






脈衝夜店每晚都會舉行主題演出,每月有面向同性戀社群的教育活動[2]。根據《奧蘭多周刊》,脈衝夜店設有三個「眩目、震動的房間,讓俱樂部男孩、年輕男同性戀Twink (gay slang)之間零距離接觸」。儘管每晚出售的東西都不一樣,但脈衝最有名的是令人印象深刻的男扮女裝表演,酒店舞者通常很華麗[3]。基於這三個方面,《孤獨星球探索佛羅里達》(Lonely Planet Discover Florida)認為它是「三個夜店的合體」[4],而該社的《佛羅里達》卷則側重介紹它的「超現代化」[5]

《奧蘭多十宗最》(Top 10 Orlando)稱它是「奧蘭多同性戀群體最喜歡的場所」[6]。《佛羅里達州簡明指南Rough Guides》表示它「無可厚非地受歡迎」,強調其「出眾的燈光音響、歌舞表演、男扮女裝行為和色情舞者」[7]。《美國簡明指南》(The Rough Guide to the USA)指出脈衝夜店是奧蘭多唯一一間同性戀酒吧[8]。各大列表顯示,包括洗手間在內的整個場所都可以使用[9]ZagatZagat藉助「定期消費者調查」,給脈衝的氣氛、裝潢和服務各打25分、25分和22分(滿分30)[10]


脈衝夜店成立前,南奧蘭治大道1912號是1930年代日報社薩拉索塔先驅報公司(Sarasota Herald Company)的所在地[11]。1985年,這裡開了一家名為洛倫佐(Lorenzo's)的比薩餅店[12]。到1999年,這裡有現場音樂表演酒吧但丁(Dante's[13]。2003年1月,但丁倒閉[14]

脈衝夜店於2004年7月2日由芭芭拉·波馬和羅恩·雷格勒創立[15] [2] 。波馬的哥哥約翰於1991年罹患艾滋病死去,2016年2月一位營銷部員工表示,波馬給夜店起這個名字是想「讓約翰的脈搏繼續跳動」[16][17]。該店專注於當地人才[17]。波馬為確保哥哥的回憶在網絡上顯眼,便將店子形容為「不只是一個同性戀俱樂部」[16]。夜店成立時,雷格勒是佛羅里達戲劇協會(Florida Theatrical Association)主席,於2010年在伊歐拉湖邊公園Lake Eola Park創立了兩間同性戀夜店,2011年動身前往巴爾的摩[18]。《華盛頓郵報》稱脈衝是12年來第一間「宣傳艾滋病預防、乳腺病和移民權利知識的社區樞紐,據報它曾與驕傲站起來、佛羅里達州平等組織Equality Florida和斑馬聯盟等宣教團體有合作[16]



這起恐怖槍擊案成為美國現代史上傷亡最慘重的槍擊案,槍手奧馬爾.馬丁(Omar Mateen)在與警方對峙三個小時後被擊斃。



  1. 脈衝夜店恐襲兇手多次出入同性戀酒吧,每日頭條,2016-06-14
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hjelmgaard, Kim. Scene of mass shooting more than 'just another gay club'. USA Today (Gannett Company). 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. ISSN 0734-7456. 
  3. Orlando gay bars. Orlando Weekly (Euclid Media Group). [2016-06-12]. 
  4. Adam Karlin; Jeff Campbell; Jennifer Rasin Denniston; Emily Matchar. Lonely Planet Discover Florida. Lonely Planet. June 1, 2012: 154. ISBN 978-1-74321-015-4. 
  5. Adam Karlin; Jennifer Rasin Denniston; Paula Hardy; Benedict Walker. Lonely Planet Florida. Lonely Planet Publications. 2014-12-01: 615. ISBN 978-1-74360-250-8. 
  6. Cynthia Tunstall; Jim Tunstall. Top 10 Orlando. DK Publishing. August 1, 2012: 79. ISBN 978-0-7566-9461-6. 
  7. Rough Guides. The Rough Guide to Florida 8th. Penguin Group. August 3, 2009: 319 [June 13, 2016]. ISBN 978-1-4053-8013-3. 
  8. Samantha Cook. The Rough Guide to the USA. Rough Guides. 2011-03-01: 1082. ISBN 978-1-4053-8954-9. 
  9. Frances Green. Gayellow Pages USA #34 2012-2013. Renaissance House. 2012-04-01: 276. ISBN 978-1-885404-28-2. 
  10. PULSE - Zagat Review. [2016-06-13]. 
  11. Sarasota Herald. Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 1936-02-05 [2016-06-13]. 
  12. Chris Sherman. What's Cooking in Pizza Circles. The Orlando Sentinel. 1985-07-19. 
  13. Scott Joseph. A Fortuitous Fusion. The Orlando Sentinel. 1999-02-26. 
  14. Tyler Gray. Caught in Headlightz: Bar Changes Act. The Orlando Sentinel. 2003-01-17. 
  15. Mark K. Matthews. Pulse's Space a New Odyssey for Chic. The Orlando Sentinel. 2004-07-09. 
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Orlando’s club Pulse owes its name and spirit to 『loving brother』 who died from AIDS. [2016-06-13]. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Pulse of Orlando. Next ( ). 2013-02-03:  . (原始內容存檔於2016-06-17). 
  18. Sentinel, Orlando. Ron Legler, 'champion' of downtown and the arts, leaving Orlando. [2016-06-13]. 
  19. Fifty dead in Orlando gay nightclub shooting, worst mass killing in U.S. history; gunman reportedly pledged allegiance to Islamic State. Los Angeles Times. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  20. Lyons, Kate. Orlando Pulse club attack: gunman behind shooting that killed 49 'named as Omar Mateen'. The Guardian. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  21. Gunman in nightclub shooting had been investigated for terrorist links. CBC News. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  22. Beckett, Lois. Orlando nightclub attack is deadliest US mass shooting in modern history. The Guardian. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  23. Yeung, Peter. Gunman's 'terror attack' on gay nightclub leaves 50 dead. The Independent. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12] (英國英語). 
  24. Stern, Mark Joseph. The Long, Tragic History of Violence at LGBTQ Bars and Clubs in America. Slate. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  25. Fantz, Ashley; Karimi, Faith; McLaughlin, Eliott C. 50 killed in Florida nightclub, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance. CNN. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  26. Obama: Orlando An Act Of 'Terror And Hate'. Sky News. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
  27. Swanson, Ann. The Orlando attack could transform the picture of post-9/11 terrorism in America. The Washington Post. 2016-06-12 [2016-06-12]. 
