[1].1991.8 -- 1994.12 西安交通大学 机械电子工程 博士研究生毕业 博士学位
[2].1985.8 -- 1988.6 吉林工业大学 工程机械 硕士研究生毕业 硕士学位
[3].1978.10 -- 1982.7 华北水利水电大学 水利水电工程机械 本科 学士学位
[1].1999.9 -- 至今 北京航空航天大学自动化学院机电系 教授,博士生导师 教授
[2].2008.7 -- 2008.11 School of Mechanical Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology Senior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow
[3].1996.10 -- 1999.8 北京航空航天大学自动控制系303教研室 副主任 副教授
[4].2002.12 -- 2005.10 北京航空航天大学工程训练中心 主任 教授
[5].1994.12 -- 1996.10 北京航空航天大学自动控制系303教研室 Postdoctor 博士后
[6].1997.7 -- 1997.8 成功大学航太所 Postdoctor 博士后
[7].1982.7 -- 1991.8 华北水利水电学院机械系工程机械教研室 Assistant Professor and Lectuer 助教,讲师 1982 July-1991 August
[1].2020.1 -- 2023.12 Senior Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
[2].2010.1 -- 2014.12 Technical editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
[3].2011.11 -- 至今 Member of Academic Committee of Road Construction Technology and Machinery Key Laboratory of Ministry of China Education (University of Chang'an)
[4].2014.11 -- 至今 中国工程机械学会(国家一级学会)理事,兼任特大型工程运输车辆分会副主任委员
[5].2007.6 -- 2019.4 中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会委员兼液压专业委员会副主任
[6].2013.6 -- 至今 机床与液压编委
[7].2012.4 -- 2014.3 台北科技大学荣誉教授
[8].2010.1 -- 至今 华北水利水电大学兼职教授
[9].2012.6 -- 至今 郑州新大方国家认定企业技术中心副主任
[1] 运动体机械(飞行器、车辆及工程机械)机电与液压控制
[2] 机载机电系统网络控制与综合管理
[3] 飞行器机电系统综合控制和能量管理
[4] 能源网络和智能机械中的大数据与机器学习
[5] 机电系统非线性动力学与非线性控制
1. Yunhua Li, et al. Yang. Network-Based Coordinated Motion Control of Large-Scale Transportation Vehicles. IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, 2007, 12(2): 208-215, SCI Q1
2. Li Yunhua. Development of Hybrid Control of Electro-hydraulic Torque Load Simulator. ASME Trans. J. Dyn. Syst., Meas., Cntrl, 2002, 124(3): 415-419, SCI
3. Shengtao Fan, Yunhua Li, Xiaqing Li, and Luyan Bi. A Method for the Calculation of Frequency-Dependent Transmission Line Transformation Matrices. IEEE Trans on Power Systems(Impact Factor:1.875), 2009, 24(2): 552-560, SCI Q1
4. Yunhua Li, Hao Lu, Shengli Tian, et al. Posture Control of Electromechanical Actuator-Based Thrust Vector System for Aircraft Engine. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2012, vol.59,no.9,pp3561-3571,SCI Q1,IF5.16
5. Yunhua Li, Chaozhi Cai, and Kok-Meng Lee. A Novel Cascade Temperature Control System for a High-Speed Heat-Airflow Wind Tunnel, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2013, 18(4):1310-1319, SCI Q1, IF 3.13
6. Yunhua Li and Liuyu He. Counterbalancing Speed Control for Hydrostatic Drive Heavy Vehicle Under Longdown-Slope, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, AUGUST 2015, vol.20, issues 4, pp1533-1542, SCI Q1
7. Wei Guo, Yunhua Li, Yun-Ze Li, et al. An integrated hardware-in-the-loop verification approach for dual heat sink systems of aerospace single phase mechanically pumped fluid loop, Applied Thermal Engineering, August 5, 2016, vol.106, Pages 1403–1414, SCI Q1
8. Yunhua Li, Wei Liu, Liman Yang, et al. Development of electro-hydraulic proportion control system of track-laying machinery for high speed railway construction, Mechatronics, 2016, 40(6):167-177,SCI Q1
9. Wei Guo, Yunhua Li, Yun-Ze Li, et. al.. Construction and experimental verification of a novel flexible thermal control system configuration for the autonomous on-orbit services of space missions,Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 138, 15 April 2017, Pages 273-285, SCI Q1
10. Wang, Shengnan; Li, Yunhua; Li, Yun-Ze, et al. Exergy based parametric analysis of a cooling and power co-generation system for the life support system of extravehicular spacesuits, Renewable Energy, v 115, p 1209-1219, January 2018,SCI Q1, IF4.9
11. Shengnan Wang, Yunhua Li, Yun-Ze Li, Jixiang Wang, Xi Xiao, Wei Guo, Conception and experimental investigation of a hybrid temperature control method using phase change material for permanent magnet synchronous motors, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol.81, Feb.2017, Pages 9-20,SCI Q1
12. Gen Li, Yunhua Li, Farzad Roozitalab. Midterm Load Forecasting: A Multistep Approach Based on Phase Space Reconstruction and Support Vector Machine, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, Vol.14, No.4, Dec 2020, pp4967-4977, SCI Q1, IF3.9871.[1]