田志剛,男, 教授,博士生導師,中國工程院院士[1]。中國科學技術大學生命科學學院教授,免疫學研究所所長。中國科學院百人計劃入選者[2]。 1956年10月11日出生,山東萊州人。 1983年獲山西醫科大學醫學學士學位,1985年獲山東省醫學科學院免疫學碩士學位,1989年獲衛生部白求恩醫科大學免疫學博士學位。
田志剛 | |
中國工程院院士 | |
出生 |
1956年10月11日 山東萊州人 |
國籍 | 中國 |
職業 | 教授,博士生導師 |
2000年以來通訊作者在PNAS (2篇)、Hepatology(6篇)、J Heptol (3篇)、J Immunol (6篇)等發表SCI論文100餘篇; 中文論文200餘篇。國際會議或機構作學術報告或主持20餘次。所帶畢業博士碩士生共53名
中國免疫學會英文會刊<Cellular & Molecular Immunology>執行主編,《中國免疫學雜誌》副主編,《中國腫瘤生物治療雜誌》副主編[3]。
生命科學學院和醫學中心田志剛教授課題組與美國華盛頓大學醫學院Wayne Yokoyama院士合作,發現一群肝臟特有的自然殺傷(Natural Killer, NK)細胞並闡明該NK細胞具備其它常規NK細胞不具備的免疫記憶功能。該研究成果由我校博士後彭慧、博士生薑曉君和陳永琳歷時6年完成,為共同第一作者,發表於2013年4月出版的《臨床研究雜誌》(The Journal of Clinical Investigation)。
1.Yan Y, Jiang W, Liu L, Wang X, Ding C,Tian Z*, Zhou R*. Dopamine Controls Systemic Inflammation through Inhibition of NLRP3 Inflammasome.Cell. 2015 Jan 15;160(1-2):62-73.
2.Cui K, Yan G, Xu C, Chen Y, Wang J, Zhou R, Bai L, Lian Z, Wei H, Sun R*,Tian Z*. Invariant NKT cells promote alcohol-induced steatohepatitis through interleukin-1β in mice.J Hepatol. 2015 Jan 9. pii: S0168-8278(14)00956-8.
3.Li S, Sun R, Chen Y, Wei H,Tian Z*. TLR2 Limits Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Reducing IL18-Mediated Immunosuppression.Cancer Res. 2015 Jan 19.[Epub ahead of print]
4.Wang J, Li F, Wei H, Lian ZX, Sun R,Tian Z*. Respiratory influenza virus infection induces intestinal immune injury via microbiota-mediated Th17 cell-dependent inflammation.J Exp Med. 2014 Nov 17;211(12):2397-410.
5.Tian Z. Outflanking HCV.Nat Immunol. 2014 Jan; 15(1):6-8.
6. Xu L, Yin W, Sun R, Wei H,Tian Z*. Kupffer cell-derived IL-10 plays a key role in maintaining humoral immune tolerance in hepatitis B virus-persistent mice.Hepatology. 2014 Feb; 59(2):443-52.
7. Yan Y, Jiang W, Spinetti T, Tardivel A, Castillo R, Bourquin C, Guarda G,Tian Z*, Tschopp J, Zhou R*. Omega-3 fatty acids prevent inflammation and metabolic disorder through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation.Immunity. 2013 Jun 27;38(6):1154-63.
8. Peng H, Jiang X, Chen Y, Sojka D, Gao X, Sun R, Wei H, Yokoyama W,Tian Z*. Liver-resident NK cells confer adaptive immunity in skin-contact inflammation.J Clin Invest2013, 123(4):1444-1456.
9. Li F, Wei H, Wei H*, Gao Y, Xu L, Yin W, Sun R,Tian Z*. Blocking the Natural Killer (NK) Cell Inhibitory Receptor NKG2A Increases Activity of Human NK Cells and Clears HBV Infection in Mice.Gastroenterology. 2013, 144:392-401.
10. Xu L, Yin WW, Wei HM, Sun R,Tian Z*. Liver type I regulatory T cells suppress germinal center formation in HBV-tolerant mice.PNAS USA2013; 110:16993-8.
11. Wang J, Li F, Sun R, Gao X, Wei H, Li L,Tian Z*. Airway bacteria dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages.Nat Commun2013; 4:2106.
12. Lan PX, Zhang C*, Han QJ, Zhang J,Tian ZG*. Reversal of HBV-induced systemic adaptive immunotolerance by recovering hepatocyte-intrinsic immunity.Hepatology2013, 58:73-85.
13.Wang X, Sun R*, Wei H,Tian Z*. HMGB1-TLR4-IL-23-IL-17A axis in drug-induced lethal hepatitis: Interaction of γδ T cells with macrophages.Hepatology. 2013; 57:373-84.
14. Huang M, Sun R*, Wei H,Tian Z*. Simultaneous knockdown of multiple ligands of NKG2D high efficiently prevents NK cell-mediated fulminant hepatitis.Hepatology. 2013; 57:277-88.
15. Jin Z, Sun R, Wei H, Gao Y, Chen Y,Tian Z. Natural killer T cells aggravate liver fibrosis of HBV transgenic mice via activating hepatic stellate cells.Hepatology2010; accepted.
16. Jiang W, Sun R, Wei H, Zhou R,Tian Z. Toll-like receptor 9 activation aggravates Con A-induced hepatitis via promoting accumulation and activation of liver CD4+ NKT cells.J Immunol2009; 182:3768-74
17. Hou X, Zhou R, Wei H, Sun R,Tian Z. NKG2D-Rea 1 recognition between natural killer cells and kupffer cells in a novel murine natural killer cell-dependent fulminant hepatitis..Hepatology2009; 49:940-9
18.Wei HX, Chuang YH, Li B, Wei H, Sun R, Moritoki Y, Gershwin ME, Lian ZX,Tian Z. CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells protect against T cell-mediated fulminant hepatitis in a TGF-beta-dependent manner in mice.J Immunol. 2008;181:7221- 9
19.Chen QF, Wei HM, Sun R, Zhang J,Tian Z. Therapeutic RNA silencing of CX3CL1 gene prevents mice from adenovirus vector-induced acute liver injury.Hepatology2008; 47:648-58
20. Chen Y, Wei H, Sun R, Dong Z, Zhang J,Tian Z. Increased susceptibility to liver injury in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice involves NKG2D-ligand interaction and natural killer cells.Hepatology2007; 46(3):706-15.
21. Zhou R, Wei H, Sun R, Tian ZG. NKG2D Recognition Mediates TLR3 Signaling-Induced Breakdown of Epithelial Homeostasis in Acute Small Intestine Injury of Mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007; 104:7512-5.
22. Dong Z, Zhang J, Sun S, Wei H,Tian ZG. Impairment of liver regeneration correlates with over-activated hepatic NKT cells in HBV transgenic mice.Hepatology2007; 45:1400-12.
23. Li B, Sun R, Wei H, Gao B,Tian ZG. Interleukin-15 prevents concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice via NKT cell-dependent mechanism.Hepatology2006; 43:1211-9.
24. Jiang W, Sun R, Wei HM,Tian ZG. Toll-like receptor 3 ligand attenuates LPS-induced liver injury by down-regulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression on macrophages.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2005; 102: 17077-17082.
2011年獲國家科技進步二等獎(第二位) 。
- ↑ 田志剛 ,中國工程院網
- ↑ 中國科學院「百人計劃」入選者名單 ,中國科學技術大學網
- ↑ 《中國腫瘤生物治療雜誌》副主編田志剛 ,百度學術網