





書 名:廣東概況

作 者:金惠康著

出 版 社:廣東省地圖出版社



版 次:2

頁 數:241

裝 幀:平裝

所屬分類:圖書 > 旅遊 > 國內游


In the first decade of the new millennium and after China's painstaking entryinto the WTO, Guangdong is going through a period of great changes socially,culturally, psychologically as well as economically. It is just at the threshold ofindustrialization, busy with economic restructuring and industry upgrading, such asspeeding up the restructuring of traditional industries, promotion of hi-techrenovation, accumulating new experiences on the way to socialism with Chir]esecharacteristics, maintaining sustainable development, e-life, e-government andeconomic globalization. Joined by Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and MacaoSARs, and eight other inland provinces, a super PPRD (The Pan-Pearl River Delta)regional economic cooperation is in shape, which will surely push forward thedevelopment of Guangdong and its neighboring provinces strongly. Guangdong, asa gateway to South China, has become a huge productive base as well as an exportpowerhouse in China. With those advantages, Guangdong will lead the way to awell-off society in China and to gear into the international society heart and soul.

Comparing with the past social changes and development similar elsewhere inhistory, Guangdong's economic achievements are a miracle. According to Fortune,an American financial magazine, it took Great Britain most of the 19 century tomultiply per capita income 2.5 times, America's income increased 3.5 times in 60years from 1830 to 1890, Japan's 6 times from 1950 to 1975. China is the fastest ofall. Since emerging from 1950 to 1975, China's incomes have risen sevenfold andGuangdong takes the lead in China, increasing by about 100 times since 1978, twoyears later after Mao passed away. Guangdong has had an average annual increaseof about 13% from 1978 to 2005, rising from 18.6 billion (1978) to 96.6223 billion(2000), then to over 1 000 billion (2001), reaching 1 886.62 billion yuan in 2004and over 2 170.1 billion in 2005. Guangdong's economic recourses have taken up11% of the national total economic property.~[1]


  1. 廣東省基本概況豆丁網,2020-05-14