木壘黃耆 |
中文學名:木壘黃耆 拉丁學名:Astragalus nicolai Boriss.) 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 亞 綱:原始花被亞綱 目:薔薇目 亞 目:薔薇亞目 科:豆科 亞 科:蝶形花亞科 族:山羊豆族黃耆亞族 屬:黃耆屬 亞 屬:華黃耆亞屬 組:毛被組 |
木壘黃耆(mù lěi huáng qí,學名:Astragalus nicolai Boriss.)為豆科黃芪屬的植物,為中國的特有植物。分布在中國大陸的新疆等地,生長於海拔1,400米至2,000米的地區,見于山坡上。 [1]
多年生草本,高10-30厘米,密被淡黃色長柔毛。 根稍粗壯,直伸,淡褐色。
花期6月,果期6-7月。 [3]
Astragalus songoricus Gontscharow, Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 7: 152. 1938, not A. son-garicus Pallas (1800), nor A. songaricus K. Koch (1853).
Plants 15-28(-40) cm tall, acaulescent, white hairy. Leaves 15-36 cm; stipules whitish, distinctly longitudinally nerved, (6-)10-20 mm, adnate to petiole for 3-5 mm, lower ones cili-ate, upper ones densely hairy; petiole 4-10 cm, like rachis densely covered with spreading very unequal hairs 0.5-2.5 mm; leaflets in 15-29 pairs, �?elliptic, 8-24 × 5-12 mm, both sur-faces densely appressed hairy, apex obtuse to subacute. Ra-cemes loosely 2-7-flowered; peduncle 1-7 cm, spreading hairy; bracts 8-20 mm, hairy. Calyx 13-21 mm, ± densely long spreading hairy; teeth unequal, 4-9 mm. Petals yellow, hairy; standard elliptic to obovate, 23-28 mm, apex emarginate; wings 19-23 mm; keel 15-18 mm. Legumes sessile, 15-17 mm, 6-10 mm high and 5-7 mm wide, with a curved beak ca. 2 mm, 2-locular; valves leathery, loosely spreading hairy.
Stony slopes. Xinjiang [Kazakhstan].