


董少峰,男, 西南石油大學副教授。













1. 2021-2024 國家自然科學基金面上項目《四川盆地西緣棲霞組白雲岩形成過程及其與二疊紀末火山活動的成因聯繫》

2. 2016-2018 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目《塔里木盆地西部下寒武統肖爾布拉克組白雲岩成因及儲集性》

3. 2020-2021 中石化西北油氣分公司《順北奧陶系儲層成岩流體特徵及其對儲層的改造作用機制》


1. 2017-2021 國家重點研發計劃專項《中新元古界微生物碳酸鹽岩沉積環境與成儲機制》

2. 2017-2021 中國科學院A類戰略性先導科技專項《深層海相碳酸鹽岩儲層發育機理與分布規律》

3. 2016-2019 國家自然科學石油化工聯合基金《深層-超深層規模性白雲岩儲層形成機理與地質模式》

4. 2016-2018 中石化西南油氣分公司橫向課題《川西雷口坡組儲層形成機制與分布》

5. 2012-2016 國家重點基礎研究《深層白雲岩儲層機理及分布評價》

6. 2014-2015 中石化西北油氣分公司《塔里木盆地熱液活動對碳酸鹽岩儲層的改造機制》

7. 2011-2015 國家科技重大專項《塔里木盆地深層白雲岩形成演化與分布預測》


1. Dong Shaofeng, You Donghua, Guo Zenghui, Guo Chuan, Chen Daizhao. Intense silicification of Ordovician carbonates in the Tarim Basin: Constraints from quartz fluid inclusion geochemistry and Rb-Sr isotope dating. Terra Nova, 2018, 00: 1-8.

2. Dong Shaofeng, Chen Daizhao, Zhou Xiqiang, Qian Yixiong, Tian Mi, Qing Hairuo. Tectonically driven dolomitization of Cambrian to Lower Ordovician carbonates of the Quruqtagh area, north-eastern flank of Tarim Basin, north-west China. Sedimentology, 2017, 64: 1079-1106.

3. Dong Shaofeng, Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, Zhou Xiqiang, Wang Dan, Guo Zenghui, Jiang Maosheng, Qian Yixiong. Hydrothermal alteration of dolostones in the Lower Ordovician, Tarim Basin, NW China: multiple constraints from petrology, isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2013, 46: 270-286.

4. Dong Shaofeng, Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, Jiang Maosheng, Zhou Xiqiang. In situ stable isotopic constraints on dolomitizing fluids for the hydrothermally-altered dolostones at Keping, Tarim Basin. Science Bulletin. 2013, 58: 2877-2882.

5. Kun Chen, Xiuxiang Lü, Yixiong Qian, Shiqiang Wu, Shaofeng Dong. δ30Si and δ18O of multiple silica phases in chert: Implications for δ30Siseawater of Darriwilian seawater and sea surface temperatures. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2020, 109584

6. Zhou Xiqiang, Chen Daizhao, Dong Shaofeng, Zhang Yanqiu, Guo Zenghui, Wei Hengye, Yu Hao. Diagenetic barite deposits in the Yurtus Formation in Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for barium and sulphur cycling in the earliest Cambrian. Precambrian Research. 2015, 263: 79-87.

7. Guo Chuan, Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, Dong Shaofeng, Li Guorong, Wang Dan, Qian Yixiong, Liu Cunge. Multiple dolomitization and later hydrothermal alteration on the Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician carbonates in the northern Tarim Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2016, 295-316.

8. Zhou Xiqiang, Chen Daizhao, Tang Dongjie, Dong Shaofeng, Guo Chuan, Guo Zenghui, Zhang Yanqiu. Biogenic iron-rich filaments in the quartz veins in the Uppermost Ediacaran Qigebulake formation, Aksu area, Northwestern Tarim Basin, China: Implications for iron oxidizers in subseafloor hydrothermal systems. Astrobiology. 2015, 15: 523-537.

9. Guo Chuan, Chen Daizhao, Dong Shaofeng, Qian Yixiong, Liu Cunge. Early dolomitisation of the Lower-Middle Ordovician cyclic carbonates in northern Tarim Basin, NW China. Science China-Earth Sciences. 2017, 60: 1283-1298.

10. 董少峰,陳洪德,趙俊興,高星,黃克獻。鄂爾多斯盆地靖邊氣田北部馬五41亞段儲層特徵,沉積與特提斯地質,2009,29(2):66-70。

11. 陳代釗,張艷秋,周錫強,董少峰。塔里木盆地西緣上寒武統下丘里塔格群熱液白雲岩改造時限-來自古地磁的約束,石油與天然氣地質,2020,41,50-58。

12. 錢一雄,馮菊芳,何治亮,張克銀,金婷,董少峰,尤東華,張永東。從岩石學及微區同位素探討四川盆地燈影組皮殼-葡萄狀白雲石成因,石油與天然氣地質,2017,38(4):665-676。

13. 錢一雄,陳代釗,尤東華,卿海若,何治亮,董少峰,馬玉春,焦存禮,田蜜。塔東北庫魯克塔格地區中上寒武統白雲岩類型與孔隙演化,古地理學報,2012,14(4):461-476。

14. 高星,陳洪德,朱平,趙俊興,董少峰。蘇里格氣田西部盒8段儲層成岩作用及其演化,天然氣工業,2009(03):17-20。

15. 蘇中堂,陳洪德,朱平,趙俊興,董少峰,郝雁。鄂爾多斯盆地南部馬家溝組孔隙類型及其演化,海相油氣地質,2010,15(4):6-13。

16. 張萌,黃思靜,馮明石,王琦,黃裕雄,董少峰,彭美麗。碎屑岩骨架顆粒溶解的熱力學模型機地質意義,地球科學與環境學報,2006,28(4):22-25。[1]
