感興趣的問題是基因組中信號的識別及其功能注釋,具體設涉及的信號有:可變剪切信號、物種間保守信號和遺傳變異信號; 所涉及的數據有基因組、轉錄組、表觀遺傳組和變異組上。具體研究內容:
Sun, Y., Zhang, Q., Liu, B., Lin, K., Zhang, Z., and Pang, E.*, CuAS: a database of annotated transcripts generated by alternative splicing in cucumbers. BMC Plant Biol, 2020. 20(1): 119.
Lai, Y.T., Yeung, C.K.L., Omland, K.E., Pang, E.L., Hao, Y., Liao, B.Y., Cao, H.F., Zhang, B.W., Yeh, C.F., Hung, C.M., Hung, H.Y., Yang, M.Y., Liang, W., Hsu, Y.C., Yao, C.T., Dong, L., Lin, K., and Li, S.H., Standing genetic variation as the predominant source for adaptation of a songbird. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2019. 116(6): 2152-2157.
Sun, Y., Hou, H., Song, H., Lin, K., Zhang, Z., Hu, J., and Pang, E.*, The comparison of alternative splicing among the multiple tissues in cucumber. BMC Plant Biol, 2018. 18(1): 5.
Song, H., Lin, K., Hu, J., and Pang, E.*, An Updated Functional Annotation of Protein-Coding Genes in the Cucumber Genome. Front Plant Sci, 2018. 9: 325.
Pang, E.*, Hao, Y., Sun, Y., and Lin, K., Differential variation patterns between hubs and bottlenecks in human protein-protein interaction networks. BMC Evol Biol, 2016. 16(1): 260.[1]