



拉丁学名:Phoebe calcarea

S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei




亚 纲:原始花被亚纲



亚 科:樟亚科




石山楠(shí shān nán,学名 Phoebe calcarea S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei),乔木,小枝被柔毛,后变无毛,叶革质,中脉突起。花序疏散,雄蕊退化成三角形,子房球形,果卵形,花期6月,果期10月。多生于西藏云南等地的高海拔密林中。 [1]



Trees, up to 13 m tall. Branchlets castaneous, angular, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., glabrous. Petiole 1.5-3 cm, canaliculate adaxially, glabrous;

leaf blade shiny adaxially, elliptic, 11-19 × 3.5-6 cm, leathery, glabrous on both surfaces, midrib and lateral veins elevated on both surfaces;

lateral veins 9-13 pairs, slender, reticulate veinlets dense, foveolate and usually conspicuous on both surfaces, base attenuate or cuneate, apex long acuminate.

Panicles many, terminal, 15-25 cm, glabrous. Pedicel 1-1.3 cm. Perianth lobes ovate, subequal, 3-4 × ca. 2 mm, outer 3 lobes glabrous on both surfaces, inner 3 lobes glabrous outside, densely gray-white villous inside.[2]

Filaments of 1st and 2nd series sparsely villous, of 3rd series densely villous, with reniform glands. Staminodes sagittate, ca. 2 mm, stalked. Ovary ovoid; stigma capitate. [3]

Fruit ovoid, 8-10 × 5-6 mm; persistent perianth lobes leathery, clasping at base of fruit. Fl. Apr-May, fr. Aug.[4]


● Limestone hills, mixed broad-leaved forests. Guangxi, S Guizhou (Libo).[5]

楠属 Phoebe分类

1. 沼楠 Phoebe angustifolia 2. 闽楠 Phoebe bournei 3. 短序楠 Phoebe brachythyrsa 4. 石山楠 Phoebe calcarea 5. 赛楠 Phoebe cavaleriei 6. 浙江楠 Phoebe chekiangensis 7. 粗柄楠 Phoebe crassipedicella 8. 台楠 Phoebe formosana 9. 白背楠 Phoebe glaucifolia 10. 粉叶楠 Phoebe glaucophylla 11. 茶槁楠 Phoebe hainanensis 12. 细叶楠 Phoebe hui 13. 湘楠 Phoebe hunanensis 14. 红毛山楠 Phoebe hungmoensis 15. 桂楠 Phoebe kwangsiensis 16. 披针叶楠 Phoebe lanceolata 17. 雅砻江楠 Phoebe legendrei 18. 利川楠 Phoebe lichuanensis 19. 大果楠 Phoebe macrocarpa 20. 大萼楠 Phoebe megacalyx 21. 墨脱楠 Phoebe motuonan 22. 白楠 Phoebe neurantha 短叶楠 Phoebe neurantha var. brevifolia 兴义楠 Phoebe neurantha var. cavaleriei 裂叶白楠 Phoebe neurantha var. lobophylla 白楠(原变种) Phoebe neurantha var. neurantha 23. 光枝楠 Phoebe neuranthoides 24. 黑叶楠 Phoebe nigrifolia 25. 普文楠 Phoebe puwenensis 26. 红梗楠 Phoebe rufescens 27. 紫楠 Phoebe sheareri 峨眉楠 Phoebe sheareri var. omeiensis 紫楠(原变种) Phoebe sheareri var. sheareri 28. 乌心楠 Phoebe tavoyana 29. 崖楠 Phoebe yaiensis 30. 景东楠 Phoebe yunnanensis 31. 楠木 Phoebe zhennan


  1. 石山楠, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. 石山楠 Phoebe calcarea S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei 中国植物... 同标本号图片一同鉴定, 可用拼音首字母。 周建军 2019/11/17 0:38:02 鉴定为:石山楠 Phoebe calcarea S. K. Lee & F. N. Wei...
  3. Phoebe calcarea 石山楠 石山楠 [编辑] QIN, Haining, et al (eds.), 2010, China Checklist of Higher Plants, In the Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences ed...
  4. 石山楠 - 万方数据知识服务平台 5.石山楠 - 来源:《贵州植物志 第二卷》/56.樟科Lauraceae/6.楠木属/5.石山楠 4.湘楠 - 来源:《贵州植物志 第二卷》/56.樟科Lauraceae/6.楠木属/4...
  5. FOC >> Vol.7 (2008) >> Lauraceae >> Phoebe