安·E·鄧伍迪(Ann Elizabeth Dunwoody,1953年1月14日-)[3][4] 是一位前美國陸軍女性四星上將,於2012年8月7日正式退役。2008年6月17日至2008年11月13日擔任美國陸軍裝備司令部副司令官。2008年7月23日升任司令[5]。2008年11月14日,她成為首位美國女性四星上將[6]。
![]() Ann Elizabeth Dunwoody [1] | |
出生 |
New York[1] | 1953年1月14日
效命 | 美國 |
軍種 | 美國陸軍 |
服役年份 | 1975 – 2012[2] |
軍銜 | 上將 |
部隊 | 美國陸軍裝備司令部司令 |
統率 |
美國陸軍裝備司令部 Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Military Traffic Management Command |
參與戰爭 | 海灣戰爭 |
獲得勳章 |
Distinguished Service Medal (2) Defense Superior Service Medal Legion of Merit (3) |
1953年[7] 她生於維吉尼亞州的Fort Belvoir[8] 的一個軍人家庭,母親與父親是Elizabeth (2006年逝世,81歲)與 Harold Dunwoody (1918年出生,現在89歲)。父親是一位軍官,她小時候家人居住在德國和比利時。
- 1975年,獲得紐約州立大學Cortland分校 物理教育學士
- 1976年,美國陸軍軍需部隊(Quartermaster Corps)軍官基礎課程與基礎空降學院(Basic Course and Basic Airborne School)
- Quartermaster Officers Advanced Course
- 美國陸軍指揮參謀學院(Command and General Staff College)
- 1988年,獲得佛羅里達理工學院後勤管理研究生學位
- 1995年,獲得美國三軍工業學院(Industrial College of the Armed Forces)國家資源戰略(National Resource Strategy)研究生學位
- United States Army Jumpmaster Course graduate.
Distinguished Service Medal (Army) (with one bronze oak leaf cluster) |
Defense Superior Service Medal |
Legion of Merit (with two bronze oak leaf clusters) |
Defense Meritorious Service Medal (with one silver oak leaf cluster) |
Army Commendation Medal |
Army Achievement Medal |
國防部服役獎章 (with one service star) |
Southwest Asia Service Medal (with two service stars) |
Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia) |
Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait) |
Master Parachutist Badge (United States) |
Parachute Rigger Badge |
Army Staff Identification Badge |
Parachutist Badge (Germany) |
- 1998 Recipient of the Military Distinguished Order of Saint Martin (Army Quartermaster Corps).
- 2001 Distinguished Alumna for Cortland State SUNY.
- 2002 Inducted as a Distinguished Member of the Quartermaster Regiment.
- 2004 Recipient of the National Defense Transportation Association’s DoD Distinguished Service Award.
- 2007 Recipient of Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) Distinguished Service Award.
- 2008 First female four-star general in the United States Armed Services.
- 2012 Inducted into the Quartermaster Hall of Fame
- 2012 Recipient Ancient Order of Saint Martin (Army Quartermaster Corps)
她的弟弟 Harold H. "Buck" Dunwoody, Jr. 1970年畢業於西點軍校。
她的姐姐 Susan Schoeck 是美國軍隊裡的第三位直升機女飛行員[11]。
她的侄女 Jennifer Schoeck 是美國空軍戰機駕駛員[11]。
她丈夫是空軍上校 Craig Brotchie (已退役)。
- ↑ Patridge, Kenneth J. "Dunwoody, Ann E." Current Biography Yearbook. Ed. Clifford Thompson. 69th Annual Cumulation – 2008th ed. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 2008. 111-14 Print. ISSN no. (0084-9499)
- ↑ http://www.army.mil/article/85606/First_female_four_star_general_retires_from_Army/
- ↑ http://www.publicbackgroundchecks.com/SearchResponse.aspx?view=NM&fn=ann&mn=elizabeth&ln=dunwoody&city=&state=&zip=&dob=19530114&age=
- ↑ http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~battle/celeb/dunwoody.htm
- ↑ Nominations Confirmed (Non-Civilian). United States Senate. October 2, 2008.
- ↑ Tyson, Ann Scott. Army Promotes Its First Female Four-Star General. Washington Post. November 15, 2008 [November 15, 2008]. Prior to Dunwoody's promotion to general (O-10), the highest-ranking woman in the history of the uniformed services was Patricia Ann Tracey, who, as a vice admiral in the United States Navy, wore three stars and retired in 2004; United States Marine Corps lieutenant general Carol Mutter received promotion in the same year (1996) as Tracey but retired earlier (in 1999).
- ↑ Ann E. Dunwoody. Marquis Who's Who. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-23).
- ↑ Yousseff, Nancy A. Ann Dunwoody becomes first female four-star general. McClatchy Newspapers. November 14, 2008 [November 14, 2008].
- ↑ AMC Public Affairs. Lt. Gen. Ann E. Dunwoody, U.S. Army Materiel Command deputy commanding general. United States Army. June 30, 2008.
- ↑ Gates, Robert M. Speech delivered at the Promotion Ceremony for Lieutenant General Ann Dunwoody. Pentagon Auditorium, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Defense. November 14, 2008 [November 22, 2008]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-11).
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Swarns, Rachel L. A step up for women in the U.S. military. International Herald Tribune. June 30, 2008 [November 22, 2008].
- Dunwoody confirmed as first female four-star. United States Army. Army News Service. July 24, 2008.
- U.S. Army Public Affairs. Senate Confirms Dunwoody July 23 for 4th Star (新聞稿). United States Army. July 23, 2008.
- Kruzel, John J. President Nominates Woman Army General for Fourth Star. U.S. Department of Defense. American Forces Press Service. June 23, 2008.
- First female four-star U.S. Army general nominated. CNN. June 23, 2008.
- Swarns, Rachel L. Commanding a Role for Women in the Military. New York Times. June 30, 2008.
- White, Josh. Army General's Nomination Called Historic. Washington Post. June 24, 2008: A02.
- Burns, Robert. Dunwoody to Become First Female Four Star General. Huffington Post. June 23, 2008.
- Dunwoody, LtGen. Ann E. Quote. United States Army. August 25, 2008.
- Smith, Steven J. Dad proud of daughter in line to be 4-star. Army Times. July 21, 2008.
- Joyner, James. Ann Dunwoody Tapped for Third Star. Outside the Beltway. August 25, 2005.
- Complete text, audio, video of Ann Dunwoody's Speech at the 4-Star Promotion Ceremony at AmericanRhetoric.com
- First female four-star general (photo set) (Photo stream from army.mil). Flickr.com.
- Women in the U.S. Army. United States Army.
- U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) website. United States Army. [November 15, 2008]. (原始內容存檔於2008-11-12).