支援(英语: support ),汉语词组,拼音:zhī yuán,意思是用人力、物力、财力或其他实际行动去支持和援助。中文名 支援 外文名 support 拼音 zhī yuán 解释 支持,援助 寓意 团结互助 词目 支援 词性 动词 结构 联合式复合词.
1. Considering the losses in the disaster area, our support was an utterly inadequate measure. 比起灾区的损失,我们的支援不过杯水车薪。 2. The former includes funds to support the development of the underdeveloped areas, the new financial aid-the-poor funds, and work-relief funds 财政扶贫资金又包括支援不发达地区发展资金、新增财政扶贫资金、以工代赈资金等。 3. Pledge one's support 发誓支援 4. The working people of Moscow and leningrad already have commenced to form vast popular levies in support of the Red Army 莫斯科和列宁格勒的劳动人民已经着手组成庞大的民众部队来支援红军。 5. The emergency services stand (ie are) ready to help if necessary [1] 紧急救难处随时可以支援 .