


來自 網絡 的圖片







國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者






2002年畢業於中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,從師張中傑研究員,獲固體地球物理學專業博士學位; 2004年6月於中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所地質學博士後流動站完成博士後研究,合作導師王清晨研究員、張中傑研究員。


2009年6月-12月到美國地質調查局丹佛中心訪問研究,合作導師Richard J Goldfarb博士。




1 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Guo Chunying, Zhang Jing, Jiang Shaoqing, Gao Bangfei, Gong Qingjie and Wang Qingfei. Ore-forming fluid characteristics of the Dayingezhuang gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China. Resource Geology, 2009, 59 (2): 182-195.

2 Yang Liqiang, Deng J, Zhang J, Guo C, Jiang S, Gao B, Gong Q and Wang Q. Superimposed processes of Gold and Silver mineralization in the Dayingezhuang gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China: Constraint of ore-forming fluid geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2008, 72 (Spec. Supp.): A1056.

3 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Zhang Jing, Guo Chunying, Gao Bangfei, Gong Qingjie, Wang Qingfei, Jiang Shaoqing and Yu Haijun. Decrepitation parameters and compositions of fluid inclusions of the Damoqujia gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China: Implications for metallogenics and exploratory practices. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2008, 19(4): 378-390.

4 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Gong Qingjie, Zhang Jing, Wang Qingfei and Yuan Wanming. Using isotope geochemsity to trace the origin of oreforming materials in the Jiaodong gold province, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71 (Spec. Supp.): A1139.

5 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Ge Liangsheng, Wang Qingfei, Zhang Jing, Gao Bangfei, Jiang Shaoqing and Xu Hao. Metallogenic Age and Genesis of Gold Ore Deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China: A Regional Review. Progress in Nature Sciences, 2007, 17(2): 138-143.

6 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Zhang Jing, Wang Qingfei, Ge Liangsheng, Zhou Yinghua, Guo ChunYing and Jiang Shaoqing. Preliminary studies of Fluid Inclusions in Damoqujia Gold Deposit along Zhaoping Fault Zone, Shandong province, China. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2007, 23(1): 153-160.

7 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Qingfei and Zhou Yinghua. Coupling Effects on Gold Mineralization of Deep and Shallow Structures in the Northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2006, 80(3): 400-411.

8 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Jianguo, Wei Yanguang, Wang Jianping, Wang Qinfei and Lu Ping. Control of deep tectonics on the superlarge deposits in China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2004, 78(2): 358-367.

9 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Zhang Zhongjie, Wang Guangjie and Wang Jianping. Crust-mantle structure and coupling effects on mineralization: an example from Jiaodong Gold Ore Deposits Concentrating Area, China. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2003, 14(1): 42-51.

10 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Qingfei, Gao Bangfei, Wang Li, Guo Chunying. Numerical Modeling of Coupling metallogenic dynamics of Fluid Flow and Thermal Transportation in Jiaodong Gold Ore Cluster Area, China. In: Zhao Pengda, Agterberg Frits and Cheng Qiuming (Eds.). Proceedings of IAMG』07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. Beijing and Wuhan: State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, 2007, 39-43.

11 Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Jianguo, Wang Jianping and Wang Qinfei. Deep-seated Tectonic controls on Superlarge Deposits in China. In: Zhao C S and Guo B J, Editors. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Beijing: China Land Publishing House, 2005, 91-93.

12 Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie and Badal José. Mirror-image coupling between sedimentary depression and the upper mantle uplifting in the Shengli oil/gas region, China: Implications for tectonics and exploratory practice. In: Mao J W and Berlin F P, Editors. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge, Vol. 1. Bierlein: Springer, 2005, 211-214.

13 Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Ge Liangsheng, Wang Qingfei, Zhang Jing, Gao Bangfei, Zhou Yinghua and Jiang Shaoqing. Research Advances in the Mesozoic Tectonic Regimes during the Formation of Jiaodong Ore Cluster Area. Progress in Nature Sciences, 2006, 16(8): 777-784.

14 Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Sun Zhongshi, Wang Jianping, Wang Qingfei, Cheng Xueming and Zhou Yinghua. Neopaleozoic Fluid Systems and Their Ore-forming Effects in the Yuebei Basin, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2005, 79(5): 673-687.

15 Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Sun Zhongshi, Wang Jianping, Wang Qingfei, Xin Hongbo and Li Xinjun. A metallogenic model of gold deposits of the Jiaodong granite-greenstone belt. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2003, 77(4): 537-546.

16 Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Zhai Yusheng, Wang Jianping and Fang Yun. Crust-mantle interaction and dynamics of metallogenic system of Jiaodong gold ore concentrating area, China. Journal of Geosciences of China, 1999, 1(1): 39-46.

17 Deng Jun, Yang Liqing, Chen Xueming, Wang Qingfei and Liu Yan. Fluid system and ore-forming dynamics of Yuebei basin, China. In: Mao J W and Bierlein F P, Editors. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge, Vol. 1. Berlin: Springer, 2005, 107-110.

18 Deng Jun, Gong Qingjie, Yang Liqiang, Wang Qingfei, Zhang Jing, and Yuan Wanming. Experimental determination of pyrite dissolution rate in acidic media at 21° to 61°C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71 (Spec. Supp.): A217.

19 Deng Jun, Wang Qingfei, Yang Liqiang, Gao Bangfei, Huang Dinghua, Liu Yan, Xu Hao and Jiang Shaoqing. Reconstruction of Ore-controlling Structures resulted from the Magma Intrusion during Yanshanian Epoch in Tongling Ore Cluster Area. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(2): 287-296.

20 Deng Jun, Fang Yun, Yang Liqiang, Yang Junchen, Sun Zhongshi, Wang Jianping, Ding Shijiang and Wang Qangfei. Numerical modeling of ore-forming dynamics of fractal dispersive fluid systrms. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2001, 75(2): 220-232.

21 Wang Qingfei, Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Huang Dinghua, Gao Bangfei, Xu Hao and Jiang Shaoqing. Tectonic Constraints on the Transformation of Paleozoic Framework of Uplift and Depression in the Ordos Area. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2006, 80(6): 945-954.

22 Gao Bangfei, Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Guo Chunying. Fractal Characteristics of Particle Size Distributions in Shewushan Lateritic Gold Deposit, Hubei, China: Implication for Ore Genesis. In: Zhao Pengda, Agterberg Frits and Cheng Qiuming (Eds.). Proceedings of IAMG』07: Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment and Hazards. Beijing and Wuhan: State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences, 2007, 220-223.

23 Liu Yan, Deng Jun and Yang Liqiang. Characteristics and the mineralogy of ore mineral of Pingwu Be deposit in Sichuan province, China. In: Zhao C S and Bierlein F P, Editors. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Beijing: China Land Publishing House, 2005,102-105.

24 袁萬明,杜楊松,楊立強,李勝榮,董金泉.西藏岡底斯帶南木林地區構造活動的磷灰石裂變徑跡分析.岩石學報, 2007, 23(11): 2911-2917. Yuan Wanming, Du Yangsong, Yang Liqiang, Li Shengrong and Dong Jinquan. Apatite fission track studies on the tectonics in Nanmulin area of Gangdese terrane, Tibet plateau. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2007, 23(11): 2911-2917.

25 萬麗,王慶飛,楊立強.山東大磨曲家礦區成礦要素多重分形特徵.岩石學報, 2007, 23(5): 1211-1216. Wan Li, Wang Qingfei, Yang Liqiang. Offset feature and its geological indication of the multifractal spectrum of various metallogenic elements in Damoqujia ore deposit, Shandong Province. Acta Petrologica Sininca, 2007, 23(5): 1211-1216.

26 劉琰,鄧軍,楊立強,王慶飛.異極礦加熱過程的研究.岩石學報,2005,21(3):993-998. Liu Yan, Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang and Wang Qingfei. The dehydration of hemimorphite. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2005,21(3):993-998.

27 鄧軍,陳學明,楊立強,王建平,蘭井志.粵北凡口超大型鉛鋅礦床礦化流體噴溢中心的確定.岩石學報,2000,(4):528-530. Deng Jun, Chen Xueming, Yang Liqiang, Wang Jianping and Lan Jingzhi. Study on the erupting center of mineralizing fluids in the Fankou superlarge Pb-Zn deposit in northern Guangdong province. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2000, 16 (4): 528-530.

28 楊立強,鄧軍,陳贇.青藏高原殼幔形變數值模擬研究.地學前緣,2006,13(5):360-373. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Chen Yun. Numerical modelling of the crust/mantle deformation in the Tibetan plateau. Earth Science Frontiers, 2006, 13(5): 360-373.

29 楊立強,鄧軍,葛良勝,王慶飛,張靜,高幫飛,江少卿,徐浩.膠東金礦成礦時代和礦床成因研究述評.自然科學進展, 2006,16(7):797-802. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Ge liangsheng, Wang Qingfei, Zhang Jing, Gao Bangfei, Jiang Shaoqing and Xu Hao. Metallogenic Age and Genesis of Gold Ore Deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China: A Regional Review. Progress in Nature Sciences, 2007, 17(2): 138-143.30

30楊立強,鄧軍. Seminar:培養研究生科研能力的有效途徑.中國地質教育, 2005,14(2):5-7.

Yang Liqiang and Deng Jun. Seminar: Effective approach to train the ability of scientific research for graduate students. Chinese Geological Education, 2005, 14(2): 5-7.

31 楊立強,鄧軍,張中傑,王建平,李新俊.構造應力場轉換的成礦地球化學響應.大地構造與成礦學,2003,27 (3):243-249. Yang Liqiang, Xiong Zhangqiang, Deng Jun, Zhang Zhongjie, Wang Jianpin and Li Xinjun. Transition of tectonic stress fields and its effects of metallogenic geochemistry on multi- scales. Geotectonica et Metallogenia, 2003, 27 (3): 243-249.

32 楊立強,鄧軍.翟裕生,王建平.膠東夏甸金礦地球化學場結構.現代地質,2001,15(4):408-413. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Zhai Yusheng and Wang Jianping. Structure of geochemical field of Xiadian gold ore deposit, Jiaodong area. Geosciences, 2001, 15(4): 408-413.

33 楊立強,張中傑,王光傑,趙愛華,陳東.青藏高原隆升過程與地球動力學模型研究進展.地球物理學進展,2001,16(1):70-81. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie, Wang Guangjie, Zhao Aihua and Chen Dong. Progress on uplift of process and geodynamic model of Tibetan Plateau. Progress in Geophysics, 2001, 16(1): 70-81.

34 楊立強,張中傑,王光傑,鄧軍,趙愛華,王建平.膠東金礦集中區岩石圈結構與深部成礦作用.地球科學——中國地質大學學報,2000,25(4):421-427. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie, Wang Guangjie, Deng Jun, Zhao Aihua and Wang Jianping. Lithospheric structure and deep-seated mineralization in Jiaodong gold deposit concentration reagion, Shandong, China. Earth Science, 2000, 25(4): 421-427.

35 楊立強,鄧軍,翟裕生.構造-流體-成礦系統及其動力學.地學前緣,2000,7(1):178. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun and Zhai Yusheng. Tectonic-fluid-metallogenic system and its dynamics: An example form the Jiaodong gold Province,Eastern China. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2000, 7(1): 178.

36 楊立強,張中傑,鄧軍.深淺構造耦合成礦效應——以膠東招掖金礦帶為例.地學前緣, 2004, 11(1):56. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie and Deng Jun. Coupling mineralization effects of deep- and lower-structure: an example from the Zhaoye gold belt in Shandong, China. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2004, 11(1): 56.

37 楊立強,張中傑.青藏高原殼幔形變與層圈耦合數值仿真.地學前緣,2003,10(2):308. Yang Liqiang and Zhang Zhongjie. Numerical simulation on the crust/mantle deformation and coupling of the Tibetan Plateau. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2003, 10(2): 308.

38 楊立強,張中傑,林舸,王岳軍.FLAC基本原理及其在地學中的應用.地學前緣,2003,10 (1):24. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie Lin Ge and Wang Yuejun. Principle of FLAC and its implication for geosciences. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2003, 10(1): 24.

39 楊立強,鄧軍,王慶飛,高幫飛,龔慶傑,袁萬明,郭春影.膠東招平金礦帶構造體制疊接與成礦作用疊加模式.礦物學報,2007, 27(增刊): 48-49. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Qingfei, Gao Bangfei, Gong Qingjie, Yuan Wanming and Guo Chunying. Pattern of recombination of Mesozoic tectonic regimes and superimposed model of gold mineralization in the Zhaoping fault zone, Jiaodong gold province, China. Acta Mineralogica Sinica, 2007, 27(Suppl.): 48-49.

40 楊立強,鄧軍,王慶飛,高幫飛,徐浩.深部構造與地質過程控礦研究.礦床地質,2006,25(增刊): 107-110. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Wang Qingfei, Gao Bangfei and Xu Hao. Deep-seated tectonic and geological process controls on mineralization and mineral resources. Mineral Deposits, 2006, 25(Supp.): 107-110.

41 楊立強,鄧軍,方雲,陳從喜,韓淑琴,梁德超,孟慶芬.構造-流體成礦效應計算模擬.地球學報——中國地質科學院院報,1999,20(增刊):433-437. Yang Liqiang, Deng Jun, Fang Yun, Chen Congxi, Han Shuqin, Liang Dechao and Meng Qingfen. Numerical sumilation of structures-fluids coupled ore-forming effects. Acta Geoscientia Sinica, 1999, 20(Suppl.): 433-437.

42 Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie, Lin Ge and Wang Yuejun. Post-collisional crustal thickening in the Tibetan Plateau: numerical modelling and implication. 見:張中傑,高銳,呂慶田,劉振寬,主編.中國大陸地球深部結構與動力學研究——慶賀滕吉文院士從事地球物理研究50周年.北京:科學出版社,2004.717-742. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie, Lin Ge and Wang Yuejun. Post-collisional crustal thickening in the Tibetan Plateau: numerical modelling and implication. In: Zhang Zhongjie, Gao Rui, Lü Qingtian and Liu Zhenkuan, eds. The deep-seated structures of earth in China — In Honor of academician Teng Jiwen’s 50th year research in geophysics. Beijing: Sciences Press, 2004, 717-742.

43 楊立強,張中傑,陳贇,滕吉文.勝利油氣區沉積凹陷與上地幔隆起的鏡像耦合.見:中國地球物理學會.中國地球物理(2004).北京:地震出版社,359. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie, Chen Yun and Teng Jiwen. Mirror-image coupling between sedimentary depression and upper mantle uplifting in Shengli Oil/Gas Region, China. In: the Chinese Geophysical Society, eds. Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society 2004. Beijing: Seismological Press, 359.

44 楊立強,張中傑.膠東西北部岩石圈結構形態與物理狀態及其深淺構造耦合成礦效應.見:中國地球物理學會.中國地球物理學會年刊(2003).北京:地震出版社,376. Yang Liqiang and Zhang Zhongjie. Structural forms and physical states of lithosphere and coupling effects on mineralization beneath the northwestern of Jiaodong, China. In: the Chinese Geophysical Society, eds. Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society 2003. Beijing: Seismological Press, 376.

45 楊立強,張中傑.青藏高原殼幔對流與層圈耦合圖案:數值仿真約束.見:中國地球物理學會.中國地球物理學會年刊(2003).北京:地震出版社,387. Yang Liqiang and Zhang Zhongjie. Numerical modelling of the crust/mantle convective motions and coupling and decoupling in the Tibetan Plateau. In: the Chinese Geophysical Society, eds. Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society 2003. Beijing: Seismological Press, 387.

46 楊立強,張中傑.青藏高原殼幔形變與層圈耦合數值模擬.見:中國地球物理學會.中國地球物理學會年刊(2002).北京:地震出版社,301-302. Yang Liqiang, Zhang Zhongjie. Numerical simulation on the crust-mantle deformation and coupling of the Tibetan Plateau. In: the Chinese Geophysical Society, eds. Annual of the Chinese Geophysical Society 2002. Beijing: Seismological Press, 301-302.

47 滕吉文,楊立強,姚敬全,劉宏臣,劉財,韓立國,張雪梅.金屬礦產資源的深部找礦?勘探與成礦的深層動力過程.地球物理學進展, 2007,22 (2):317-334. Teng Jiwen, Yang Liqiang, Yao Jingquan, Liu Hongchen, Liu Chai, Han Liguo and Zhang Xuemei. Deep discover ore-exploration and exploitation for metal mineral resources and its deep dynamical process of formation. Progress in Geophysics, 2007, 22 (2): 317-334.

48 高幫飛,楊立強,王慶飛.膠東大尹格莊金礦床控礦顯微構造特徵.黃金,2007(1):9-12. Gao Bangfei, Yang Liqiang, Wang Qingfei. Ore-controlling microstructure characteristics of Dayingezhuang gold deposit in Jiaodong peninsula. Gold, 2007 (1): 9-12.

49 鄧軍,楊立強,葛良勝,王慶飛,張靜,高幫飛,周應華,江少卿.膠東礦集區形成的構造體制研究進展.自然科學進展,2006,16(5):513-518. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Ge Liangsheng, Wang Qingfei, Zhang Jing, Gao Bangfei, Zhou Yinghua and Jiang Shaoqing. Research Advances in the Mesozoic Tectonic Regimes during the Formation of Jiaodong Ore Cluster Area. Progress in Nature Sciences, 2006, 16(8): 777-784.

50 席先武,楊立強,王岳軍,林舸.構造體制轉換的溫度場效應及其耦合成礦動力學數值模擬.地學前緣,2003,10(1):47-56. Xi Xianwu, Yang Liqiang, Wang Yuejun, Deng Jun, Lin Ge and Wang Jianpin. Numerical modeling of the temperature effects of tectonic regimes transformation and their ore-forming dynamics. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2003, 10(1): 47-56.

51 鄧軍,楊立強,翟裕生,丁式江,孫忠實,李新俊.膠東招掖礦集區巨量金質來源和流體成礦效應.地質科學,2001,36(3):257-268. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Liu Wei, Sun Zhongshi, Li Xinjun and Wang Qingfei. Gold origin and fluid ore-forming effect of Zhao-Ye Ore Deposits Concentrating Area in Jiaodong, Shandong, China. Chinese Journal of Geology, 2001, 36(3): 257-268.

52 鄧軍,楊立強,孫忠實,彭潤民,陳學明,杜子圖.構造體制轉換與流體多層循環成礦動力學.地球科學——中國地質大學學報,2000,25(4):397-403. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Sun Zhongshi, Peng Runmin, Chen Xueming and Du Zitu.Ore-forming dynamics of tectonic regime transformation and multi-layer fluid circulation. Earth Science, 2000, 25(4): 397-403.

53 鄧軍,楊立強,孫忠實,丁式江,王建平,孟慶芬,韓淑琴.礦源系統地質-地球化學例析.現代地質——中國地質大學研究生院學報,2000,14(2):165-172. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Sun Zhongshi, Ding Shijiang, Wang Jianping, Meng Qingfen and Han Shuqin. Geological and geochemical study on ore source system of Jiaodong Gold Ore Deposit Cluster, Shandong, China. Geosciences, 2000, 14(2): 165-172.

54 鄧軍,楊立強,方雲,丁式江,王建平,韓淑琴.成礦系統嵌套分形結構與自有序效應.地學前緣,2000,7(1):133-146. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Fang Yun, Ding Shijiang, Wang Jianping and Han Shuqin. Nested fractal structure and self-ordered effect of metallogenic system. Earth Sciences Frontiers, 2000, 7(1): 133-146.

55 鄧軍,楊立強,翟裕生,孫忠實,陳學明.構造-流體-成礦系統及其動力學理論格架與方法體系.地球科學——中國地質大學學報,2000,25(1):71-78. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Zhai Yusheng, Sun Zhongshi and Chen Xueming. Theoretical framework and methodological system of tectonics-fluids-mineralization system and dynamics. Earth Science, 2000, 25(1): 71-78.

56 鄧軍,楊立強,方雲,丁式江,王建平,孟慶芬.膠東地區殼幔相互作用與金成礦效應.地質科學,2000,35(1):60-70. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Fang Yun, Ding Shijiang, Wang Jianping and Meng Qingfen. Crust-mantle interaction and ore-forming effect of gold ore deposits concentrated area in Jiaodong, Shandong, China. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 2000, 35(1): 60-70.

57 梁德超,楊立強,鄧軍.地面高精度磁法測量找金應用.地球學報——中國地質科學院院報,1999,20(3):294-301. Liang Dechao, Yang Liqiang and Deng Jun. An example of applying ground high-precision magnetic survey to the prospecting for gold deposits in a gold reconnaissance area of Jiaodong. Acta Geoscientia Sinica, 1999, 20(3): 294-301.

58 鄧軍,楊立強,孫忠實,方雲,陳玉玲.剪切帶構造成礦動力機制與模式.現代地質——中國地質大學研究生院學報,1999,13(2):125-129. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Sun Zhongshi, Fang Yun and Chen Yulin. Dynamic mechanism and model of ore-forming system of shear zone tectonics. Geosciences, 1999, 13(2): 125-129.

59 鄧軍,楊立強,王慶飛,徐浩.膠東礦集區金成礦系統組成與演化概論.礦床地質,2006, 25(增刊): 67-70. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Wang Qingfei and Xu Hao. A summarization of the gold metallogenic system and its evolution in Jiaodong gold province. Mineral Deposits, 2006, 25 (Supp.): 67-70.

60 鄧軍,楊立強,翟裕生,丁式江,陳從喜,韓淑琴,孫忠實,王建平,陳學明,梁德超,孟慶芬.地質體元素組合與礦源系統組成及演化.地球學報——中國地質科學院院報,1999,20(增刊):414-419. Deng Jun, Yang Liqiang, Zhai Yusheng, Ding Shijiang, Chen Congxi, Sun Zhongshi, Wang Jianping, Chen Xueming, Han Shuqin, Liang Dechao and Meng Qingfen. Association of elements of geologic bodies and the consists and evolution of ore source system. Acta Geoscientia Sinica, 1999, 20(Suppl.): 414-419.

61 徐述平,楊立強,劉琰,周應華.招平斷裂帶大磨曲家金礦控礦構造系統分析.見:陳毓川,毛景文,薛春紀主編.礦床學面向國家重大需求新機遇與新挑戰.北京:地震出版社,2006,135-139.

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2 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃項目項目負責膠東金礦成礦年代學與構造環境及流體成礦機制(No.NCET-09-0710).


4 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目項目負責青藏高原殼幔形變的時空四維模擬(No.40304007).

5 武警黃金指揮部項目項目負責膠西北金礦成礦動力學環境——多學科綜合約束 (No.HJ06-02-03).


7國家重點實驗室開放課題項目負責複合成礦系統形成的多元構造動力體制:數值模擬制約 (No.GPMR0529).






13 國家自然科學基金項目第二成員構造體制轉換與流體多層循環成礦動力學(No.40172036).

14 國家自然科學基金項目核心成員膠東中生代構造體制疊接與複合成礦系統的形成演化(No.40572063).


16 武警黃金指揮部項目副負責招平構造帶疊加成礦作用與遠景評價 (No.HJ04-02).


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2 翟裕生,鄧軍,湯中立,肖榮閣,宋鴻林,彭潤民,孫忠實,王建平,向運川,黃華盛,張正偉,楊立強,白雲來,陳叢喜,丁式江,王慶飛,胡玲,徐章華,苗來成,蘇尚國,李強之,龔羽飛.古陸邊緣成礦系統.北京:地質出版社,2002.1-416.

3 山東招金集團公司(參與第三章編寫).招遠金礦集中區地質與找礦.北京:地震出版社,2002.1-439.












