暗淡,不鮮明。或者形容心情不好,或者形容不陽光不光明等。屬黑暗系的一種元素。 中文名 灰暗 外文名 gloomy;暗い 讀 音 huī àn 解 釋 暗淡,不鮮明 詞 性 名詞 意 義 黑暗元素的一種 文體 文學興起以來而衍生的一種文體
暗淡,不鮮明。 [1] 或者形容心情不好 .或者形容不陽光不光明等
沒有顏色的灰暗空間即使再快速的奔跑,依然看不到自己的方向以及新鮮的顏色,放眼只是灰色和灰色,那種被遺棄的絕望。灰暗代表的就是絕望元素。不是那種淡淡的憂鬱,不是那種無病呻吟的愛情,而是真正的絕望。大起大落的人生,分崩離析的感情,背叛,滅亡,這是黑暗系中最淺顯最能夠表現的一個元素,當然,淺顯並不意味着就是底層,事實上灰暗正是成為了黑暗系的一個標誌,貫穿於整部作品的絕望,即使是點點滴滴也很能夠表現出來,而灰暗由於是最能和生活中的事情融入,所以給人以一種代入的感覺。 最經典的比如一部動漫《EVA》,裡面無時不刻的糾結着無數脆弱的感情,再配上長時間的畫面重複和怪異的生命,一股充滿滅世絕望的灰暗就會從自己的內心洶湧起來。而灰暗本身也是黑暗系的主旋律,即使不以其為主,也少不了這樣的元素。比如沙耶之歌,單從畫面講完全被猩紅的肉塊給掩蓋了下去,但是那樣的絕望,相信玩過的人都能看出來吧。
1.a gloomy sky; a murky grey sky 灰暗的天空收藏指正 2.Somber or dark in hue. 顏色灰暗的,昏暗的收藏指正 3.The gray sea and the long black land. 灰暗的海,漆黑的地。收藏指正 4.Everything was gradually disappearing into a pall of grey. 一切逐漸消逝在灰暗的暮色之中。收藏指正 5.The soft, subdued light seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors. 半強度的光通常在黃昏、破曉或室內光照弱的時候出現的柔和灰暗的光線收藏指正 6.They are hastening back to their warm wooden dovecote earlier than usual perhaps because they have mistaken the bleak leaden sky for nightfall or because of their presentiment of a storm. 也許是誤認這灰暗的淒冷的天空為夜色的來襲,或是也預感到風雨的將至,遂過早地飛回它們溫暖的木舍。收藏指正 7.Painting in shades of gray , sifting through the disarray , can I find enough of me to make you stay? 灰暗的色調中提筆,在混亂中搜索,企圖能到足夠的理由讓??留下。收藏指正 8.They were going to Fort Lauderdale -- three boys and three girls -- and when they boarded the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags, dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray, cold spring of New York vanished behind them. 六個年青人,三男三女,要去洛德代爾堡遊玩。他們登上了公共汽車,隨身攜帶的紙袋中裝滿了三明治和葡萄酒。隨着紐約那灰暗的、帶有一絲涼意的春天在背後消逝,他們開始夢想着那金色的海灘和湧來涌去的海潮。收藏指正 9.They try to force themselves out of their low state, which problem rather than solve it. 想方設法地強迫自己擺脫這種灰暗的情緒,結果往往是問題越弄越複雜,卻沒有得到解決。收藏指正 10.Little though he liked to think about the Minister of Magic (or, as he always called Fudge in his head, the Other Minister), the Prime Minister could not help but fear that the next time Fudge appeared it would be with graver news still. 雖然他並不想考慮那個魔法部部長(或者像他平時在腦子裡稱呼他為,另一個部長)的事,但首相仍然禁不住擔心福吉的下一次出現會帶來更灰暗的消息。