2005.09-2009.07 工學學士,吉林大學,自動化
2009.08-2014.06 工學博士,吉林大學,控制理論與控制工程
2014.11-2017.06 博士後,中國科學院自動化研究所,複雜系統管理與控制國家重點實驗室
2017.06-2018.12 助理研究員,中國科學院自動化研究所, 複雜系統管理與控制國家重點實驗室
2018.12-今 副教授,北京師範大學,系統科學學院
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61973330,融合數據與自學習優化的故障時變互聯繫統有限時間自愈控制,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持。
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,61603387,面向未知非線性關聯繫統主動容錯控制的自適應動態規劃方法,2017/01-2019/12,在研,主持。
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61773075,基於自適應動態規劃的可重構機械臂事件觸發分散控制方法研究,2018/01-2021/12,在研,合作單位負責人。
[4] 北京師範大學青年教師基金項目,2019NTST25,基於自適應評判設計的非線性系統平行容錯控制方法,2019/10-2021/09,在研,主持。
[5] 吉林省科技發展計劃項目,20150520112JH,基於「故障隱藏」機制的可重構機械臂主動分散容錯控制方法研究,2015/01-2017/12,已結題,主持。
[6] 國家自然科學基金重點項目,61533017,基於數據的建築群及分布式能源系統一體化建模與自學習優化控制,2016/01-2020/12,在研,參加。
[7] 國家自然科學基金優秀青年項目,61722312,自學習最優控制理論與應用,2018/01-2020/12,在研,參加。
[8] 科技部「科技創新2030-新一代人工智能」重大項目,2018AAA0100203,新一代認知神經網絡模型-神經網絡自動組織與演化原理,2020/01-2023/12,在研,參加。
[9] 國家重點研發計劃項目,2018YFB1702304,管控平台功能自適應演化與定製化技術-智能工廠彈性服務管控平台通用架構及開發工具,2019/05-2022/04,在研,參加。
[10] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61773373,面向知識學習與資源高效利用的複雜非線性系統自適應評判控制,2018/01-2021/12,在研,參加。
[11] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,51705515,基於混合雙目視覺的移動機器人環境主動感知,2018/01-2020/12,在研,參加。
[12] 北京市自然科學基金面上項目,4162065,不確定環境下複雜非線性系統基於數據的魯棒自學習優化控制,2016/01-2018/12,已結題,參加。
[13] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,61374051,面向任務約束啟發的可重構機械臂模塊化協同控制方法研究,2014/01-2017/12,已結題,參加。
[14] 973計劃項目子課題,2012CB720000,不規則弱引力場中探測器運動行為分析與着陸控制,2012/09-2014/08,已結題,參加。
[15] 吉林省科技發展計劃項目,20110705,車載柔性機械臂軌跡跟蹤控制方法及應用研究,2011/09-2014/08,已結題,參加。
[16] 吉林大學青年教師創新項目:基於分布參數機械臂操作柔性負載系統建模與控制研究,2011/07-2012/06,已結題,參加。
[17] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,60974010,基於模塊局部信息的可重構機械臂動力學控制與容錯控制研究,2010/01-2012/12,已結題,參加。
Journal articles
[1] Bo Zhao, Ding Wang*, Guang Shi, Derong Liu, Yuanchun Li. Decentralized control for large-scale nonlinear systems with unknown mismatched interconnections via policy iteration. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018, 48(10): 1725-1735. (SCI, IF=9.309, Q1區)
[2] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu. Event-triggered decentralized tracking control of modular reconfigurable robots through adaptive dynamic programming. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(4): 3054-3064. (SCI, IF=7.515, Q1區)
[3] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Cesare Alippi. Sliding mode surface-based approximate optimal control for uncertain nonlinear systems with asymptotically stable critic structure. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2962011, 2020. (SCI, IF=11.079, Q1區)
[4] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Chaomin Luo. Reinforcement learning-based optimal stabilization for unknown nonlinear systems subject to inputs with uncertain constraints. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2019.2954983, 2020. (SCI, IF=8.793, Q1區)
[5] Bo Zhao, Derong Liu*, Yuanchun Li. Observer based adaptive dynamic programming for fault tolerant control of a class of nonlinear systems. Information Sciences, 2017, 384: 21-33. (SCI, IF=5.91, Q1區)
[6] Bo Zhao*, Lihao Jia, Hongbing Xia, Yuanchun Li. Adaptive dynamic programming based stabilization of nonlinear systems with unknown actuator saturation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 93(4): 2089-2103. (SCI, IF=4.867, Q1區)
[7] Bo Zhao, Yuanchun Li*. Local joint information based active fault tolerant control for reconfigurable manipulator. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, 77(3): 859-876. (SCI, IF=4.867, Q1區)
[8] Bo Zhao*, Yuanchun Li, Derong Liu. Self-tuned local feedback gain based decentralized fault tolerant control for a class of large-scale nonlinear Systems. Neurocomputing, 2017, 235: 147-156. (SCI, IF=4.438, Q1區)
[9] Bo Zhao*, Guang Shi, Ding Wang. Asymptotically stable critic designs for approximate optimal stabilization of nonlinear systems subject to mismatched external disturbances. Neurocomputing, 2020, 396: 201-208. (SCI, IF=4.438, Q1區)
[10] Bo Zhao, Derong Liu*, Yuanchun Li. Online fault compensation control based on policy iteration algorithm for a class of affine nonlinear systems with actuator failures. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2016, 10(15): 1816-1823. (SCI, IF=3.343, Q1/Q2區)
[11] Bo Zhao*, Yuanchun Li. Model-free adaptive dynamic programming based near-optimal decentralized tracking control of reconfigurable manipulators. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2018, 16(2): 478-490. (SCI, IF=2.733, Q2區)
[12] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Xiong Yang, Yuanchun Li. Observer-critic structure based adaptive dynamic programming for decentralised tracking control of unknown large-scale nonlinear systems. International Journal of Systems Science, 2017, 48(9): 1978-1989. (SCI, IF=2.149, Q2/Q3區)
[13] Bo Zhao, Chenghao Li, Tianhao Ma, Yuanchun Li*. Multiple faults detection and isolation via decentralized sliding mode observer for reconfigurable manipulator. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2015, 10(6): 2393- 2405. (SCI, IF=0.736, Q4區)
[14] Haowei Lin,Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu. Data-based fault tolerant control for nonlinear systems through particle swarm optimized critic learning. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2020, 7(4): 954-964. (SCI, IF=5.129, Q1區)
[15] Yongwei Zhang,Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu. Deterministic policy gradient adaptive dynamic programming for model-free optimal control. Neurocomputing, 2020, 387: 40-50. (SCI, IF=4.438, Q1區)
[16] Yuanchun Li, Guibin Ding,Bo Zhao*. Decentralized adaptive neural network sliding mode position/force control of constrained reconfigurable manipulators. Journal of Central South University, 2016, 23(11): 2917-2925. (SCI, IF=1.249, Q3區)
[17] Yuanchun Li, Hongbing Xia,Bo Zhao*. Policy iteration algorithm based fault tolerant tracking control: an implementation on reconfigurable manipulators. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 13(4): 1740-1751. (SCI, IF=0.736, Q4區)
[18] 趙博,李元春*.基於信號重構的可重構機械臂主動分散容錯控制.自動化學報, 2014, 40(9): 1942-1950. (EI)
[19] 趙博,李元春*.考慮多傳感器故障的可重構機械臂主動取代分散容錯控制.控制與決策, 2014, 29(2): 226-230. (EI)
[20] 趙博,李元春*,劉克平.有效因子融合的可重構機械臂分散容錯控制方法.清華大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, 52(9): 1218-1222+1229. (EI)
[21] 趙博,李成浩,李元春*.基於故障在線估計的可重構機械臂分散容錯控制.吉林大學學報(工學版), 2014, 44(6): 1729-1735. (EI)
[22] 李元春,周帆,馬天豪,趙博*.基於多步時延的可重構機械臂並發故障分散容錯控制.吉林大學學報(工學版), 2015, 45(6): 1874-1880. (EI)
[23] 李元春,王蒙,盛立輝,趙博*.液壓機械臂基於反演的自適應二階滑模控制.吉林大學學報(工學版), 2015, 45(1): 193-201. (EI)
[24] 李元春,宋揚,趙博*.環境約束可重構機械臂模塊化力/位置控制.上海交通大學學報, 2017, 51(6): 709-716. (EI).
[25] Xiong Yang*,Bo Zhao. Optimal neuro-control strategy for nonlinear systems with asymmetric input constraints. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2020, 7(2): 575 - 583. (SCI, IF=5.129, Q1區)
[26] Ding Wang, Haibo He*,Bo Zhao, Derong Liu. Adaptive near-optimal controllers for nonlinear decentralized feedback stabilisation problems. IET Control Theory & Applications. 2017, 11(6): 799-806. (SCI, IF=3.343, Q1/Q2區)
[27] Qiao Lin, Qinglai Wei*,Bo Zhao. Optimal control for discrete-time systems with actuator saturation. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2017, 38: 1071-1080. (SCI, IF=1.252, Q2/Q3區)
Conference articles
[1] Bo Zhao, Zhiqian Wang, Yanfeng Qiao, Keping Liu, Yuanchun Li*. A combined backstepping terminal sliding mode algorithm based decentralized control scheme for reconfigurable manipulators. Advances in Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robot I. Tianjin, China. 2012.7:657-668. (EI)
[2] Zhao Bo, Dong Bo, Li Yuanchun*. Support vector machine observer based fault detection for reconfigurable manipulators. Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, Yantai, China. 2011.7:3979-3984. (EI)
[3] Bo Zhao, Yuanchun Li*. Decentralized differential tracker based control of reconfigurable manipulators without velocity sensor. Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, Nanjing, China. 2014.7: 8370-8374. (EI)
[4] Bo Zhao, Zhiyuan Du, Yuanchun Li*. Decentralized integral sliding mode control of reconfigurable manipulator: An enhancement methodology for practical application. Proceedings of the 34th Chinese Control Conference, Hangzhou, China. 2015.7: 3313-3318. (EI)
[5] Bo Zhao, Derong Liu*, Yuanchun Li, Guang Shi. Adaptive dynamic programming based fault compensation control for nonlinear systems with actuator failures. Proceedings of 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, July 2016, Vancouver, Canada. 2016.7: 3530-3535. (EI)
[6] Bo Zhao, Derong Liu*, Yuanchun Li, Guang Shi. Observer based policy iteration algorithm for fault tolerant control of nonlinear systems with actuator faults. Proceedings of 2016 the 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 2016, Guilin, China. 2016.6: 2267-2272. (EI)
[7] Bo Zhao*, Ding Wang, Guang Shi, Derong Liu, Yuanchun Li. Decentralized stabilization for nonlinear systems with unknown mismatched interconnections. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2016), Kyoto, Japan, 2016.10: 185-192. (EI)
[8] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Yuanchun Li, Qinglai Wei, Ruizhuo Song. Adaptive dynamic programming based decentralized tracking control for unknown large-scale systems. Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, Dalian, China, 2017.7: 3575-3580. (EI)
[9] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Yuanchun Li. Neuro-control of nonlinear systems with unknown input constraints. Proceedings of 2017 the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Guangzhou, China, 2017.11: 778-788. (EI)
[10] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Yuanchun Li. Data-based robust near-optimal decentralized stabilization of unknown large-scale systems. Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Hawaii, USA, 2017.11: 436-441. (EI)
[11] Bo Zhao*, Guang Shi, Chao Li. Self-learning optimal control for uncertain nonlinear systems via online updated cost function. Proceedings of the 33rd Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, Nanjing, China, 2018.5: 1061-1065. (EI)
[12] Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu, Mingming Ha, Ding Wang, Yancai Xu, Qinglai Wei. Local tracking control for unknown interconnected systems via neuro-dynamic programming. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2018.12: 258-268. (EI)
[13] Bo Zhao*, Jiaxu Hou, Ping Guo, Derong Liu, Yancai Xu. Approximate optimal control of nonlinear systems with mismatched perturbations based on asymptotically stable critic neural network. Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Electronics Engineering, Sanya, China, 2020.1: 60-64. (EI)
[14] Bo Zhao, Bo Dong, Yan Li, Fumitoshi Matsuno, Yuanchun Li*. Self-tuned local feedback gain based decentralized fault tolerant control of reconfigurable manipulators. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2016), Jan. 29-31, 2016, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan. 2016: 302-306.
[15] Ping Guo,Bo Zhao*. An unified view on the feedforward neural network architecture. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2019.7: 173-180. (EI)
[16] Yongwei Zhang, Mingduo Lin, Derong Liu, Yuwen Qin,Bo Zhao*. Data-based optimal control for discrete-time systems via deep deterministic policy gradient adaptive dynamic programming. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Hulunbuir, China, 2019.8: 1-5. (EI)
[17] Mingduo Lin, Derong Liu,Bo Zhao*, Qionghai Dai, Yi Dong. A combined policy gradient and Q-learning method for data-driven optimal control problems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Hulunbuir, China, 2019.8: 6-10. (EI)
[18] Haowei Lin, Qiuye Wu, Derong Liu,Bo Zhao*, Qinmin Yang. Fault tolerant control for nonlinear systems based on adaptive dynamic programming with particle swarm optimization. Proceedings of 2019 the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, Marrakesh, Morocco, 2019.12: 322-326. (EI)
[19] Qiuye Wu, Haowei Lin,Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu. Local near-optimal control for delayed interconnected systems. Proceedings of 2019 the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Sydney, Australia, 2019.12: 458-468. (EI)
[20] Tianmin Zhou, Jiaxu Hou, Handong Li, Zengru Di,Bo Zhao*. Neuro-control for continuous-time stochastic nonlinear systems via online policy iteration algorithm. Proceedings of 2020 the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Hefei, China, 2020.5. (EI, Accepted)
[21] Fangchao Luo,Bo Zhao*, Derong Liu. Observer based event-triggered fault compensation control for nonlinear systems via adaptive dynamic programming. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Bath, London, Plymouth, UK, 2020.7. (EI, Accepted)
[22] Xi Liu, Derong Liu,Bo Zhao*. Fault tolerant tracking control through particle swarm optimization based policy iteration. Proceedings of the 35th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation, Zhanjiang, China, 2020.5. (EI, Accepted)
[23] 趙博,郭平. 構建協同學習系統的方法論.第三屆中國系統科學會議(摘要論文),中國長沙, 2019.5.
[24] Ping Guo, Jiaxu Hou,Bo Zhao*. Methodology of building synergetic learning systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Complex Systems, Nashua, NH, USA, 2020.7. (Accepted)
[1] 趙博,李元春,劉克平.可重構機械臂傳感器故障實時診斷和容錯系統及其方法(ZL201310342203.4), 2015.12 (已授權)
[2] 李元春,趙博,唐志國,王蒙.基於雙參數奇異攝動的液壓剛柔機械臂控制方法(ZL201310341384.9), 2015.5 (已授權)
[3] 王鼎,張啟超,趙博.微電網頻率自適應學習控制方法(ZL201810179648.8) , 2020.4.7 (已授權)
[4] 魏慶來,劉德榮,林橋,李本凱,趙博.自適應最優控制方法及自適應最優控制系統(201610868410.7), 2016.9 (已公布)
[5] 魏慶來,劉德榮,林橋,李本凱,趙博.自適應最優控制方法(201610815563.5) , 2016.9 (已公布)
IEEE Member, 2016-.
APNNS Member, 2016-.
中國自動化學會自適應動態規劃與強化學習專業委員會秘書, 2016-.
中國自動化學會青年工作委員會委員, 2017-.
第24屆ICONIP國際會議秘書, 2017.
Leading guest editor: Bo Zhao, Wenyi Zeng, Weinan Gao, Qichao Zhang. Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Analysis and Integration of Complex Systems in Complex & Intelligent Systems. 2020.
Conference invited session chair: Bo Zhao*, Fang Xu, Zhijie Liu, Yancai Xu. Analysis, optimization & control of structural flexible systems in CPHS. The 3rd IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical and Human Systems. Shanghai, China, 2020.12.3-5.
Conference invited session chair: Ruizhuo Song, Qinglai Wei, Jinhai Liu, Xiong Yang, Bo Zhao. Adaptive dynamic programming and reinforcement learning for optimal control. DDCLS2020. Liuzhou, China, 2020.5.
Conference Special Session Chair: The 17th International Symposium on Neural Networks. Cairo, Egypt, 2020.10.
Session Chair: ICONIP2017, ICONIP2018, ICIST2019.
PC Members: WCICA2016, ICONIP2017, SSCI2017.