2022.1- 今
2018.7 - 2022.1
北京師範大學 經濟與資源管理研究院 講師 2016.7 -2018.7
2012.9 - 2016.7
2009.9 - 2012.7
2005.9 - 2009.7 北京理工大學 經濟學學士(經濟學) 導師:李常青副教授
1.「Economic Impacts of Commercializing Insect-resistant GM Maize in China」論文獲得「Emerald Publishing Limited 2018 Highly Commended Award」。
2.「The prospects of China’s food security and imports: Will China starve the world via its imports」論文入選「領跑者5000-中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文」。
3.「Economic Impacts of Commercializing Insect-resistant GM Maize in China」論文獲得China Agricultural Economic Review期刊高被引論文獎(2020)。
4. 2018年度河南省社會科學優秀成果三等獎。
5. 2020年Journal of Integrative Agriculture期刊優秀審稿人。
1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目,71903014,氣候變化對中國不同區域農產品市場影響與對策研究,2020/1-2022/12, 14萬,在研,項目主持人。
2. 北京師範大學青年教師基金項目,2018NTSS14,水-能源-土地Nexus與城市產業發展:基於北京動態多部門CGE模型的研究,2018/10-2020/9,在研,項目主持人。負責模型北京城市動態CGE模型的開發。
3. 北京自然科學基金面上項目,9222016,碳中和路徑下北京能源政策優化及其經濟影響研究-基於動態可計算一般均衡模型,2022/1-2024/12,20萬,在研,項目主持人。 4. 科技部國家重點研發計劃項目,2016YFA0602503,全球CO2非均勻動態分布狀況下主要國家碳排放空間評價研究,2016/7-2021/6,29萬元, 結題, 課題骨幹。
5. 北京師範大學新型冠狀病毒防治科研攻關項目,新型冠狀病毒疫情的經濟影響與防治收益的綜合評估研究—基於中國多部門可計算一般均衡模型,2020/5-2020/12,5萬元,結題,主持人。
6. 北京師範大學中國教育與社會發展研究院A類委託課題,由新冠肺炎疫情引發的推進我國物流交通運輸治理現代化的思考,2020/6-2020/12, 5萬元,結題,主持人。
7. 博士後基金面上項目,2017M610710,我國食物消費驅動因素及其對國家食物安全的影響, 2017/6-2018/7, 結題, 項目主持人。負責食物消費驅動力研究,構建基於CGE模型的國家食物安全預測模型系統。
1. Mingxi Du, Qiuyu Liu, Graham K. MacDonald, Yawen Liu, Jintai Lin, Qi Cui, Kuishuang Feng, Bin Chen, Jamiu Adetayo Adeniran, Lingyu Yang, Xinbei Li, Kaiyu Lyu, Yu Liu. 2022. Examining the sensitivity of global CO2 emissions to trade restrictions over multiple years. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.2c00127. SCI Q1.
2. Qi Cui, Tariq Ali, Wei Xie, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang. 2022. The uncertainty of climate change impacts on China’s agricultural economy based on an integrated assessment approach. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, doi.org/10.1007/s11027-022-09999-0. SCI Q2. (第一作者)
3. Qi Zhang, Xinxin Zhang, Qi Cui*, Weining Cao, Ling He, Yexin Zhou, Xiaofan Li, Yunpeng Fan. 2022. The Unequal Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Labour Market and Income Inequality in China: A Multisectoral CGE Model Analysis Coupled with a Micro-Simulation Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, 1320. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031320. SSCI Q1. (通訊作者)
4. Yexin Zhou, Siwei Chen, Tianyu Wang, Qi Cui. 2022. Does education affect consumers』 attitudes toward genetically modified foods? Evidence from China’s two rounds of education reforms. China Agricultural Economic Review, doi.org/10.1108/CAER-01-2021-0024. SSCI Q2.
5. Yawen Liu, Lingyu Yang, Jinzhu Zhang, Qi Cui, Yu Liu*, Fengying Nie, Yumeng Hu. 2022. Aggravating effects of food export restrictions under climate change on food security: An analysis of rice economy based on alternative indicators. Climate Change Economics, doi.org/10.1142/S2010007822400061. SSCI Q3.
6. Yanting Zheng, Huidan Yang, Jinyuan Huang, Qi Cui*, Jinyan Zhan. 2022. Industrial agglomeration measured by plants』 distance and CO2 emissions: Evidence from 268 Chinese prefecture-level cities. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 176, 121469. SSCI Q1. (通訊作者)
7. Yexin Zhou, Jinghan Li, Wei Wei, Qi Cui*, Ling He. 2021. The Analysis on the Economy-wide Rebound Effect of Water Efficiency Improvement in China Based on a Multi-sectoral Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Water, 13(21), 2963. SCI Q1. (通訊作者)
8. Yawen Liu, Qi Cui, Yu Liu*, Jinzhu Zhang, Meifang Zhou, Tariq Ali, Lingyu Yang, Kuishuang Feng, Klaus Hubacek, Xinbei Li. 2021. Countermeasures against Economic Crisis from COVID-19 Pandemic in China: An Analysis of Effectiveness and Trade-offs. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59, 482-495. SSCI Q1. (共同第一作者)
9. Wei, W., Cui, Q., Cui, H. 2021. How Political Conflicts Threaten Energy Security and Economic Growth in Asia: A Study on the Sanctions Imposed on Iran. Energy & Environment.
10. Cui, Q., Yuan, B., Zhou, Y., Chen, H., & Hu, Y. (2021). Will Bad Air Quality Affect the Siting of Foreign-invested Manufacturing Enterprises? The Evidence from China. Applied Economics, 53(45), 5221-5241. SSCI. (第一作者)
11. Cui, Q., He, L., Liu, Y., Zheng, Y., Wei, W., Yang, B., & Zhou, M. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on China’s transport sectors based on the CGE model coupled with a decomposition analysis approach. Transport Policy, 103, 103-115. SSCI Q1. (第一作者) ESI前1%高被引論文.
12. Nadeem, A.M., Ali, T., Wei, W., Cui, Q., & Huang, S. (2021). Farmers』 rational decisions to improve water infrastructure enhance their subjective well-being. Water, 13(4), 505, 1-17. SCI Q1.
13. Cui, Q., Liu, Y., Ali, T., Gao, J., & Chen, H. (2020). Economic and climate impacts of reducing China’s renewable electricity curtailment: A comparison between CGE models with alternative nesting structures of electricity. Energy Economics, 91, 104892. SSCI Q1. (第一作者)
14. Xie, W., Huang, J., Wang, J., Cui, Q.*, Robertson, R., & Chen, K. (2020). Climate change impacts on China’s agriculture: The responses from market and trade. China Economic Review, 62, 101256. SSCI Q1. (通訊作者)
15. Cui, Q., He, L., Han, G., Chen, H., & Cao, J. (2020). Review on climate and water resource implications of reducing renewable power curtailment in China: A nexus perspective. Applied Energy, 267, 115114. SCI Q1. (第一作者)
16. Hao Chen, Bo Yuan & Qi Cui* (2020): Does the pilot free trade zone policy attract the entering of foreign-invested enterprises? The evidence from China, Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2020.1803482. SSCI. (通訊作者)
17. Yongtao Li, Bo Yang & Qi Cui*. (2019). The effects of high-speed rail on air passenger transport in China, Applied Economics Letters, 26(9),745-749. SSCI. (通訊作者)
18. Xie, W., Cui, Q., & Ali, T. (2019). Role of market agents in mitigating the climate change effects on food economy. Natural Hazards, 99(3), 1215–1231. SCI
[19. Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Cui, Q., Yang, L., Hu, X., … Yang, S. (2019). Impacts of climate change on self-sufficiency of rice in China: A CGE-model-based evidence with alternative regional feedback mechanisms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 150–161. SCI Q1.
20. Wei Xie, Wei Xiong, Jie Pan, Tariq Ali, Qi Cui, Dabo Guan, Jing Meng, Nathaniel D. Mueller, Erda Lin & Steven J. Davis. 2018. Decreases in global beer supply due to extreme drought and heat. Nature Plants, 4.11: 964-973. 國際權威Nature子刊. ESI前1%高被引論文。
21. Cui, Qi, Wei Xie, Yu Liu. 2018. Effects of sea level rise on economic development and regional disparity in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176, 1245-1253. SCI Q1. (第一作者).
22. Cui, Qi, Jikun Huang. 2017. Food Expenditure Responses to Income/Expenditure Shocks in Rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 9(1): 2-13. SSCI. (第一作者)
23. Xie Wei, Tariq Ali, Qi Cui, Jikun Huang, 2017. Economic Impacts of Commercializing Insect-resistant GM Maize in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 9(3), 340-354. SSCI.
24. Huang Jikun, Wei Wei, Qi Cui, Wei Xie, 2017. The prospects of China’s food security and imports: Will China starve the world via its imports? Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16(12), 2933-2944. SCI.
1. 鄭聯盛, 范雲朋, 胡濱, & 崔琦. 2021 公共衛生危機對就業和工資的總量與結構影響. 財貿經濟, 4, 115-129. CSSCI.
2. 周梅芳, 劉宇, 張金珠, & 崔琦. 2020. 新冠肺炎疫情的宏觀經濟效應及其應對政策有效性研究. 數量經濟技術經濟研究, (8), 24-41. CSSCI.
3. 崔琦, 賀玲, 彭橋, 陳浩. 基於CGE 模型的京津冀地區差異化水價政策分析. 經濟與管理, 5, 11-19. CSSCI擴展版.
4. 崔琦, 張江雪, 魏瑋, 賀玲. 2019. 限制固體廢棄物進口的環境與經濟效應. 環境經濟研究, 4(01):77-91.
5. 賀玲, 崔琦, 陳浩等. 2019. 基於CGE模型的中國煤炭產能政策優化. 資源科學, 41(6): 1024-1034. CSSCI.
6. 解偉,魏瑋,崔琦. 2019. 氣候變化對中國主要糧食作物單產的影響——基於文獻計量Meta的分析.中國人口·資源與環境, 29(1), 79-85. CSSCI.
7. 魏瑋,文長存,崔琦,解偉. 2018. 農業技術進步對農業能源使用與碳排放的影響--基於GTAP-E模型分析. 農業技術經濟, 2, 30-40. CSSCI.
8. 崔琦,楊軍,董琬璐. 中國碳排放量估計結果及差異影響因素分析. 中國人口·資源與環境,2015, 26(2): 40-46. CSSCI.[1]