



















主持人:李培培,重點研發計劃項目課題三「碎片化知識拓撲融合」(No.2016YFB1000903)子課題 (2016.7-2020.12)






[1] 獲得合肥工業大學2019年「課程思政」說課比賽獲三等獎

[2] 獲得2017年度校青年教師講課比賽三等獎

[3] 2009年度安徽省優秀碩士論文.



[1] Peng Zhou, Peipei Li, Shu Zhao, and X. Wu. FeatureInteraction for Streaming Feature Selection. IEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning

     Systems (TNNLS), in press, 2020.

[2] Xiulin Zheng, Peipei Li*, Zhe Chu, HaixiangZhang, and Xuegang Hu. A Survey on Multi-label Data StreamClassification. IEEE ACCESS, 8: 1249-1275,


[3] Peipei Li*, Lu He, Haiyan Wang, Xuegang Hu, YuhongZhang*, Lei Li, Learning from Short Text Streams with TopicDrifts, IEEE Transactions on

      Cybernetics, 48(9): 2697-2711, Sept.2018.

[4] PeipeiLi*, Haixun Wang, Hongsong Li, Employing Semantic Context forSparse Information Extraction Assessment, ACM Transactions onKnowledge

      Discovery from Data,12(5): 54:1-36, July 2018.

[5] Peng Zhou, Xuegang Hu, Peipei Li*, OnlineFeature Selection for Class Imbalance Data. Knowledge-basedSystems,136: 187-199,2017.

[6] Yuhong Zhang, Guang Chu, Peipei Li*, XuegangHu.Three-layer Concept Drifting Detection in Text Data Streams.Neurocomputing, 260: 393-403,


[7] Peipei Li*, HaixunWang, Kenny Q. Zhu,Zhongyuan Wang,Xuegang Hu, A Large Probabilistic Semantic Network based Approachto Compute Term

      Similarity. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge andData Engineering, 27(10): 2604-2617, 2015.

[8] Peipei Li, , Xuegang Hu, and Hao Wang*. AnIncremental Decision Tree for Mining Multi-label Data. AppliedArtificial Intelligence,29(10):992-1014,


[9] Peipei Li*, Xuegang Hu, and Hao Wang. LearningConcept-Drifting Data Streams with Random Ensemble Decision Trees.NeuroComputing, 166(6):

      68-83, 2015.

[10] PeipeiLi*and Xuegang Hu.Learning from Concept Drifting Data Streams withUnlabeled Data. NeuroComputing, 92(1): 145-155, 2012.

[11] PeipeiLi*and Xuegang Hu. Mining Recurring Concept Drifts with LimitedLabeled Streaming Data. ACM Transactions on Intelligent

      SystemsandTechnology, 3(2): 29:1-32,2012.

[12] PeipeiLi*, Xuegang Hu,Qianhui Liang and Yunjun Gao. A RandomDecision Tree Ensemble for Mining Concept Drifts from Noisy

      DataStreams. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 24(7): 680-710,2010.


[13] PeipeiLi*, Lu He, Xuegang Hu, Yuhong Zhang, Lei Li. Concept based ShortText Stream Classification with Topic Drifting Detection.In: Proceedings of

      International Conference on DataMining (ICDM'16), pp. 1009-1014, 2016. 

[14] XugangHu, Junhong He, Peipei Li*, Drifting Detection andModel Selection based Ensemble Classification for Data Streamswith Unlabeled Data.

      In: Proceedings of ArtificialIntelligence Science and Technology (AIST’16),pp: 83-90, 2017.

[15] PeipeiLi*, Hunxun Wang, Hongsong Li, Assessing Sparse InformationExtraction using Semantic Contexts. In: Proceedings of 22ndACM

      International Conference on Information and KnowledgeManagement (CIKM’13), pp.1709-1714, 2013.

[16] PeipeiLi*, Hunxun Wang, Kenny Q. Zhu, Zhongyuan Wang. Computing TermSimilarity by Large Probabilistic isA Knowledge. In: Proceedings of

      CIKM’13,pp. 1401-1410, 2013.

[17] PeipeiLi*, Qianhui Liang, Xuegang Hu, Yuhong Zhang. Random EnsembleDecision Trees for Concept Drifting Data Streams. In:Proceedingsof

      PAKDD’11, May 24-27, pp. 313-325, Shenzhen China, 2011.

[18] PeipeiLi*and Xuegang Hu. Learning from Concept Drifting Data Streamswith Unlabeled Data. In:Proceedings of AAAI10-SA10, July11-15, pp.

      1945-1946, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2010.

[19] Peipei Li* and Xuegang Hu. Mining Recurring ConceptDrifts with Limited Labeled Streaming Data. In: Proceeding of2nd Asian Conference Machine

      Learning, Nov. 8-10, pp. 251-262,Tokyo, 2010.

[20] PeipeiLi*, Xuegang Hu, Q.-H. Liang, and Y.-J. Gao.Concept DriftingDetection on Noisy Streaming Data in Random Ensemble DecisionTrees.

     In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference onMachine Learning and Data Mining, pp. 236-250, 2009.

[21] PeipeiLi*, Qianhui Liang and Xuegang Hu. Parameter Estimation inSemi-Random Decision Tree Ensembling on Streaming Data.In: Proceedings of

      PAKDD’09,pp. 376-388, 2009.

[22] Qianhui Liang, Peipei Li*, P. C.K. Hung. Clustering WebServices for Automatic Categorization. In: Proceedings ofInternational Conference on Services

      Computing, pp. 380-387, 2009.

[23] PeipeiLi*, Xuegang Hu. Mining Concept-drifting Data Streams withMultiple Semi-random Decision Trees. In: Proceedings of4th International

      Conference on Advanced Data Mining andApplications, pp. 733-740, 2008.


[24] 王海燕, 胡學鋼, 李培培*. 基於向量表示和標籤傳播的半監督短文本數據流分類算法. 模式識別與人工智能,31(7):1-9, 2018.7.

[25] 胡學鋼,王海平,郭丹,李培培*.圖算法求解帶有限長空位和one-off約束的模式匹配問題. 模式識別與人 工智能,29(5):400-409,2016.

[26] 朱群, 張玉紅*, 胡學鋼, 李培培. 一種基於雙層窗口的概念漂移數據流分類算法。自動化學報,37(9): 1077-1084, 2011. (EI檢索號:20114314458584)

[27] 梅燦華, 張玉紅*, 胡學鋼, 李培培. 一種基於最大熵模型的加權歸納遷移學習方法. 計算機研究與發展,48(9): 1722-1728, 2011.

[28] Xuegang Hu, Peipei Li*, Gongqing Wu. ASemi-Random Multiple Decision-Tree Algorithm forMining DataStreams. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 22(5):

      711-724, 2007.

軟著: [1] 李培培、柳佳浩、張子瑞. 基於數據挖掘技術的國內考研信息搜索平台「Re-Searchers」V1.0(登記號為2018SR503271)

[2] 胡學鋼、李培培等. 數據流分類算法實驗工具包軟件 ETDSV1.0(登記號為2010SR062895)


[1] 胡學鋼、李培培*、張玉紅.數據流分類, 清華大學出版社,603千字,ISBN 978-7-302-40599-3, 2016.01.01.


[1] 李培培, 胡學鋼,胡陽. 一種基於深度學習網絡的短文本數據流分類方法,專利申請號201911251229.1,專利申請日:2019年12月09日.

[2] 張玉紅,楊帥,胡學鋼,李培培. 基於雙重自動編碼器的半監督跨領域文本分類方法, 申請號:201910378359.5,專利申請日:2019年5月8日;

[3] 李培培, 胡陽, 胡學鋼. 一種基於word2vec的分布式短文本數據流快速增量分類方法, 專利申請號:CN201910169255.3, 專利申請日:2019年3月06日.

[4] 胡學鋼,王海燕,李培培. 一種基於短文本擴展和概念漂移檢測的短文本數據流分類方法,專利申請號201710994366.9,專利申請日:2017年10月23日. 授權公

      告日:2019年08月06日, 授权公告号:20190723001100%40.

[5] 呂俊偉,胡學鋼,李培培, 邵玉涵, 廖建興. 一種基於RBF神經網絡的煤與瓦斯突出預測方法. 國家發明專利,專利號:ZL201710631202.X,專利申請日:2017年


[6] 李培培, 李磊, 張玉紅, 胡學鋼, 何路等. 一種基於類與特徵分布的多標籤數據流中概念漂移檢測方法, 國家發明專利,專利號:ZL201710151295.6,專利申請

      日 :2017年3月14日, 授权公告日:  2019年06月14日,授权公告号:CN106934035 B.

[7] 李磊,張芳,李培培等. 基於區塊鏈的信譽信息的防篡改方法.國家發明專利,專利號:ZL201710020031.7,專利申請日:2017年01月11日,授權公告日:2020


[8] 胡學鋼, 王博岩, 李培培. 自適應多標籤預測方法. 國家發明專利,專利號:ZL201510501816.7,專利申請日:2015年08月14日,授權公告日:2018年05月18日.[1]
