

陈建同 Chen Jiann-Thorng



出生 1962年(58-59岁) 中华民国台湾省花莲县花莲市
国籍 中华民国
学历 美国纽约州立大学哲学博士
职业 军医


效忠 中华民国
服役 中华民国陆军
军衔 中将

陈建同(Chen Jiann-Thorng)(1962年-)是中华民国陆军中将,生于台湾省花莲县花莲市,现任国防部军医局中将局长,曾任国防部军医局少将副局长、国防医学院上校教学副院长、医学系主任、陆军后勤指挥部军医处少将处长,毕业于花岗国中花莲高中国防医学院医学 系、获得美国纽约州立大学哲学博士。三军总医院眼科部主治医师。 中华民国眼科医学会理事长 。学术专长:分子生物学细胞学病理学眼科

1998年,陈建同以论文: The Nature of the resistance to steroid hypertension in Wistar-Furth rats. 获得纽约州立大学水牛城分校博士学位;指导教授是Dr.Samuel Gallant博士。





因医疗纠纷,堕胎并发眼疾致失明,经法院判决,认定诊治医师陈建同在病情发生变化时,未重新检查追查原因,延误治疗,改判三总及陈建同医师判赔244 万。经查证后,陈建同先生博士论文为内科高血压之研究,非眼科,专业判断受到质疑而导致医疗疏失。


陈建同博士所发表的论文,与Dr. Yu, Cheng-Ping之相似度高达百分之60,有学术剽窃plagiarism之可能性。由于近年来国军高阶将官论文抄袭事件层出不穷,前国防部长杨念祖闪辞,震惊全国,也启动教育部对于高阶将官博士论文之审查。 陈建同博士论文。 但反方辩护,陈建同博士1998年发表的博士论文,只有在结构和实验设计上与Dr. Yu 于1997年所发表的博士论文,有部分雷同之处,并无学术剽窃的事实。因为在撰写论文时,结构体上过于相似,造成误解。双方论点,仍然需协力厂商学术单位公证。因此,有关论文争议事件,完全属于假设,并非事实。


  • "The Nature of the Resistance to Steroid Hypertension in Wistar Furth Rats"

于1997年,Dr. Yu 所发表的博士论文,题目如下:

  • "The Nature of the Resistance to Steroid Hypertension in Wistar Furth Rats"
  • "Studies of Steroid-induced Hypertension in Wistar and Wistar/Furth Rats"
  • 经过文本分析,内容相似度颇高,且实验方法与设计,几乎相同;英文的用字也非常雷同;由于发表的年分接近,学术剽窃的疑虑仍然存在,目前尚待查正并厘清。



Dr. Yu, 1997, Studies of Steroid-induced Hypertension in Wistar and Wistar/Furth Rats 论文摘要:

陈建同博士,1998年,The Nature of the Resistance to Steroid Hypertension in Wistar Furth Rats论文摘要:


The Nature of the resistance of the Wistar-Furth(W/fu) rat strain to steroid hypertension was investigated.The basal levels of renal kallikrein mRNA and kallikrein activity measured in intact or uninephrectomized animals were higher in W/Fu than in WI rats. The induction of renal kallikrein mRNA in response to DOCA treatment was similar in both strains. However Renal kallikrein activity increased progressively in W/Fu rats and declined in WI rats. Both urinary total and active kallikrein activities were higher in DOCA-treated W/Fu rats than in the similar treated WI rats.

Co-adminstration of DOCA and Hoe 140, a bradykinin type 2 receptor antagonist, raised the blood pressure of W/Fu rats into the hypertension range. Furthermore, with this regimen W/Fu rats developed hypernatremia. These findings suggest that bradykinin(a product of kallikrein action) plays an important role in the resistance of W/Fu rats to mineralocorticoid hypertension. Collectively, these results suggest that W/Fu rats have a more active renal kallikrein-kinin system.

The Nature of the resistance of the Wistar-Furth(W/fu) rat strain to steroid hypertension was investigated.The basal levels of renal kallikrein mRNA and kallikrein activity measured in intact or uninephrectomized animals were higher in W/Fu than in WI rats. The induction of renal kallikrein mRNA in response to DOCA treatment was similar in both strains. However Renal kallikrein activity increased progressively in W/Fu rats and declined in WI rats. Both urinary total and active kallikrein activities were higher in DOCA-treated W/Fu rats than in the similar treated WI rats.

Co-adminstration of DOCA and Hoe 140, a bradykinin type 2 receptor antagonist, raised the blood pressure of W/Fu rats into the hypertension range. Furthermore, with this regimen W/Fu rats developed hypernatremia. These findings suggest that bradykinin(a product of kallikrein action) plays an important role in the resistance of W/Fu rats to mineralocorticoid hypertension. Collectively, these results suggest that W/Fu rats have a more active renal kallikrein-kinin system.




