


孫艷,女,北京大學中國藥物依賴性研究所副研究員 ,博士生導師。



擔任中國毒理學會藥物依賴性專業委員會青委會主任委員、北京慢性病防治與健康教育研究會雙心康復專業委員會專家委員等。先後主持科技部國家重點研發項目課題、科技部科技創新2030—重大項目青年科學家項目、國自然面上項目等10餘項科研項目。近年來在Molecular Psychiatry、Biological Psychiatry、Clinical and Translational Medicine、Addiction等業內領先雜誌發表研究論文40餘篇,主導建立了多種成癮的大樣本多維度生物信息數據庫及隨訪隊列,獲批國內發明專利3項。


1. 成癮及相關精神疾病群體生物學機制(遺傳環境交互作用機制)及隊列研究;

2. 行為成癮(網絡成癮、遊戲成癮)的發病機制及干預方法;

3. 睡眠與情緒障礙的腦機制及閉環調控干預;

4. 青少年精神健康相關的生物標誌物整合研究。



1. Sun Y#, Jia TY#, Barker ED , Chen D, Zhang Z, Xu JY, Chang SH, Zhou GD, Liu Y, Tay N, Luo Q, Chang X, Banaschewski T, Bokde A, Flor H, Grigis A, Garavan H, Heinz A, Martinot JL, Paillère Martinot ML, Artiges E, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Poustka L, Hohmann S, Millenet S, Fröhner JH, Smolka MN, Walter H, Whelan R, Lu L, Shi J, Schumann G*, Desrivieres S*. Associations of DNA methylation with behavioral problems, grey matter volumes and negative life events across adolescence: Evidence from the longitudinal IMAGEN study. Biological Psychiatry. 2022 Accepted.

2. Chang XW#, Sun Y#, Muhai JN, Li YY, Chen Y, Lu L, Chang SH*, Shi J*. Common and distinguishing genetic factors for substance use behavior and disorder: an integrated analysis of genomic and transcriptomic studies from both human and animal studies. Addiction . 2022 May 2. doi: 10.1111/add.15908.

3. Chang SH#, Sun Y#, Wang F, Chang XW, Zhang YJ, Jia TY, Sun HQ, Yue WH, Wu P, Lu L*, Shi J*. Genome-wide association meta-analyses identify novel genetic risk loci and polygenic phenotype associations for heroin, methamphetamine, and alcohol dependences. Clinical and Translational Medicine . 2022, 12(1):e659.

4. Meng SQ#, Cheng JL#, Li YY#, Yang XQ, Zheng JW, Chang XW, Shi Y, Chen Y, Lu L, Sun Y*, Bao YP*, Shi J*. Global Prevalence of Digital Addiction in General Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Psychology Review . 2022, 92:102128.

5. Sun Y#, Chang SH#, Liu Z, Zhang LB, Wang F, Yue WH, Sun HQ, Ni ZJ, Chang XW, Zhang YB, Chen Y, Liu JQ, Lu L, Shi J*. Identification of novel risk loci with shared effects on alcoholism, heroin and methamphetamine dependence. Molecular Psychiatry . 2021,26(4):1152-1161.

6. Li YY#, Sun Y#, Meng SQ, Bao YP, Cheng JL, Chang XW, Ran MS, Sun YK, Kosten T, Strang J, Lu L*, Shi J*.Internet Addiction Increases in the General Population During COVID‐19: Evidence From China. American Journal on Addiction . 2021, 30(4):389-397.

7. Sun Y, Li YY, Bao YP, Meng SQ, Sun YK, Schumann G, Kosten T, Strang J, Lin Lu L*, Shi J*. Increased addictive Internet and substance use behaviour during the COVID19 pandemic in China. American Journal of Addiction . 2020, 29(4):268-270.

8. Sun Y#, Chang SH#, Wang F, Sun HQ, Ni ZJ, Yue WH, Zhou H, Gelernter J, Malison RT, Kalayasiri R, Wu P, Lu L*, Shi J*. Genome-wide association study of alcohol dependence in male Han Chinese and cross-ethnic polygenic risk score comparison. Translational Psychiatry . 2019, 9: 249.

9. Zhang Y#, Sun Y#, Yu ZL, Sun YK, Chang XW, Lu L, Chang SH*, Shi J*, Risk factors and an early prediction model for persistent methamphetamine-related psychiatric symptoms. Addiction Biology . 2019 doi: 10.1111/adb.12709.

10. Sun Y#, Zhang Y#, Zhang D, Chang SH, Jing RX, Yue WH, Lu L, Chen D, Sun YK, Fan Y*,Shi J*, GABRA2 rs279858-linked variants are associated with disrupted structural connectome of reward circuits in heroin abusers. Translational Psychiatry . 2018, 8(1):138.

11. Chang XW#, Sun Y#, Zhang Y, Muhai JN, Lu L, Shi J*, A review of risk factors for methamphetamine-related psychiatric symptoms. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2018 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00603.[1]
