主要研究領域為國際公法一般理論、國際關係與國際法交叉研究、對外關係法、氣候變化法、世貿組織法、武裝衝突法。已在Chinese Journal of International Politics, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, Chinese Journal of International Law, 《中國法律評論》、《國際政治研究》、《中國國際法年刊》、Asian Journal of WTO & International Health and Policy等期刊發文。入選2020年中國博士後國(境)外交流計劃引進項目。
Chaoyi Jiang majors in public international law, with particular interests in the making of international law, foreign relations law, and interdisciplinary studies between international law and international relations. In terms of specific areas of international law, she has been focusing on climate change law, international trade law, international humanitarian law, international organizations, and general theories of international law. Her articles have been published in journals including Chinese Journal of International Politics, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, Chinese Journal of International Law, China Law Review, Journal of International Studies, Chinese Yearbook of International Law, and Asian Journal of WTO & International Health and Policy.
2006-2010 清華大學法學院 法學學士 2010-2012 清華大學法學院 法學碩士 2012-2013 美國紐約大學法學院 國際法研究法律碩士 (LL.M specialized in International Legal Studies) 2015-2019 美國杜克大學法學院 法科學博士 (Doctor of Juridical Science, S.J.D.)
2013-2015 紐約大學法學院亞美法研究所(U.S.-Asia Law Institute) 研究員 2020-2022 復旦大學法學院師資博士後 2022-至今 復旦大學法學院青年副研究員 [1]