草地滨藜 |
中文学名:草地滨藜 拉丁学名:Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. et Kit. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 Angiospermae 纲:双子叶植物纲 Dicotyledoneae 亚 纲:原始花被亚纲 Archichlamydeae 目:中央种子目 Centrospermae 科:藜科 Chenopodiaceae 亚 科:环胚亚科 Cyclolobeae 族:滨藜族 Atripliceae 属:滨藜属 Atriplex |
草地滨藜(学名:Atriplex oblongifolia)为苋科滨藜属的植物。分布于哈萨克斯坦、欧洲以及中国大陆的新疆等地,一般生长在山坡,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。 [1]
Atriplex oblongifolia Waldst. et Kit. Pl. rar. Hung. 3: 278. t. 211. 1812; Reichb. Ic. Fl. Germ. 24: 133. t. 263. f. 1-10. 1909; Hegi, Ill. Fl. Mit.-Eur. 241. f. 522 e-h; Iljin in Act. Hort. Petrop. 43: 159. f. 260. 1930 et in Fl. URSS 6: 89, 1936; Aellen in Bot. Jahrb. 70 (1): 51. t. 3 E 1-2. 1939. ——A. patutum Boiss. Fl. Orient. 4: 909. 1879.——A. patula L. var. oblongifolia (Waldst. et Kit.) Westerl. in Linnaea 40: 169. 1876.——A. patula auct. non L.: Grubov, Pl. Asiae Centr. 2: 32. 1966. p. p.
Herbs annual, to 1 m tall. Stem erect, terete below, distinctly ribbed and colored striate above, densely furfuraceous, much branched above; branches obliquely spreading. Petiole 5-12 mm; leaf blade ovate-triangular to lanceolate, 4-6 × 1-3 cm, abaxially usually gray-white furfuraceous, base broadly cuneate, margin irregularly serrate on middle cauline leaves, with a pair of larger teeth near base, entire on lower and upper cauline leaves or with only 1 pair of teeth near base, apex shortly acuminate. Inflorescence laxly spikelike. Male flowers: perianth green, 4- or 5-parted; segments oblong, slightly fleshy; stamens 4 or 5; anthers broadly obovate, ca. 3 mm. Female flowers: ovary ellipsoid; stigmas filiform, ca. 3 mm. Fruiting bracts connate only near base, ovate to ovate-triangular, 2-5 mm, densely furfuraceous, margins entire, apex obtuse or acute. Utricle compressed subglobose; pericarp membranous. Seed red-brown or black, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam.; testa membranous or crustaceous. Fl. and fr. Aug-Oct.
Slopes. W Xinjiang; should be expected as naturalized in other parts of China [Asia, Europe, North America; also widely naturalized].