陈博士的专项和经验跨越两个领域:人力资源管理、工商管理教育。在人力资源管理方面,陈博士多年来在跨国企业及公营机构等从事人力资源管理工作, 在所服务的机构中担任着变革推动者的角色,带动改革以实现企业策略目标、和持续提升组织及个人层面的绩效水平。在教育方面, 陈博士专长于工商管理教育的培训和发展, 曾设计并讲授多类专为各阶层人员(包括高层管理人员、企业前线员工、学士和硕士生等)而设的多类课程。
1. Chan, R. L. Y., Mo, P. L. L., and Moon, K. L. (2018). Strategic and Tactical Measures in Managing Enterprise Risks: A study of the textile and apparel industry. In K. D. Strang, M. E. Korstanje, & N. Vajjhala (Eds.), Research, Practices, and Innovations in Global Risk and Contingency Management (pp. 1-19), Hersbey: Business Science Reference, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4754-9.ch001
1. Chan, R. L. Y., Mo, P. L. L., and Moon, K. L. (2018). Strategic and Tactical Measures in Managing Enterprise Risks: A study of the textile and apparel industry. In K. D. Strang, M. E. Korstanje, & N. Vajjhala (Eds.), Research, Practices, and Innovations in Global Risk and Contingency Management (pp. 1-19), Hersbey: Business Science Reference, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4754-9.ch001
2. Moon, K.L., Mo, P. L. L., and Chan, R. L. Y. (2014). Enterprise Risk Management: Insights from a Textile-Apparel Supply Chain, International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management, 3 (2), pp. 18-30.
3. Moon, K., Chan, R.L., & Davis, B.L. (2010). Adoption of enterprise risk management: A study of a textile and clothing supply chain. SCMIS 2010 - Proceedings of 2010 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information, pp.1-4.