



来自 中图网的图片

女权主义理论与文学实践,是2006年外语教学与研究出版社出版的图书,作者是马德森。本书是一部阐释与应用女权主义理论各主要流派的作品,其内容包括对女权运动史、女权主义流派和女权主义文本的介绍,并通过女权主义理论对于美国女性文学经典文本的解读,从不同侧面探讨了文学理论与文学实践的内在关系与协和作用。 [1]



书名 女权主义理论与文学实践

作者 马德森

出版社 外语教学与研究出版社

出版时间 2006年9月1日

定价 29.9 元

ISBN 10位[7560059678] 13位[9787560059679]



图书目录 Preface

Introduction:Feminism in America

1 Gender and Rhetoric:Liberal Feminism and Mary Rowlandson

Survey of Liberal Feminist Theory:Elizabeth Cady Stanton,Charlotte Perkins Gilman,Betty Friedan

Liberal Feminism in Praxis:Mary Rowlandson's The Sovereignty and Goodness of God

References and Selected Further Reading

2 Gender and Work:Marxist Feminism and Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Survey of Marxist Feminist Theory:Emma Goldman,Michele Barrett.Lillian Robinson

Marxist Feminism in Praxis:Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper'and Selected Stories

References and Selected Further Reading

3 Gender and Consciousness:Psychoanalytic Feminism and Kate Chopin

Survey of PsVchoanalVtic Feminist Theory:Carol Gilligan,Jane Flax,Jane Gallop

PsVchoanalVtic Feminism in Praxis:Kate Chopin's TheAwakening

References and Selected Further Reading

4 Gender and Nature: Ecofeminism and Willa Cather

Survey of Ecofeminist Theory: Carol Bigwood,Carolyn Merchant, Carol Adams

Ecofeminism in Praxis: Willa Cather's Plains Fiction

References and Selected Further Reading

5 Gender and Sexuality: Radical Feminism and Adrienne Rich

Survey of Radical Feminist Theory: Shulamith Firestone, Andrea Dworkin, Mary Daly, Audre Lorde

Radical Feminism in Praxis: Adrienne Rich's Poetry

References and Selected Further Reading

6 Gender and Class: Socialist Feminism and Ann Beattie

Survey of Socialist Feminist Theory: Juliet Mitchell, Sheila Rowbotham, Zillah Eisenstein

Socialist Feminism in Praxis: Ann Beattie's Secrets and Surprises

References and Selected Further Reading

7 Gender and Race: Feminism of Colour and Alice Walker, Denise Chavez, Leslie Marmon

Silko, Maxine Hong Kingston

Survey of Feminism of Colour: Angela Davis, bell hooks, Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldfia

Third-World Feminism in Praxis: Alice Walker'sThe Color Purple, Denise Chavez's The Last of the Menu Girls, Leslie Marmon Silko's Storyteller, Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior

References and Selected Further Reading

