異子蓬 |
中文學名:異子蓬 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:木蘭綱 目:石竹目 科:藜科 屬名:異子蓬屬Borszczowia 科名:藜科 Chenopodiaceae |
異子蓬,學名 Borszczowia aralocaspica Bge.,一年生草本,莖高20-50厘米,基部木質化;枝斜升,圓柱狀,微有棱。葉灰綠色,先端鈍或急尖。雌雄花混生於團傘花序中;雄花花被稍肉質;雌花花被透明膜質,果時隨子房一起增大,包圍果實。胞果呈漿果狀。[1]
每年9月底10月初,當你進入準噶爾盆地,會在鹽鹼地或者沙丘間的低地看到果實狀如葡萄的一種植物,這種植物就是藜科(Chenopodiaceae)異子蓬屬(Borszczowia)的異子蓬(Borszczowia aralocaspica)。
葉灰綠色,長1-3厘米,寬2-3毫米,先端鈍或急尖,基部漸狹,斜伸,直或稍彎曲。雌雄花混生於團傘花序中;雄花花被稍肉質,裂片三角形,先端略呈兜狀,開展,具3條在先端匯合的脈,花絲絲狀,多彎曲,花葯長0.6-0.7毫米; 雌花花被透明膜質,果時隨子房一起增大,包圍果實,柱頭2-3,黑褐色,花柱不明顯。
選擇能產生異型果實和種子的一年生鹽生植物異子蓬(Suaeda aralocaspica)為研究對象, 研究其生殖分配和結實格局。結果表明, 異子蓬具有較高的生殖分配和規律性的「謹慎型」結實格局。異子蓬的生殖分配高達56%。在資源充裕時, 該植物對扁圓形棕色種子(採取機會主義的萌發策略)的投資多於雙凸鏡形黑色種子(採取謹慎的萌發策略)的投資。異子蓬的花序類型為二歧聚傘花序, 單個果序含果實(種子)的數目為1–15個, 最多可分為4級。果序內果實的分布具有一定的規律: 第一級1個果實, 第二級2個, 第三級4個, 第四級8個。異子蓬優先將資源供給黑色種子的果實, 利用不同類型種子的發育順序, 首先保證黑色種子的產出。具有較高的生殖分配和採取「謹慎」的生殖策略是異子蓬與其所處鹽漠環境長期適應的結果。
Aims Suaeda aralocaspica is an annual halophyte native to the inland salt desert of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China. It produces two clearly defined types of fruits and seeds on the same plant. Our objective was to investigate reproductive allocation and fruit-set pattern of this species. Methods We randomly selected 11 plants of S. aralocaspica in a population and measured the canopy diameter, shoot length, and root length and biomass allocation. We randomly selected 30 primal branches, 30 secondary branches and 30 tertiary branches, and then counted the fruit number for different node sites. We also determined the position of each fruit (seed) in the infructescence for three consecutive growing seasons. Important findings Suaeda aralocaspica had high biomass allocation to reproductive organs and a regular fruit-set pattern that is a cautious strategy. The reproductive allocation of biomass in S. aralocaspica plants reached 56%, which is much higher than that of most annual and perennial plants. A greater proportion of biomass was allocated to oblate brown seeds (opportunistic germination strategy) than to elliptical black seeds (cautious germination strategy). The inflorescence (dichasium) may contain from one to fifteen fruits in one to four orders. The first order contains a single fruit, the second order two fruits, the third four and the fourth eight. Suaeda aralocaspica allocated resources first to black-seeded fruits. Thus, S. aralocaspica has high reproductive allocation and a cautious reproductive strategy that is adapted to the salt desert.[2]
- ↑ 異子蓬, 植物智, 2020-01-18
- ↑ 王雷, 董鳴, 黃振英. 種子異型植物異子蓬的生殖分配和結實格局[J. 植物生態學報], 2012, 36(9): 948-955.