胡国华 | |
原图链接 来自百度的图片 | |
出生 |
1964年5月 湖北省黄梅县 |
职业 | 教授,博士生导师 |
- 1985.7. 华东理工大学高分子材料工程学士
- 1987.6. 法国斯特拉斯堡路易斯巴斯德大学硕士
- 1990.3. 法国斯特拉斯堡路易斯巴斯德大学博士
- 1990~1992 美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)先后从事博士后和助理教授(Assistant Professor)工作
- 1992 法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)副研究员
- 1996 获法国路易巴斯德大学高分子工程科学博导学位(HDR,法国学术界最高学位)
- 1998 (34岁) 聘为法国洛林国家理工学院(Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine)教授,在法国国家科研中心直属化学工程科学实验室(Laboratoire des Sciences du Génie Chimique)从事科学技术研究工作。
- 2004 法兰西大学研究院院士(Member of the Institut Universitaire de France)
- 2010--至今北京科技大学化学与生物工程学院院长,教师,博士生导师。
1996年获法国科学研究中心铜质勋章 (Médaille de Bronze),2001年获国际高分子加工成型学会(Polymer Processing Society)Morand LAMBLA成就奖(该奖是目前该领域在世界范围内最重要奖项,每年一名)以表彰他在高分子加工成型、尤其是高分子反应加工成型领域的重要贡献。
是国际期刊“Advances in Polymer Technology”编委,是国际期刊“Polymer Engineering and Science”的长期审稿人 (permanent referee)。是法国、西欧、巴西、泰国等国家7所大学化学工程与高分子材料科学学术委员会委员和顾问、欧美4个跨国化学公司高级科技顾问。国内主要兼职有:中科院首批33位海外评审专家之一、中科院“过程工程复杂体系的多尺度研究”创新团队海外成员之一、华东理工大学讲座教授、浙江大学“光彪” 特聘教授和兰州大学客座教授。同中科院过程工程研究所、中科院北京化学研究所、浙江大学聚合反应工程国家重点实验室、四川大学高分子材料工程国家重点实验室和华东理工大学化学反应工程国家重点实验室等单位建立了长期的合作关系和人才培养计划。
(1)Huxi Li and Guo-Hua Hu,"A two-zone melting model for polymer blends in a batch mixer",Polym Eng.Sci.,Vol.41, No.5(2001). (2)Huxi Li and Guo-Hua Hu,"The early stage of the morphology development of immiscible polymer blends during melt blending:compatibilized vs. uncompatibilizd blends",J.Polym.Sci.,Part B:Polym. Phys. Ed.,Vol.39, 601-610 (2001). (3)Rui Zhang, Jun Liu, Jun He, Buxing Han, Zhimin Liu, Tao Jiang, Weize Wu, Lixia Rong, Hui Zhao, Baozhong Dong, Guo-Hua Hu, “Compressed ethylene-assisted formation of the reverse micelle of PEO-PPO-PEO copolymer”, Macromolecules, Vol. 36 (4), 1289-1294 (2003). (4)Guo-Hua Hu, Huxi Li, Lian-Fang Feng, Pessan Luiz Antonio, “Strategies for maximizing free-radical grafting reaction yields”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.88 (7), 1799-1807 (2003). (5)Jian-Hua Zhu, Lei Liu, Guo-Hua Hu, Bin Shen, Wen-Bin Hu, “Studies on the composite electroforming technology fabricating Cu/SiCp composite”, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol. 37 (2), 182-185 (2003). (6)Guo-Hua Hu, Lian-Fang Feng, “Extruder processing for nanoblends and nanocomposites”, Macromolecular Symposia, Vol.195, 303-308 (2003). (7)Guo-Hua Hu, Cartier, Herve; Lian-Fang Feng, Bo-Geng Li, “Kinetics of the in situ polymerization and in situ compatibilization of poly(propylene) and polyamide 6 blends”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 91 (3), 1498-1504 (2004). (8)Hesheng Xia, Qi Wang, Kanshe Li, Guo-Hua Hu, “Preparation of polypropylene/carbon nanotube composite powder with a solid-state mechanochemical pulverization process”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.93 (1), 378-386 (2004). (9)Lian-Fang Feng, Guo-Hua Hu, “Reaction kinetics of multiphase polymer systems under flow” AIChE Journal, Vol. 50, (10), 2604-2612 (2004). (10)Guo-HuaHu, Huxi Li, Lian-Fang Feng, “Rate of the activated anionic polymerisation of ε-caprolactam onto an isocyanate bearing polypropylene in the melt”, Polymer, Vol. 46 (13), 4562-4570 (2005). (11)Baoqing Zhang, Yanfen Ding, Peng Chen, Chenyang Liu, Jun Zhang, Jiasong He, Guo-Hua Hu “Fibrillation of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer enhanced by nano-clay in nylon-6 matrix”, Polymer, Vol.46 (14), 5385-5395 (2005). (12)Zhong-Zhen Yu, Guo-Hua Hu, Varlet Joel, Dasari Aravind, Yiu-Wing Mai, “Water-assisted melt compounding of nylon-6/pristine montmorillonite nanocomposites”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol. 43 (9), 1100-1112 (2005). (13)Tao Liu, Guo-Hua Hu, Gang-Sheng Tong, Ling Zhao, Gui-Ping Cao, Wei-Kang Yuan, “Supercritical carbon dioxide assisted solid-state grafting process of maleic anhydride onto polypropylene”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol.44(12), 4292-4299 (2005). (14). Jian GAO, Wei GE, Guohua HU, Jinghai LI, “From Homogeneous Dispersion to Micelles-A Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Compromise of the Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Effects of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Aqueous Solution”, Langmuir, 21(11), 5223-5229 (2005). (15). Aravind DASARI, Zhong-Zhen YU, Yiu-Wing MAI, Guo-Hua HU, Joel VARLET, “Clay exfoliation and organic modification on wear of Nylon 6 nanocomposites processed by different routes”, Composites Science and Technology, 2005.
(1) Guo-Hua HU, Morand LAMBLA, "Fundamentals of reactive extrusion: An overview", chapter 6 (pages 345-400) in the Encyclopedia"Materials Science and Technology-A Comprehensive Treatment", ed. R.W.Cahn, P.Hassen and E.J.Kramer, Vol.18," Processing of Polymers", ed. H.E.H.H. Meijer, Wiley-VCH, WeinHeim(1997). (2) W. Baker, C. Scott and G.H,HU, "Reactive polymer blending",Hanser publishers, Munich(2001).