




阮榕生,男,1963年生。教育部"長江學者獎勵計劃"食品科學的特聘教授,博士生導師,江西省生物質轉化工程技術研究中心主任。1991年在美國Illinois State University農業工程系食品工程系獲工學博士學位,1991.9-1993.12美國Illinois State University和Minnesota University 博士後研究。1994.1-2002.9 美國明尼達大學生物系統與農業工程系,助教、副教授、教授。2002年10月被教育部聘為南昌大學"長江學者"特聘教授,食品科學學科帶頭人。

出生 (1963-01-01) 1963年1月1日(62歲)
國籍 中國
職業 江學者特聘教授



1988年獲美國Oklahoma State University生物系統與農業工程碩士,







一、為人師表,深得學生愛戴 阮榕生,教授,博士生導師,美國農業與生物工程學會院士,教育部長江學者南昌大學特聘教授,2010年中組部千人計劃海外高層次創新人才。現任南昌大學食品科學與工程國家重點實驗室創新團隊首席科學家,生物質轉化教育部工程研究中心榮譽主任。美國明尼蘇達大學生物產品與生物系統工程系終身教授、食品科學與營養系教授、明尼蘇達大學生物精煉中心主任。他還擔任江西省生物質轉化工程技術研究中心主任,美國農業部食品工程專業委員會委員,聯合國發展計劃委員會農副產品加工項目中國首席技術專家,美國穀物化學學會委員、美國食品工程師協會委員、美國農業工程學會技術性論文獎勵委員會主席、美國《農業應用工程學》和《農業工程論文集》刊物編委。


二、追求真理,潛心科學研究 阮榕生教授的研究領域涵蓋可再生生物質能源和農林生物質的增值加工食品工程學等領域。主要從事核磁共振及其成像技術、食品聚合物理論與核磁共振食品聚合物狀態圖技術、超高壓技術、等離子殺菌技術和神經網絡技術在食品加工與保藏、食品質量管理中的應用等方面的研究工作,同時在生物資源的綜合開發利用上開創一條新的研究領域,在他的倡導下成立了江西省生物質轉化工程技術研究中心,特別是利用可再生的農林生物質資源轉化燃料、化學品和新材料;開展生物質基高分子材料製造工藝創新研究;開發延長食品貨架期和確保食品質量以及保障食品安全的高新技術;開發先進的非熱等離子及高壓電場技術在生物製品和食品加工中的應用。近10年來阮榕生博士在美國期間曾先後承擔美國國防部、農業部等有關食品及農副產品加工的科研項150多項,共計研究經費3000多萬美元,先後在國際權威雜誌上發表文章300多篇,其中SCI、EI收錄200多篇。14部專著或合著,並參加國際會議並作大會報告200多次,國際會議文章300多篇,國內外發明專利24項。並獲得40多項國際獎項。由於他的勤奮工作和突出業績,阮教授多次獲得明尼蘇達大學邁克耐特傑出大學教授提名。作為美國有影響的生物質精煉領域專家,參予制定了美國能源部的"微藻生物質能源發展路線圖"的制定工作。















2.2015 Bioresource Technology Best Paper Award. For "A review of catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of lignin-derived phenols from biomass pyrolysis."


(Bu, Quan; Lei, Hanwu; Zacher, Alan H.; Wang, Lu; Ren, Shoujie; Liang, Jing; Wei, Yi; Liu, Yupeng; Tang, Juming; Zhang, Qin; Ruan, Roger(阮榕生).


2015榮獲TIB(計算機科學技術)認可證書,且為中國科學院特聘講師。 4.2015ElsevierReviewerRecognitionAward.ReviewerrecognizedforAppliedSurfaceSciencejournal.























2010中國江西,南昌大學2012-2013計算機科學技術MOO語言千人計劃專家 16.2009MidwestAlgaeWorkshop1stPlacePosterAward.For"Effectofvariouspretreatmentonalgallipidextraction."(Y.Li,M.Min,L.Wang,Y.Cheng.B.Martinez,P.Chen,andR.Ruan).

2009有關"各種預處理對藻類脂質提取的影響"獲中西部藻類車間第一名地方海報獎。 17.2009MidwestAlgaeWorkshop2ndPlacePosterAward.For"UsingWastewaterforMassMicroalgaeProductionasanEnergyCrop."(M.Min,Q.Kong,Y.Li,Y.Chen,L.Wang,P.Chen,A.Sealock,R.Polta,andR.Ruan).








































































1. Zhou, W, Chen, P Min, M., Peng P, Fida H, Chen P, Liu Y, Ruan, R. 2014. Biological mitigation of carbon dioxide via microalgae: recent development and future direction. Bioresour Technol. (In Review).

2. Hussain, F, Zhou, W, Fu Z, Liu Y, Min, M., Cheng Y, Li Y, Liu Y, Chen, P and Ruan, R. 2014. Isolation and selection of microalgae tolerant of CO2 rich flue gas. Bioresour Technol. (In Review).

3. Qinglong Xie, Peng Peng, Shiyu Liu, Min Min, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yun Li, Xiangyang Lin, Yuhuan Liu, Paul Chen, and Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted catalytic pyrolysis of sewage sludge for bio-oil production. Bioresour Technol. 172 (2014): 162–168.

4. Dongyan Mu, Min Min, Brian Krohn, Kimberley A. Mullins, Roger Ruan, and Jason Hill. 2014. Life cycle environmental impacts of wastewater-based algal biofuels. Environmental Science & Technology. Accepted.

5. Xiaochen Ma, Hongli Zheng, He Huang, Yuhuan Liu, Roger Ruan. 2014. Effects of Temperature and Substrate Concentration on Lipid Production by Chlorella vulgaris from Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Lipid-Extracted Microalgal Biomass Residues (LMBRs). Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Accepted.

6. Ma, X.C., Zhou, W.G., Fu, Z.Q., Cheng, Y.L., Min M., Liu Y.H., Chen, P., Ruan, R. 2014. Effect of Wastewater-borne Bacteria on Algal Growth and Nutrients Removal in Wastewater-based Algae Cultivation System. Bioresour Technol. 167: 8-13.

7. Fernanda Cabral Borges, Qinglong Xie, Min Min, Luis Antônio Rezende Muniz, Marcelo Farenzena, Jorge Otávio Trierweiler, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted pyrolysis of microalgae using microwave absorbent and HZSM-5 catalyst. Bioresource Technology 166 (2014) 518–526.

8. Wenguang Zhou, Paul Chen, Min Min, Xiaochen Ma, Jinghan Wang, Zongqiang Fu, Richard Griffith, Fida Hussain, Pu Peng, Qinglong Xie, Yun Li, Jian Shi, Roger Ruan. 2014. Environment-enhancing Algal Biofuel Production Using Wastewaters. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 36 (2014): 256–269.

9. Fernanda Cabral Borges, Zhenyi Du, Qinglong Xie, Jorge Otávio Trierweiler, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yuhuan Liu, Rongbi Zhu, Xiangyang Lin, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave assisted pyrolysis of biomass using microwave absorbent. Bioresource Technology 156: 267-274.

10. Qinglong Xie, Fernanda Cabral Borges, Yanling Cheng, Yiqin Wan, Yun Li, Xiangyang Lin, Yuhuan Liu, Fida Hussain, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2014. Fast microwave-assisted catalytic gasification of biomass for syngas production and tar removal. Bioresource Technology 156:291-296.

11. Hong, P., Luo, Q., Ruan, R., Zhang, J., and Liu, Y. 2014. "Structural features of lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complexes from bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel)," BioRes. 9(1):1276-1289.

12. Zhou, W, and Ruan, R. 2014. Biological mitigation of carbon dioxide via microalgae: recent development and future direction. Scientia Sinca Chimica. 44(1): 63-78.

13. Min M , Hu B. Fu ZQ, Michael M, Jiang, YC, Sun, Y., Chen P, and Zhou W, R. Ruan. 2013. Swine manure-based pilot scale algal biomass production system for fuel and wastewater treatment – A case study. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-013-0603-6.

14. Liu Yuhuan, Liu Yinyu, Wang Yuanpu, Ruan, Rongsheng, Wen Pingwwi, Wan Yiqin, and Cheng Fangyuan. 2013. Review of pyrolysis of oils for renewable biofuel production. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress (China)11:2588-2592.

15. Chen, P., Li, Y., Cui, T., and Ruan, R. 2013. Nanoparticles based sensors for rapid detection of foodborne pathogens. International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering. 6(1):1-7.

16. Ruan Roger, Jian Enguang, Wu Xiaodan, Liu Wei, Shi Xiaojie, Xu Chang, Chen Xiangyuan, Liu Yuhuan. 2013. Treatment of biogas from pig industry using chlorella. Modern Chemical Industry 8(33): 62-64, 66.

17. Wang Z, Ma, X, Zhou W, Min M, Shi J. Wang Q. Chen P, and R. Ruan. 2013. Oil Crop Biomass Residues-based Medium for Enhanced Algal Lipid and protein Production. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.171:689-703.

18. Ruan Roger, Cheng Fangyuan, Wang Yunpu, Liu Yuhuan, Wen Pingwei, Wan Yiqin, Liu Yingyu. 2013. Latest progress on high efficient biomass refining of green chemicals. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 9(33): 27-31.

19. Zhenyi Du, Xiaochen Ma, Yun Li, Paul Chen, Yuhuan Liu, Xiangyang Lin, Hanwu Lei, Roger Ruan. 2013. Production of aromatic hydrocarbons by catalytic pyrolysis of microalgae with zeolites: Catalyst screening in a pyroprobe. Bioresource Technology 139:397-401.

20. Wang Yunpu, Liu Yuhuan, Ruan Rongsheng, Wen Pingwei, Wan Yiqin, Zhang Jingsheng, 2013. Design and application of pyrolysis system with controllable energy output of microwave reactant per mass unit. Modern Chemical Industry 9(33):118-121.

21. Wenguang Zhou, Min Min, Bing Hu, Xiaochen Ma, Yuhuan Liu, Qin Wang, Jian Shi, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2013. Filamentous fungi assisted bio-flocculation: A novel alternative technique for harvesting heterotrophic and autotrophic microalgal cells. Separation and Purification Technology 107 (2013) 158–165.

22. Liu Yuhuan, Ma Wen, Wang Yunpu, Ruan Rongsheng, Wen Pingwei, Wan Yiqin, 2013. Production of renewable hydrocarbon fuels from microwave decarboxylation of tallow oil potassium soap. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 10: 2361-2365.

23. Shi, A., Z. Du, X. Ma, Y. Cheng. M. Min, S. Deng, P. Chen. D. Li, R. Ruan. 2013. Production and evaluation of biodiesel and bioethanol from high oil corn using three processing routes. Bioresource Technology 128:100-106.

24. Ruan Roger, Yao Yuan, Wang Yunpu, Wen Pingwei, Wan Yiqin, Liu Yuhuan, 2013. Furfural and acetic acid refining from rice husk by microwave assisted oriented pyrolysis. Modern Chemical Industry 5:66-68, 70.

25. Bing Hu, Wenguang Zhou, Min Min, Zhenyi Du, Paul Chen, Xiaochen Ma, Yuhuan Liu, Hanwu Lei, Jian Shi, Roger Ruan. 2013. Development of an effective acidogenically digested swine manure-based algal system for improved wastewater treatment and biofuel and feed production. Applied Energy 107(2013):255-263.

26. Liu Shitao, Liu Yuhuan, Ruan Rongsheng, Peng Hong, Zhang Jingsheng, Wan Yiqin, 2013. Review of biodiesel production using solid based catalysts. Modern Chemical Industry 7:30-33, 35.

27. Cheng Yixin, Zhang Jiangsheng, Wang Zhaolong, Liu Yuhuan, Ruan Rongsheng, 2013. Low field NMR study on changes of water holding capacity of resistant starch in yogurt during storage. Science and Technology of Food Industry 10: 93-96.

28. Wang Ying, Zhang Jingsheng, Cheng Xin, Liu Yuhuan, Ruan Rongsheng, Wen Pingwei, 2013. NMR studies on the impact of different rinsing processes on grass carp surimi. Science and Technology of Food Industry 11: 255-258.

29. Chen Xiangyuan, Liu Yuhuan, Ruan Rongsheng, Li Yun, Shi Xiaojie, Wang Hui, Wu Xiaodan, Wang Yunpu, Wan Yiqin, 2013. Development ideas on China green agriculture from biogas development perspective. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 8: 147-153.

30. Yu Ziping, Peng Hong, Lin Dan, Hu Zhengrong, Wang Na, Ruan Rongsheng, Liu Yuhuan, Zhang Jingsheng, 2013. Alkali fractionation of bamboo hemicellulose and structural characterization. Journal of Northeast Forestry University 2: 80-85.

31. Ma, W., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, X. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Wan, X. Wu, Y. Li. 2013. Sapium sebiferum (Chinese Tallow) – a promising energy plant for diesel (hydtocarbon fuel). Advanced Materials Research 608-609(2013):453-457.

32. Ma, W., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, X. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Wan, X. Wu, Y. Li. 2013. Aqueous extraction of Chinese tallow seeds oil. Advanced Materials Research 608-609(2013):328-332.

33. Zhenyi Du, Bing Hu, Xiaochen Ma, Yanling Cheng, Yuhuan Liu, Xiangyang Lin, Yiqin Wan, Hanwu Lei, Paul Chen, and Roger Ruan. 2013. Catalytic pyrolysis of microalgae and their three major components: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Bioresource Technology 130(2013):777-782.

34. Ren, Shoujie; Lei, Hanwu; Wang, Lu; Bu, Quan; Wei, Yi; Liang, Jing; Liu, Yupeng; Julson, James; Chen, Shulin; Wu, Joan; Ruan, Roger. 2012. Microwave torrefaction of Douglas fir sawdust pellet. Energy & Fuels 26(9):5926-5943.

35. Wang, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Wan, J. Zhang, H. Peng. 2012. Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Generation from Sodium Stearate Decarboxylation by Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis. Acta Chimica Sinica, 70(2), pp 114-120.

36. Liu, Yuhuan; Wang, Yunpu; Wang, Yingkuan; Wan, Yiqin; Zhang, Jinsheng; Ruan, Rongsheng. 2012. Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of Swida wilsoniana fruit oil soap for preparing renewable hydrocarbon fuel via selective decarboxylation. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery.

37. Wang, B., Y. Cheng, Y. Liu, P. Chen, D. Li, R. Ruan. 2012. Properties of rigid polyurethane foams prepared from recycled aircraft deicing agent with hexamethylene diisocyanate. J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2012, DOI: 10.1002/APP.37525.

38. Yuhuan Liu; Yingkuan Wang; Roger Ruan; Ziling Li; Xiangyang Lin; Chengmei Liu. 2012. Optimization of processing parameters for rapid liquefaction of corn stover under atmospheric pressure. Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. 2012;43(8):110-115.

39. Wang, Y.P. ; Liu, Y.H. ; Ruan, R.S. ; Wan, Y.Q. ; Zhang, J.S. ; Peng, H. 2012. Production of High Heat Value Fuels by Microwave Pyrolysis of Microalgae Oil Soap under Nitrogen Environments. Advanced Materials Research; 347-353; 2545-2550.

40. Zhang, J., Y. Liu, N. Wang, and R. Ruan. 2012. NMR Technique Application in Evaluating the Quality of Navel Orange During Storage. Procedia Engineering. 37(2012): 234-239.

41. Du, Z., B. Hu, A. Shi, X. Ma, Y. Cheng, P. Chen, Y. Liu, X. Lin, and R. Ruan. 2012. Cultivation of a microalga Chlorella vulgaris using recycled aqueous phase nutrients from hydrothermal carbonization process. Bioresource Technology 126(2012):354-357.

42. Liu, Y. Y. Wang, R. Ruan, Z. Li, X. Lin, C. Liu. 2012. Optimized process parameters for fast atmospheric liquefaction of corn stover. Transactions of Agricultural Mechanization 8: 110-115, 2012

43. Liu, S. ,Y. Liu, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, H. Peng, Y. Wan, X. Wu. 2012. Food essence structure and flavor characteristics and potential harmfulness. Food Industry Scientific 9:426-430, 2012.

44. Shi, X. Y. Liu, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, H. Peng, Y. Wan, X. Wu. 2012. Review of neoformed contaminants in foods and their health effects. Food Sciences 13:324-328, 2012.

45. Liu, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2012. Rapid determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by ultraviolet spectrophotometry in glucose diphasic hydrolysate. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2011), 10/21-23/2011, pp 1713-1717, Shanghai, China.

46. Chang Xu, Hui Wang, Yu Huan Liu, Roger Ruan, Yun Li. 2012. Research on Edible Fungi and Algae as Feed Supplement. Advanced Materials Research, 518-523, 608.

47. Yu Pu Wang, Yu Huan Liu, Rongsheng Ruan, Yi Qin Wan, Jin Sheng Zhang, Hong Peng. 2011. Production of High Heat Value Fuels by Microwave Pyrolysis of Microalgae Oil Soap under Nitrogen Environments. Advanced Materials Research, 347-353, 2545.

48. Wang, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Wan, J. Zhang, H. Peng. 2012. Production of high heating value fuels by microwave pyrolysis of microalgae oil soap under nitrogen environments. International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2011), 10/21-23/2011, pp 2545-2550, Shanghai, China.

49. Lin, T., H. Peng, R. Ruan, Z. Yu, Y. Liu. 2012. Ionicliquids application in extraction of bamboo hemicellulose. Modern Industry 2:41-43+55, 2012.


50. Lin, T, H. Peng, R. Ruan, Z. Yu, Y. Liu. 2012. Fast determination of glucuronicacid in bamboo hemicellulose. Modern Industry. China Paper Making 3:16-19, 2012.

51. Ma, W., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, J. Zhang. X. Wu, H. Peng. 2012. Review of food polyphenolics. China Brewing 4:11-14, 2012.

52. Wu, X., N. Xu, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2012. Study of Trichoderma viride for lignin digestion. Food Industry Scientific 7:165-169, 2012.

53. X. Wu, Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Wan, J. Zahng, H. Peng. 2012. Prospect of the coupling waste biomass treatment and microalgae biofuel production. SREE Workshop on Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering (AMCE), 12/17-18/2011, pp 269-274, Macau, CHINA,

54. Luo, Q., Peng, H., Zhou, M., Lin, D., Ruan, R., Wan, Y., Zhang, J., and Liu, Y. 2012. Alkali extraction and physicochemical characterization of hemicelluloses from young bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel). BioResources 7(4), 5817-5828.

55. Ren, S., H. Lei, L. Wang, Q. Bu, S. Chen; J. Wu; J. Julson; R. Ruan. 2012. The effects of torrefaction on compositions of bio-oil and syngas from biomass pyrolysis by microwave heating. Bioresource Technology 2012; DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.06.091.

56. Peng, H., J. Zhang, Y. Liu, D. Liu, Z. Yu, Y. Wan, and R. Ruan. 2012. Structural characterization of hemicellulosic polysaccharides isolated from bamboo. Current Organic Chemistry 2012(16):1855-1862.

57. Hu, B., M. Min, W. Zhou, Y. Li, M. Mohr. Y. Cheng, H. Lei, Y. Liu, X. Lin, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Influence of exogenous CO 2 on biomass and lipid accumulation of microalgae Auxenochlorella protothecoides cultivated in concentrated municipal wastewater. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 166(7):1661-1673.

58. Hong Peng, Na Wang, Zhengrong Hu, Ziping Yu, Yuhuan Liu, Jinsheng Zhang, Roger Ruan. 2012. Physicochemical characterization of hemicelluloses from bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) stem. Industrial Crops and Products. 37(1): 41–50.

59. Lu Wang; Hanwu Lei; Shoujie Ren; Quan Bu; Jing Liang; Yi Wei; Yupeng Liu; Guo-Shuh J. Lee; Shulin Chen; Juming Tang; Qin Zhang; Roger Ruan. 2012. Aromatics and phenols from catalytic pyrolysis of Douglas fir pellets in microwave with ZSM-5 as a catalyst. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 98:194-200.

60. Zhang, J., Y. Liu, Z. Jin, and R. Ruan. 2012. Studies of wheat resistant starch by NMR technique. Advanced Materials Research 550-553(2012):1357-1363.

61. Wang Yunpu; Liu Yuhuan; Ruan Rongsheng. 2012. Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Generation From Sodium Stearate Decarboxylation by Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis. ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, (2) :114-120.

62. Peng, Hong; Zhang, Jinsheng; Liu, Yuhuan; Liu, Detao; Yu, Ziping; Wan, Yiqin; Ruan, Roger. 2012. Structural Characterization of Hemicellulosic Polysaccharides Isolated from Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel). Current Organic Chemistry, 16(16): 1855-1862(8).

63. Wu, X., Ruan, R., Du, Z., Liu, Y. 2012. Current Status and Prospects of Biodiesel Production from Microalgae. Energies 2012(5): 2667-2682.

64. Du, Z., M. Mohr, X. Ma, Y. Cheng, X. Lin, Y. Liu, W. Zhou, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Hydrothermal pretreatment of microalgae for production of pyrolytic bio-oil with a low nitrogen content. Bioresource Technology 120:13-18.

65. Zhou, W., Y. Li, M. Min, B. Hu, H. Zhang, X. Ma, L. Li, Y. Cheng, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Growing Wastewater-born Microalga Auxenochlorella protothecoides UMN280 on Concentrated Municipal Wastewater for Simultaneous Nutrient Removal and Energy Feedstock Production. Applied Energy 98(2012):433-440.

66. Wang. X, W. Morrison, Z. Du, Y. Wan, X. Lin, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Biomass temperature profile development and its implications under the microwave-assisted pyrolysis condition. Applied Energy 99(2012):386-392.

67. Zhou, W., B. Hu, Y. Li, M. Min, M. Mohr. Z. Du, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Mass Cultivation of Microalgae on Animal Wastewater: a Sequential Two-stage Cultivation Process for Energy Crop and Omega-3 Rich Animal Feed Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 168: 348-363.

68. Lin, X., J. Wu, R. Zhu, P. Chen, G. Huang, Y. Li, N. Ye, B. Huang, Y. Lai, H. Zhang, W. Lin, J. Lin, Z. Wang, H. Zhang, and R. Ruan. 2012. California Almond Shelf Life: Lipid Deterioration During Storage. J. Food Science. 77(6):583-593.

69. Xu, C., H. Wang, Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Li. 2012. Edible fungi and algae as feed supplement. Advanced Materials Research 518-523(2012): 608-613.

70. Li Y, Zhou WG, Hu B, Min M, Chen P, Ruan R 2012. Effect of light intensity on algal biomass accumulation and biodiesel production for mixotrophic strains Chlorella kessleri and Chlorella protothecoide cultivated in highly concentrated municipal wastewater. Biotechnol Bioeng. 109(9):2222-2229.

71. Zhou WG, Li Y, Min M, Hu B, Zhang H, Ma X, Cheng Y, Chen P, Ruan R. 2012. Growing Wastewater-born Microalga Auxenochlorella protothecoides UMN280 on Concentrated Municipal Wastewater for Simultaneous Nutrient Removal and Energy Feedstock Production. Appl Energ. 98:43-440.

72. Zhou WG, Cheng Y, Li Y, Wan Y, Liu Y, Lin X, Ruan R. 2012. Novel Fungal Pelletization Assisted Technology for Algae Harvesting and Wastewater Treatment. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 167(2):214-228.

73. Zhou WG, Min M, Hu B, Ma X, Cheng Y, Liu Y, Chen P, Ruan, R. 2012. A hetero-photoautotrophic two-stage cultivation process to improve wastewater nutrient removal and enhance algal lipid accumution. Bioresour Technol. 110: 448-455.

74. Min, M., B. Hu, W. Zhou, Y. Li, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2012. Mutual influence of light and CO2 on carbon sequestration via cultivating mixotrophic alga Auxenochlorella protothecoides UMN280 in an organic carbon-rich wastewater. Journal of Applied Phycology 24(5):1099-1105.

75. Bu, Q., H. Lei, S. Ren, L. Wang, Q. Zhang, J. Tang, and R. Ruan. 2011. Production of phenols and biofuels by catalytic microwave pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology 2012: 108274-279.

76. Ren, R., H. Lei, L. Wang, Q. Bu, S. Chen, J. Wu, J. Julson, and R. Ruan. 2011. Biofuel production and kinetics analysis of microwave pyrolysis for Douglas fir sawdust pellet. J. Analytic and Applied Pyrolysis. 2012:94163-169.

77. Lei, H., S. Ren, J. Julson, L. Wang, Q. Bu, and R. Ruan. 2011. Microwave torrefaction of corn stover and tech-economic analysis. Peer-reviewed Proceedings of the ASME. MSEC 2011-50230.

78. Bu, Q., H. Lei, S. Ren, L. Wang, J. Holladay, Q. Zhang, J. Tang, and R. Ruan. 2011. Phenol and phenolics from lignocellulosic biomass by catalytic microwave pyrolysis. Bioresource Technology. 102: 7004–7007. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.04.025.

79. Hanwu Lei; Shoujie Ren; James Julson; Lu Wang; Quan Bu; Roger Ruan. 2011. Microwave torrefaction of corn stover and tech-economic analysis. Peer-reviewed Proceedings of the ASME. MSEC 2011:1685-1692.

80. Peng, H., Hu, Z., Yu, Z., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Wan, Y., and Ruan, R. 2012. "Fractionation and thermal characterization of hemicelluloses from bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel) culm," BioRes. 7(1), 374-390.

81. Yecong Li, Wenguang Zhou, Bing Hu, Min Min, Paul Chen, Roger Ruan. 2011. Integration of Algae Cultivation as Biodiesel Production Feedstock with Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Strains Screening and Significance Evaluation of Environmental Factors. Bioresour Technol. 102(23):10861-10867.

82. Zhou, W., Y. Li, M. Min, B. Hu, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2011. Local Bioprospecting for High-lipid Producing Microalgal Strains to be Grown on Concentrated Municipal Wastewater for Biofuel Production. Bioresour Technol. 102(13):6909-19.

83. Min M., L. Wang, Y. Li, M. Mohr, B. Hu, W. Zhou, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2011. Cultivating Chlorella sp. in pilot scale photobioreactor using centrate wastewater for microalgae biomass production and wastewater nutrients removal. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 165(1): 123-137.

84. Gao, Y., W.W. Chen, H. Lei, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2011. Optimization of Transesterification Conditions for the Production of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) from Chinese Tallow Kernel Oil with a Nano-Scale Magnetic Catalyst. Transactions of ASABE 54(3):1169-1174.

85. Lei, H., S. Ren, L. Wang, Q. Bu, J. Judson, J. Holladay, and R. Ruan. 2011. Microwave pyrolysis of distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) for Biofuel Production. Bioresource Technology. 2011 May;102(10):6208-13. Epub 2011 Feb 15.

86. Liu, W., W.L. Liu, C.M. Liu, J.H. Liu, S.B. Yang, H.J. Zheng, H.W. Lei, R. Ruan, T. Li, Z.C. Tu, X.Y. Song. 2011. Medium-chain fatty acid nanoliposomes for easy energy supply. Nutrition, 27:700-706.

87. Wang, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Wan, J. Zhang, H. Peng. 2011. Production of renewable hydrocarbon fuels - Thermochemical behavior of fatty acid soap decarboxylation during microwave-assisted pyrolysis. Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment (ICMREE), 2011 International Conference on, 350-355.

88. Na, R., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, X. Jiang, J. Zhang, H. Peng, Y. Wan. 2011. Using tubular reactor for continuous biodiesel production. Transactions of Nanchang University 35(4):376-379.

89. Yu, Z., H. Peng, T. Lin, R. Ruan, N. Wang, Z. Hu, Y. Liu, J. Zhang. 2011. Research progress on plant hemi-cellulose structure. Macromolecular News, 2011, 6:48-54.

90. Wang, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, W. Zeng, L. Yang, C. Liu, H. Peng, 2011. Thermal and non-thermal processing technologies for food safety. Food Industry Science and Technology 32(7):463-466.

91. Wang, Y., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Wang, L. Yang, C. Liu, H. Peng, 2011. Millard reaction effect of food safety. Food Industry Science and Technology 32(7):447-450,454.

92. Wang. Z. J. Zhang, F. Qian, Y. Liu, H. Peng, R. Ruan, Q. Zhao, T. Chen. 2011. NMR study of resistant corn starch on sausage quality. Food Science Journal 32(7):38-42.

93. Chen, T., J. Zhang, F. Qian, Y. Liu, H. Peng, R. Ruan, Q. Zhao, Z. Wang. 2011. NMR comparison of ground meat water holding capacity with normal and resistant corn starch Food Science Journal 32(7):21-24.

94. Liu, J., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, X. Liu, J. Zhang, H. Peng. D. Wu. 2011. Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris from municipal wastewater for biodiesel production. Bioprocessing Process 09(1):10-14.

95. Lin, T., H. Peng, Z. Yu, R. Ruan, Z. Hu, N. Wang, Y. Liu, J. Zhang. 2011. Separation and purification of hemi-cellulose. China Paper Making, 30(1):60-64.

96. Heredia-Arroyoa, T., W. Wei, R. Ruan, B. Hu. 2011. Mixotrophic Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris and its Potential Application for the Oil Accumulation from Non-sugar Materials. Biomass and Bioenergy. 35(5):2245-2253.

97. Li, Y., Chen YF, Min M, Chen P, Martinez B, Zhu J, R. Ruan. 2011. Characterization of a microalgae Chlorella sp. well adapted to highly concentrated municipal wastewater for nutrient removal and biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology. 102 (2011):5138-5144.

98. Lin, X., L. Zhang, H. Lei, H. Zhang, Y. Cheng, R. Zhu, R. Ruan. 2010. Effect of drying technologies on quality of green tea. International Agricultural Engineering Journal 19(3):30-37.

99. Chen, P., Y. Cheng, S. Deng, X. Lin, G. Huang, R. Ruan. 2010. Utilization of almond residues. Int J Agric & Biol Eng. 3(4):1-18.

100. Lin, X., J. Zhang, H. Lei, Z. Jin, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2010. Evaluation of effects of adding different resistant starches on firmness and stickiness of dough by NMR during proofing. International Agricultural Engineering Journal 19(4):23-30.


101. Du, Z., Y. Wan, Y. Li, Q. Chen, X. Lin, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2010. Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of microalgae for biofuel production. Bioresource Technology. 102, 4890-4896.

102. Yu, F., P. H. Steele, and R. Ruan. 2010. Microwave pyrolysis of corn cob and characteristics of the pyrolytic chars. Energy Sources, Part A, 32:475-484.

103. Wang L, Min M, Li Y, Chen P, Chen Y, Liu Y, Wang Y, Ruan R. 2010. Cultivation of green algae Chlorella sp. in different wastewaters from municipal wastewater treatment plant. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2010 Oct;162(4):1174-86. Epub 2009 Nov 24. PubMed PMID: 19937154.

104. Wang, L., Y. Wang, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2010. Semi-continuous Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris for Treating Undigested and Digested Dairy Manures. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2010 Dec;162(8):2324-32. Epub 2010 Jun 22.

105. Ding, H., Y. Gao, H. Lei , L. Luo, H. Chao, and R. Ruan. 2010. The in vitro Antioxidant Effects of Flavonoids of Sweet Potato Vines. International Journal of Food Properties. 13(2):360-368.

106. Chen, P., M. Min, Y. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Li, Q. Chen, C. Wang, Y. Wan, X. Wang, Y. Cheng, S. Deng, K. Hennessy, X. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, B. Martinez, R. Ruan. 2010. Review of biological and engineering aspects of algae to fuel approach. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(4):1-30.

107. Wang, L., M. Min, Y. Chen, Y. Li, R. Ruan. 2010. Digested dairy manure as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of oil-rich green microalgae Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology 101 (2010): 2623–2628.

108. Moen, J., C. Yang, B. Zhang, H. Lei, K. Hennessy, Y. Wan, Z. Le, Y. Liu, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2010. Catalytic microwave assisted pyrolysis of aspen. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(4):70-75.

109. Zhang, B., C. Yang, J. Moen, Z. Le, K. Hennessy, Y. Wan, Y. Liu, H. Lei, P. Chen and R. Ruan. 2010. Catalytic conversion of microwave-assisted pyrolysis vapors. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 32: 18, 1756 – 1762.

110. Kong, QX, Li L, Martinez B, Chen P, Ruan R. 2010. Culture of microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in wastewater for biomass feedstock production. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2010 Jan;160(1):9-18. Epub 2009 Jun 9. PubMed PMID: 19507059.

111. Cao, X.L., K. Petrofsky, R. Hong, R. Ruan. 2009. The impact of processing on the antioxidant phenolics in wheat bran. Annuals of Mutrition and Metabolism 55:511-511.

112. Wan, Y., J. Wu, Y. Qan, H. Lei, F. Yu, P. Chen, X. Lin, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2009. Liquefaction of corn stover using industrial biodiesel glycerol. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(2): 32-40.

113. Yu, F., R. Ruan, P. Steele. 2009. Microwave pyrolysis of corn stover. Transactions of the ASABE. 52(5):1595-1601.

114. Cheng, Y., S. Deng, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2009. Polylactic acid (PLA) synthesis and modifications: a review. Front. Chem. China 4(3):259-264.

115. Ruan, R., K. Pestrosky, and L. Marquart. 2009. Engineering Healthier and More Functional Grain Ingredients. Resources September 2009:16-18.

116. Wan, Y., P Chen, B. Zhang, C. Yang, Y. Liu, X. Lin, and R. Ruan. 2009. Microwave assisted pyrolysis of corn stover pellets with catalysts for bio-oil production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 86(1):161-167.

117. Zhu, J., Y. Li, X. Wu, C. Miller, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2009. Swine manure fermentation for hydrogen production. Bioresource Technology 100: 5472–5477.

118. Wu, J., Y. Wang, Y. Wan, H. Kei, F. Yu, Y. Liu, P. Chen, L. Yang, R. Ruan. 2009. Processing and properties of rigid polyurethane foams based on bio-oils from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of corn stover. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2(1): 40-50.

119. Gao, Y., W. Chen, H. Lei, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2009. Optimization of esterification conditions for the production of biodiesel from Chinese tallow kernel oil with surfactant-coated lipase using surface response methodology. Biomass and Bioenergy 33(2):277-282.

120. Wan, Y., X. Lin, Y. Liu, C. Yang, B. Zhang, P Chen, H. Lei, and R. Ruan. 2009. Microwave assisted pyrolysis of corn stover pellets with catalysts for bio-oil production. Transaction of CSAE 25(4):190-195.

121. Yu, F., Z. Le, P. Chen, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Atmospheric pressure liquefaction of dried distillers grains (DDG) and making polyurethane foams from liquefied DDG. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 148(1-3):235-243.

122. Yu, F., Y., R. Ruan, P. Steele. 2008. Consecutive reaction model for the pyrolysis of corn cob. Transactions of ASABE 51(3): 1023-1028.

123. Lei, H. R. Ruan, R. Fulcher, and B. van Lengerich. 2008. Color development in an extrusion-cooked model system. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1(2): 55-63.

124. Zhang J., X. Lin, R. Ruan, P. Chen. 2008. Effects of NMR state transition on Maillard reaction rate in model food storage systems. Transactions of the CSAE 24 (2): 214-220.

125. Zhang, J., N. Wang, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Nuclear magnetic resonance technique application in evaluating the quality of navel orange during storage, Food Research and Development 29 (06):126-129.

126. Ruan, R., P. Chen, R. Hemmingsen, V. Morey, and D. Tiffany. 2008. Size Matters: Small Distributed Biomass Energy Production Systems for Economic Viability. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1(1): 64-68.

127. Liu, Y., R. Ruan. 2008. Application of biotechnology in brown rice processing. Food Science 2008(8):640-642.

128. Qian, F., J. Zhang, Z. Jin, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of glass transition process in foods by NMR. Food Science 2008(8):666-669

129. Jin, Z, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan, N. Wang. 2008. Study of aging process of egg using NMR and MRI, Science and Technology of Food Industry 2008(8):112-114

130. Wang, J., X. Lin, R. Ruan, Y. Liu, C. Xu. 2008. Preservation of fresh-cut cauliflower using high concentration ozonated water. Food Science 2008(8):607-611

131. Jin, Z., J. Zhang, F. Qian, Y. Liu, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of changes in grains during storage using NMR. Food Science 2008(9):66-69.

132. Zhou, H., Y. Liu, R. Li, D. Han, F. Qian, S. Jiao, R. Ruan. 2008. Study of Alkylresorcinols in Wheat and Rye Brans. Food Science 2008(8):680-684.

133. Liu, Y., Y. Wan., H. Lei, R. Ruan, C. Liu, X. Lin, M. Xie, H. Peng, D. Zheng. 2008. Starch based polyester type water resistant wood adhesive. Transactions of CSAE, 24(9): 309-312.

134. Li, Y. K., Szlachetke, P. Chen, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2008. Ingredient characterization and hardening of high-protein food bars: an NMR state diagram approach. Cereal Chemistry 85(6):780-786.

135. Mok, C., J. Qi, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2008. NMR relaxometry of water in set yogurt during fermentation. Food Science and Biotechnology 17(5):895-898..

136. Zhu, J., Wu, X., Miller, C., Yu, F., Chen, P., R., Ruan. 2007. Biohydrogen production through fermentation using liquid swine manure as substrate. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes 42(4):393 – 401.

137. Lei, H., R. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2007. Empirical modeling of mean residence time in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder with rice flour. Cereal Chemistry 85(2):230-237.

138. Zhang, J., X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2007. Application of NMR state diagram in studying the maillard reaction in model food storage systems. Transactions of CSAE. Accepted.

139. Li, C., Y. Liu, R. Ruan, A. Luo, L. Gao, J. Lu, and Y. Wan. 2007. Development of a two-step process for making biodiesel from waste restraurant oil. Transactions of CSAE. Accepted.

140. Yu, F., S. Deng, P. Chen, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, A. Olsen, D. Kittelson, R. Ruan. 2007. Physical and chemical properties of bio-oils from microwave pyrolysis of corn stovers. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 136-140:957-970.

141. Luo, A., Y. Chen, Y. Liu, L. Gao, R. Ruan, X. Lin. 2007. Study on clarification of persimmon wine. Food Science 28(10):304-308.

142. Yu, F., R. Ruan, P. Chen, S. Deng, Y. Liu, X. Lin. 2007. Liquefaction of Corn Cobs with Supercritical Water Treatment. Transactions of ASABE 50(1):175-180.

143. Li, C., Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2007. Refined salad oil from Cornus wilsoniana wanger. Grain and Oilseed Processing 11:76-78.

144. Wang, N., X. Lin, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Jin. 2007. Study on Navel orange processing with NMR. Food Science 22(2):237-239, 222.

145. Lei, H., R. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2007. Assessment of color development due to twin-screw extrusion of rice-glucose-lysine blend using image analysis. J. of Food Science and Technology (L.W.T.) 40(7):1224-1231.

146. Luo, J., Y. Liu, A. Luo, L. Gao, R. Ruan. 2007. Effect of lipids of sapium sebiferum Roxb on growth of lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler. Food Science 28(9):422-429.

147. Jin, Z., J. Zhang, X. Lin, R. Ruan, N. Wang, W. Chen. 2007. Study on the spoilage of strawberry by NMR and MRI. Food Science 28(8):108-111.

148. Liu, Y., R. Ruan, H. Ouyang, L. Chen, Y. Wan, A. Luo, Y. Gao, C. Liu. 2007. Study on the basic oil supply for the commercial biodiesel manufacturing. Renewable Energy Resources 25 (2):26-29.

149. Deng, S., R. Ruan, C. Mok, G. Huang, X. Lin, P. Chen. 2007. Inactivation of Escherichia coli on almonds using nonthermal plasma. J. Food Science. 72(2):M62-M66.

150. Lin, X., R. Ruan, R. Zhu, S. Deng, L. Chen, and P. Rao. 2006. Development of nonthermal plasma technology for nonthermal pasteurization of liquid foods. Food Science 27(2):57-61.

151. Lin, X., R. Ruan, P. Chen, M. Chung, X. Ye, T. Yang, C. Doona, and T. Wagner. 2006. NMR State Diagram Concept. J. of Food Science. 71(9):R136-R145.

152. Chen, W., Y. Gao, X. Lin, D. Xia, R. Ruan, S. Bai. 2006. Development of biodiesel byproduct glycerol refining technology. China Oils and Fats 31(5):62-64.

153. Ye, X., S. Wang, R. Ruan, J. Qi, C. Doona. 2006. Water mobility and mold susceptibility engineered wood products. Transactions of ASABE 49(4): 1159-1165.

154. Wang, N., W. Chen, X. Lin, C. He, R. Ruan, and J. Zhang. 2006. Applications of basic NMR/MRI pulse sequences in food research. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 67:11-14, 22.

155. Chen, W., X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, R. Zhu, Y. Liu. 2006. Nondestructive evaluation of water in foods using NMR techniques. Food Research and Development 27(4):125-127.

156. Ouyang, H., X. Lin, R. Ruan, W. Chen, Q. Jiang, S. Bai, C. Li. 2006. Research progress in microemulsion of fuel oil. Renewable Energy 127:55-59.

157. Jiang, Q., Y. Liu, Z. Li, R. Ruan, A. Luo, X. Lin. 2006. Taxus bark atmospheric pressure rapid liquefaction process optimization using uniform design. J. Fujian Forestory Science and Technology 33(1):80-82.

158. Tu, Z., W. Ren, R. Ruan, C. Liu, M. Li. 2006. Effect of instaneous high pressure treatment on physical properties of rice starch. Food Industry Science and Technology 27(5):103-105.

159. Tu, Z., J. Chen, C. Liu, W. Ren, R. Ruan. 2006. Rheological properties of homogenized carrot juice. Food Science 27(3):52-55.

160. Wang, J., C. Liu, H. Xiong, R. Ruan. 2006. Extraction of alkali-insoluable –glucans from yeast. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 58:24-26.

161. Li, C. R. Ruan, X. Lin, W. Chen, A. Luo, J. Chen. 2006. Properties and applications of rhodotorula. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 64:20-22, 25.

162. Li, D., C. Liu, W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2006. Use of cellular level pulverizing in Chinese medician processing. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 58:46-48.

163. Lin, X. C. He, W. Chen, R. Ruan, J. Zhang. 2006. Study of effect of sucrose on molecular mobility of dough using NMR techniques. J. Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology 6(1):30-34.

164. Tu, Z., Q. Wang, R. Ruan, M. Li. 2006. Effect of instaneous high pressure treatment on the functional characteristics of soy protein. Science and Technology of Food Industry 2006(1):66-67.

165. Chen, C., J. Zhang, R. Ruan, C. He, X. Lin. 2006. Application of MRI in pork quality evaluation. Meat Industry 297:11-14.

166. Tu, Z., J. Li, R. Ruan, C. Liu, H. Wang, X. Zhang. 2006. Development of high bioavailable dietary fiber from soybean meals. Food Science 27(7):144-147.

167. Ouyang, H. R. Ruan, X. Lin, Y. Liu, W. Chen., Q. Jiang. 2006. Review of the use of GI and RAG in healthy food evaluation. Modern Food Science and Technology 22(2):237-239, 222.

168. Mok, C. K. Song, Y. Park, R. Ruan, P. Chen. 2006. High hydrostatic pressure pasteurization of red wine. J. of Food Science 71(8):265-269.

169. Liu, C., Y. Zhong, W. Liu, R. Ruan, Y. Peng. 2006. RSM model development on effort of instantaneous high pressure on subtilis spore inactivation. Food Science 27(7):96-99.

170. Ruan, R. S. Bai, X. Lin, Y. Liu, S. Li, and Y. Gao. 2006. Effect of waste restraurant oil properties on biodiesel production and quality. China Oils and Fats 31(4):65-68.

171. Yu, F., Y. Liu, X. Pan, X. Lin, C. Liu, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2006. Liquefaction of corn stover and preparation of polyster from liqufied polyol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 129-132:574-585.

172. Yu, F., R. Ruan, X. Lin, Y. Liu, R. Fu, Y. Li, P. Chen, and Y. Gao. 2006. Reaction kinetics of stover liquefaction in recycled stover polyol. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 129-132:563-573.

173. Luo, A., Y. Liu, Q. Jiang, R. Ruan, X. Lin, C. Liu. 2006. Progress on water-resistant soy based wood adhesive development. Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing 67:15-18, 22.

174. Liu, Y., Q. Jiang, A. Luo, R. Ruan, C. Liu, D. Zhen, X. Lin. 2006. Effect of soy protein modification on the properties of the soy protein based adhesive. Forestry Science and Technology 31(4):48-51.

175. Liu, Y., Q. Jiang, R. Ruan, A. Luo, C. Liu, Z. Tu, X. Lin. 2006. Development of a two-step procedure for making water-resistant soy based wood adhesive. Soybean Science 25(3):259-264.

176. Jiang, Q., Y. Liu, D. Zhen, R. Ruan, X. Lin, W. Chen, and H. Ou Yang. 2006. Antiseptic research and development for wood and wood adhesive. J. of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology 33(2):164-168.

177. Lei, H., R.G. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2005. Empirical modeling of die pressure, shaft torque, SME, and product temperature of rice flour in a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Cereal Chemistry. 82(5):582-587.

178. Liu, Y., Ruan, R., X. Lin, F. Yu, P. Chen, S. Deng, Y. Li, V. Morey and T. Yang. 2005. Preparation of Biopolymers from Liquefied Corn Stover. Transactions of CSAE 21(12):116-120. (2005 CSAE Superior Paper Award.)

179. Lin, X., J. Chen, D. Zhen, C. He., and R. Ruan. 2005. Applications of pulse high pressure technology in food pasteurization. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(1):9-12.

180. Li, Y., R. Ruan, J. Li, Q Yu, X. Lin, P L. Chen, S. Deng, B. Grounli. 2005. Development of an automatic milk standards packaging system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(2):253-257.

181. Lin, X., R. Ruan, C. He, J. Zhang, R. Zhu, Y. Liu. 2005. Application of NMR and MRI techniques in the study of food polymer glass transition process. Food Science 26(3):269-271.

182. Lin, X., R. Ruan, C. He, J. Zhang, R. Zhu, S. Bai, Y. Liu. 2005. Application of NMR and MRI techniques in the study of ohmic heating process. Food Science 26(6):272-275.

183. He, C., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zheng, J. Zhang. 2005. Application of low field pulse magnetic resonance imaging technology in foods. Food Research and Development 26(4):89-92.

184. Bai, S., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zheng,Y. Liu, C. He. 2005. A new process for -ABA production. Modern Food Science and Technology 21(2):202-205.

185. Lei, H., R.G. Fulcher, R. Ruan, B. van Lengerich. 2005. SME-Arrhenius model for WSI of rice flour in a twin-screw extruder. Cereal Chemistry 82(5):574-581.


186. Liu, Y., D. Zhen, Y. Gao, X. Lin, R. Ruan. 2005. Drying oil resources, properties, and utilization. Forestry Chemical Engineering News 39(3):42-47.

187. Zhen, D., Y. Liu, X. Lin, S. Bei, R. Ruan. 2005. Bamboo waste utilization. Fujian Foresty Science and Technology 32(2):153-157.

188. Liu, Y., D. Zhen, X. Lin, C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Current status of thermochemical liquefaction of cellulosic biomass for catalytic hydrogen production. Renewable Energy 121(3):76-78.

189. Lin, X., R. Ruan, S. Bai, C. He, R. Zhu, J. Zhang, P. Rao. 2005. Application of nonthermail pasteurization technology in foods – Part I. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):9-12.

190. Lin, X., R. Ruan, S. Bai, C. He, R. Zhu, J. Zhang, P. Rao. 2005. Application of nonthermail pasteurization technology in foods – Part II. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):12-16.

191. Li, Z., C. Liu, X. Lin, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Development and issues of fast atmospheric pressure biomass liquefaction technology. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2): 25-27, 30.

192. Zhen, D., R. Ruan, Y. Liu, X. Lin, S. Bai. 2005. Catalytic assisted thermochemical liquefaction of cellulosic biomass. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(2):17-21.

193. Liu, Y., X. Lin, R. Ruan, D. Zhen, S. Bai, C. He. 2005. Effect of extrusion process on food nutrition and composition. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(1):30-33, 36.

194. Zhang, J. X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, M. Li, L. Wei. 2005. MRI application in pork quality evaluations. Food Science 26(9):36-38.

195. He, C., X. Lin, D. Zhen, R. Ruan, Y. Liu, S. Bai. 2005. Effect of starch and gluten on dough rheological properties. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(4):21-23.

196. Zhang, J. X. Lin, R. Ruan, X. He, W. Chen, J. Nie. 2005. MRI application in food quality evaluations. J. of Agricultural Products Processing 30(5):11-13.

197. Lin, X., C. He, R. Ruan, J. Zhang, W. Chen, R. Zhu. 2005. Study of moisture migration in steam bread during microwave heating using MRI. Food Science 26(8):82-86.

198. Lin, X., C. He, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Meat nutrition and human health. Meat Industry 285(1):42-45.

199. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Study of soymeal fiber property improvement with instantaneous high pressure treatment. Food Science 26(9):112-115.

200. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Effects of instantaneous high pressure treatment on solubility of dietary fiber. Food Science 26(8):110-112.

201. Peng, Y., C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Inactivation of bacteria with instantaneous high pressure technology. Grain and Food Processing 2005(3):32-35.

202. Wang, J., C. Liu, R. Ruan. 2005. Optimization of wheat bran dietary fiber extraction process conditions. Jiangxi Food Industry 2005(3):36-37.

203. Liu, C., W. Liu, R. Ruan, Xiangyang Lin. 2005. Effects of instantaneous high pressure treatment on E. coli reductions. Food Science 26(2):87-90.

204. Liu, C., G. Fu, Z. Tu, H. You, P. Chen, R. Ruan. 2005. Functional polysaccharides from lilies. Transactions of ASAE 48(1):257-261.[7]