1. 四川盆地棲霞組非均質砂糖狀白雲岩交織共生與儲層形成機理,國家自然科學基金項目,2018-2021;
2. 疊合溶蝕型白雲岩儲層流體地球化學識別與形成機制,博士後基金項目,2019-2020;
3. 盆地中東部奧陶系中下組合白雲岩沉積微相及儲層發育規律,「十三五」國家科技重大專項,2016-2020;
4. 四川盆地海相碳酸鹽岩油氣資源潛力、有利勘探區帶評價與目標優選研究,「十二五」國家科技重大專項,2011-2015;
1. 四川盆地棲霞組沉積古地貌與岩相古地理研究,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2020-2021;
2. 四川盆地二疊系火山岩氣藏氣源判別與烴源分析,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2019-2020;
3. 川西北部上古生界複合圈閉形成演化與成藏機制,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2018-2019;
4. 鄂爾多斯盆地東部緻密碳酸鹽岩氣藏成藏動力學及富集規律研究,中石油長慶油田分公司,2017-2018;
5. 四川盆地震旦系-下古生界油氣藏形成機制及氣藏成藏模式研究,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2017-2019;
6. 射洪-南充-廣安地區下二疊統儲層特徵研究及勘探目標選擇,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2016-2017;
7. 鄂爾多斯盆地東北部奧陶系馬五1+2風化殼儲層特徵及目標評價,中石油長慶油田分公司,2014-2016;
8. 川西地區下二疊統含油氣地質條件評價,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2013-2015;
9. 龍門山山前帶下二疊統海相碳酸鹽岩儲層特徵研究,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2012-2014;
10. 四川盆地下二疊統棲霞組、茅口組有利勘探區帶及風險勘探目標評選,中石油西南油氣田分公司,2011-2012
1. Di Xiao; Jian Cao; Bing Luo; Xiucheng Tan; Wenyao Xiao; Yuan He; Kunyu Li. Neoproterozoic postglacial paleoenvironment and hydrocarbon potential: A review and new insights from the Doushantuo Formation Sichuan Basin, China. Earth-Science Reviews, 2021, 212, 103453.
2. Di Xiao; Jian Cao; Bing Luo; Xiucheng Tan; Hong Liu; Benjian Zhang; Xun Yang; Ya Li. On the dolomite reservoirs formed by dissolution: differential eogenetic vs. hydrothermal in the Lower Permian Sichuan Basin, SW China. AAPG Bulletin, 2020, 104(7): 1405-1438.
3. Di Xiao; Jian Cao; Bing Luo; Ya Zhang; Chen Xie; Shuangling Chen; Guohui Gao; Xiucheng Tan. Mechanism of ultra-deep gas accumulation at thrust fronts in the Longmenshan Mountains, lower Permian Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 83, 103533.
4. Di Xiao; Xiucheng Tan; Daofeng Zhang; Wei He; Ling Li; Yunhe Shi; Juanping Chen; Jian Cao. Discovery of syngenetic and eogenetic karsts in the Middle Ordovician gypsum-bearing dolomites of the eastern Ordos Basin (central China) and their heterogeneous impact on reservoir quality. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 99: 190-207.
5. Di Xiao, Xiucheng Tan, Liyong Fan, Daofeng Zhang, Wancai Nie, Tong Niu, Jian Cao. Reconstructing large-scale karst paleogeomorphology at the top of the Ordovician in the Ordos Basin, China: Control on natural gas accumulation and paleogeographic implications. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019, 7: 3234-3254.
6. Di Xiao, Benjian Zhang, Xiucheng Tan, Hong Liu, Jirong Xie, Lichao Wang, Xun Yang, Teng Ma. Discovery of a shoal-controlled karst dolomite reservoir in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation, northwestern Sichuan Basin, SW China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(4): 686-704.
7. Di Xiao, Xiucheng Tan, Aihua Xi, Hong Liu, Shujiao Shan, Jiwen Xia, Yao Cheng, Chengbo Lian. An inland facies-controlled eogenetic karst of the carbonate reservoir in the Middle Permian Maokou Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, SW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 72: 218-233.
8. 唐大海; 肖笛; 譚秀成; 李海雲; 謝繼榮; 劉宏; 楊迅; 張本健. 古岩溶地貌恢復及地質意義——以川西北中二疊統茅口組為例. 石油勘探與開發, 2016, 43(5): 689-695.
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