva, N.K. (2013), Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia. Glob Change Biol, 19:2500-2510.

8. Wu, X.*, Liu, H., Wang, Y., Deng, M., 2013. Prolonged limitation of tree growth due to warmer spring in semi-arid mountain forests of Tianshan,northwest China. Environmental Research Letters 8, 024016..doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024016

9. Wu, X., Liu, H., 2013. Consistent shifts in spring vegetation green-update across temperate biomes in China, 1982-2006. Global Change Biology 19,870–880.. doi:10.1111/gcb.12086

10. Wu, X.*, Liu, H., Guo, D., Anenkhonov, O.A., Badmaeva, N.K., Sandanov,D.V., 2012. Growth Decline Linked to Warming-Induced Water Limitation in Hemi-Boreal Forests. PLOS ONE 7, e42619.. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042619

11. Wu, X.*, Liu, H., Ren, J., He, S., Zhang, Y., 2009. Water-dominated vegetation activity across biomes in mid-latitudinal eastern China. Geophysical Research Letters 36.. doi:10.1029/2008gl036940


