





1984.9-1988.7,湘潭大學化學系化學專業,學士 1988.9-1991.7,西北大學化學系物理化學專業,碩士 1991.9-1995.7,北京大學化學系物理化學專業,博士 1995.7-1997.5,中國科學院生物物理所,助理研究員 1997.6-1999.3, COE(Center of Excellence) 博士後,分子科學研究所,日本 1999.4-2000.3,計算科學技術研究員,日本科學技術事業團(JST),分子科學研究所,日本 2000.4-2002.3,博士後,Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 美國 2002.4-2004.2,研究助手, (能源部)輻射實驗室, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, 美國 2004.2-2010.8,北京科技大學應用科學學院,副教授,教授,博導 2010.8-現在, 北京科技大學化學與生物工程學院,教授,博導





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2.Feiwu Chen, Tian Lu, Zhao Wu, Surface absorption of a solution at equilibrium, Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin. 31(8), 1499-1503, 2015;

3. Feiwu Chen, Zhihui Fan, A new size extensive multireference perturbation theory, J. Comput. Chem. 35,121-129, 2014;

4. Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, Revealing the nature of intermolecular interaction and configurational preference of the nonpolar molecular dimers (H2)2, (N2)2 and (H2)(N2), J. Mol. Model. 19, 5387-5395, 2013;

5. Tian Lu, Feiwu Chen, Bond Order Analysis Based on Laplacian of Electron Density in Fuzzy Overlap Space, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 3100–3108, 2013;

6. Feiwu Chen, Meiju Wei, Wenjian Liu, On the performance of the open shell perturbation theory, Sci. China Chem. 54, 446-453, 2011;

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9. Feiwu Chen, Theoretical study on the size consistency of the second and third order energies of the multireference perturbation theory, Science in China Series B 50, 483-487, 2007;

10. Feiwu Chen, Wick’s theorem and reconstruction schemes for reduced density matrices,Science in China Series B 49, 402-406, 2006;

11. Feiwu Chen, Daniel M. Chipman, Boundary element methods for dielectric cavity construction and integration, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 10289, 2003;

12. Feiwu Chen, Ernest R. Davidson, Suehiro Iwata, A new time-independent perturbation theory for the multireference problem, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 86,256, 2002.[1]
