- 2017.08-2018.08:美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,结构工程,联合培养博士
- 2015.09-2019.06:重庆大学,结构工程,博士
- 2013.09-2015.06:长安大学,结构工程,硕士
- 2009.09-2013.06:长安大学,土木工程,学士
- 大跨度薄膜结构随机振动及可靠度评估
- 海上风电结构风振响应及控制
- 智能建造与设计
- 全国大学生结构设计信息技术大赛指导老师三等奖,2022年,中国土木工程学会
- 全国大学生结构设计信息技术大赛指导老师一等奖,2021年,中国土木工程学会
- 福州大学土木工程学院第十五届 “最佳一节课”教学三等奖,2021年,福州大学
- 福州大学土木工程学院第十四届 “最佳一节课”教学三等奖,2020年,福州大学
- 国家博士研究生奖学金,2018年,教育部
- 国家公派留学奖学金,2017年,国家留学基金委
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目,台风作用下薄膜结构的流固耦合振动机理研究, 2022/01-2024/12,主持,在研
- 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,建筑薄膜结构在台风作用下的随机振动研究,2020/11-2023/11,主持,在研
- 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,台风作用下的建筑薄膜结构动力可靠度研究,2019/12-2022/05,主持,结题
- 福建省高校应用技术工程中心开放课题,剑麻纤维农作物废料在延性砌体结构中的研究与应用,2022/09-2023/12,主持,在研
- 福州大学引进人才科研启动项目,平稳激励下建筑薄膜结构的随机振动和动力可靠度研究,2019/09-2021/08,主持,结题
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,圆形和矩形薄膜结构在冲击荷载作用下的动力响应研究,2012/01-2015/12,参与,结题
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,压弯剪扭符合受力下加固RC震损柱二次地震破坏机理研究,2013/01-2017/12,参与,结题
1. 《建筑膜结构检测技术标准》,重庆市住房和城乡建设委员会.
1. Dong Li, Shuangshuang Cui, Jinwen Zhang, Experimental investigation on reinforcing effects of engineered cementitious composites (ECC) on improving progressive collapse performance of planar frame structure. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 347: 128510. (SCI论文,影响因子7.693, Q1区)
2. Dong Li, Zhichao Lai*, Changjiang Liu, Juntao Guo, Xiaoqiang Yang, Minsheng Guan. Random vibration of pretensioned rectangular membrane structures under heavy rainfall excitation. Thin-Walled Structure, 2021, 164: 107856. (SCI论文,影响因子4.442, Q1区)
3. Dong Li, Zhoulian Zheng*, Cao He, Caoyu Liu. Dynamic response of pre-stressed orthotropic circular membrane under impact load. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(17):4010-4022. (SCI论文,影响因子2.865, Q1区)
4. Dong Li, Zhoulian Zheng*, Yuan Tian, Junyi Sun. Stochastic nonlinear vibration and reliability of orthotropic membrane structure under impact load. Thin-Walled Structure, 2017, 119: 247-255.( SCI论文,影响因子3.488, Q1区)
5. Dong Li, Zhoulian Zheng*, Caoyu Liu, Guangxin Zhang. Dynamic response of rectangular prestressed membrane subjected to uniform impact load. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 17: 586-598. (SCI论文,影响因子2.846, Q1区)
6. Dong Li, Zhou Zhang, Chao, Zhang, Zhengyu Zhang, Xiaoqiang Yang*. Aeroelastic experimental investigation of hyperbolic paraboloid membrane structures in normal and typhoon winds. Sustainability, 2022, 14: 12207. (SCI论文,影响因子3.889, Q2区)
7. Dong Li, Zhoulian Zheng, Michael Todd*. Nonlinear vibration of orthotropic rectangular membrane structures including modal coupling. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME. 2018, 85: 061004. (SCI论文,影响因子2.772, Q2区)
8. Dong Li, Zhoulian Zheng*, Rui Yang, Peng Zhang. Analytical solutions for stochastic vibration of orthotropic membrane under random impact load. Materials, 2018, 11: 1231. (SCI论文,影响因子2.972, Q2区)
9. Dong Li, Zhichao Lai*, Ying Wang, Zhoulian Zheng. A non-contact method for estimating the pre-tension of a rectangular membrane structure. Insight-Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring. 2020,62(8): 464-470. (SCI论文,影响因子0.878, Q4区)
10. Weihong Chen, Boxu Lin, Dong Li*, Jinwen Zhang, Shuangshuang Cui, Progressive collapse performance of shear strengthened RC frames by nano CFRP. Nanotechnology Reviews, 2022, 11: 811-823. (SCI论文,影响因子6.739, Q1区)
11. Weihong Chen, Yujun Xie, Xiaohui Guo, Dong Li*. Experimental Investigation of Seismic Performance of a Hybrid Beam–Column Connection in a Precast Concrete Frame. Buildings, 2022, 12: 801. ( SCI论文,影响因子3.324, Q2区)
12. Zhoulian Zheng, Guangxin Zhang, Dong Li*, Changjiang Liu. Dynamic response of rectangular membrane excited by heavy rainfall. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(4): 777-792. (SCI论文,影响因子2.169, Q1区)
13. Zhoulian Zheng, Yuan Tian, Dong Li*, Changjiang Liu. Tearing behavior of membrane coated fabrics based on the DIC method under the effect of initial crack length. Materials testing, 2018, 61(1): 41-48. (SCI论文,影响因子0.573, Q4区)
14. Changjiang Liu, Mengfei Wang, Xiaowei Deng*, Dong Li, Jian Liu, Xing Wang. Impact of saddle membrane structure by hail with combined particle sizes: Numerical simulation and experimental investigation, Engineering Structures, 2022, 264(7): 114477. (SCI论文,影响因子5.582, Q1区)
15. Changjiang Liu, Rongjie Pan, Xiaowei Deng*, Dong Li, Mengjia Zhang, Yuanjun Sun, Weibin Huang. Theoretical and experimental study on nonlinear dynamic response of composite umbrella membrane structure under hail impact. Thin-Walled Structure, 2022, 173: 109039. (SCI论文,影响因子5.881, Q1区)
16. Ying Wang, Hang Li, Zhichao Lai*, Dong Li, Weisheng Zhou, Xiaoqiang Yang. Flexural behavior of high-strength rectangular concrete-filled steel tube members. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 2022, 148(1): 04021230. (SCI论文,影响因子3.858, Q2区)
17. Zhoulian Zheng*, Caoyu Liu, Dong Li. Dynamic response of orthotropic membrane structure under impact based on multiple scale perturbation method. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures,2017, 14(8): 1490-1505. (SCI论文,影响因子1.125, Q3区)
18. 郑周练, 肖杨, 李栋, 田园, 谢骁蒙, 张婷. 基于CT技术的套筒灌浆连接件检测方法研究[J]. 施工技术, 2018, 47(4): 69-74. (北大核心期刊)
1. Dong Li*, Zhoulian Zheng, Michael Todd. Stochastic nonlinear vibration of rectangular membrane structure under impact load,Engineering Mechanics Institution International Conference (EMI-2017), MIT (美国麻省理工学院), Boston, USA
2. Zhoulian Zheng*, Xiaomeng Xie, Dong Li. Reliability analysis on the rectangular orthotropic membrane under concentrated impact load, Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (ICMEA-2017), Wuhan(武汉), China
3. Dong Li*, Zhoulian Zheng. Stochastic vibration characteristics of pretension membranes considering geometrical nonlinearity, Mechanics of Slender Structures (MOSS-2019), Hunan University(湖南大学), Hunan, China
4. 李栋*,赖志超,刘长江. 暴雨荷载下薄膜结构的非高斯特性动力响应研究, 第十二届全国随机振动理论与应用学术会议暨第九届全国随机动力学学术会议,(2020年), 重庆大学, 重庆, 中国
5. Dong Li*. Nonlinear vibration of membrane structure under non-Gaussian excitation, The 8 th International Conferece on Vibration Engineering (ICVE-2021), Shanghai(上海), China
6. 李栋*, 赖志超, 刘长江. 台风风场下薄膜结构的动力响应试验研究, 第二十届全国结构风工程学术会议(2021年), 华南理工大学/同济大学, 广州, 中国
7. 张争玉, 李栋*, 赖志超, 周侠凯. 台风作用下风力发电塔筒结构的风振响应,第六届全国风工程研究生论坛(2021年), 华南理工大学/同济大学, 广州, 中国
8. Dong Li*, Zhengyu Zhang, Xuhui Zhang. Double-track nonlinear energy sink for dynamic response control in wind turbine towers, Proceedings of the 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-2022), National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学), Singapore
9. Dong Li*, Yiteng Lin, Hongwei Huang. Effects of high turbulence intensity on dynamic characteristics of membrane structure in typhoon, Proceedings of the 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-2022), National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学), Singapore
10. Zhichao Lai, Jie Yan, Dong Li*. Axial behavior and design of high-strength rectangular concrete-filled steel tube long columns, Proceedings of the 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC-2022), National University of Singapore(新加坡国立大学), Singapore
11. Dong Li*, Xiakai Zhou, Zhou Zhang. Aerodynamic characteristics of an umbrella-shaped membrane structure in high turbulence flow, Proceedings of the IASS 2022 Symposium, Beijing(北京), China.
1. 李栋; 江浩楠; 赖志超; 张争玉; 周侠凯; 用于海上风机的双环式多功能非线性能量阱, 2022-3-8, 中国, ZL 2021022466825.0
2. 李栋; 江浩楠; 赖志超; 张争玉; 周侠凯; 一种以海上风机为基础综合开发海洋资源的网箱结构, 2022-5-10, 中国, ZL 2021022815044.8
3. 郑周练; 张广欣; 李栋; 刘鹏; 刘曹宇; 田园; 谢骁蒙; 肖杨; 孙俊贻; 何晓婷; 一种测试pp建筑薄膜[[结构模拟暴雨冲击下性能的装置, 2018-12-28, 中国, ZL201610255150.6
4. 郑周练; 张广欣; 李栋; 何晓婷; 孙俊贻; 刘鹏; 刘曹宇; 肖杨; 谢骁蒙; 田园; 一种测试建筑薄膜结构模拟暴雨冲击下性能的方法, 2018-9-11, 中国, ZL201610255718.4[1]