教 育
2009/09 - 2013/08,德国慕尼黑大学(LMU),博士
2006/09 - 2009/07,北京师范大学,硕士
2002/09 - 2006/07,中国地质大学(北京),学士
工 作
2018/12 - 福建师范大学,地理科学学院,研究员(破格)
2017/07 - 2018/06,德国霍恩海姆大学,物理与气象研究所,高级访问学者
2014/12 - 2018/12,福建师范大学,地理科学学院,副研究员
2013/11 - 2014/12,福建师范大学,地理科学学院,助理研究员
[1] Gao, L.*, Deng, H., Lei, X., Wei, J., Chen, Y., Li, Z., Ma, M., Chen, X., Chen,Y., Liu, M., Gao, J., (2021). Evidence of elevation-dependent warming from the Chinese Tian Shan. The Cryosphere, 15(12): 5765–5783.
[2] Liu, M.B., Chen, X.W., Chen, Y., Gao, L., Deng, H.J. (2021). Spatial and temporal variations in nitrogen retention effects in a subtropical mountainous basin in Southeast China. Journal of Mountain Science, 18(10): 2672-2687.
[3] Lei, X., Gao, L.*, Ma, M., Wei, J., Xu, L., Wang, L., Lin, H. (2021). Does non-stationarity of extreme precipitation exist in the Poyang Lake Basin of China? Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 37,100920.
[4] Shang, S., Zhu, G., Wei, J., Li, Y., Zhang, K., Li, R., Arnault, J., Zhang, Z., Laux, P., Yang, Q., Dong, N., Gao, L., Kunstmann, H. (2021). Associated atmospheric mechanisms for the increased cold season precipitation over the Three-River Headwaters region from the late 1980s, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0077.1.
[5] Wei, J., Dong, N., Fersch, B., Arnault, J., Wagner, S., Laux, P., Zhang, Z., Yang, Q., Yang, C., Shang, S., Gao, L., Yu, Z., Kunstmann, H., (2021). Role of reservoir regulation and groundwater feedback in a simulated ground-soil-vegetation continuum: A long-term regional scale analysis. Hydrological Processes, 35(8), e14341.
[6] Lei, X., Gao, L.*, Wei, J., Ma, M., Xu, L., Fan, H., Li, X., Gao, J., Dang, H., Chen, X., Fang, W., (2021). Contributions of climate change and human activities to runoff variations in the Poyang Lake Basin of China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 103019.
[7] Yang, Q., Yu, Z., Wei, J., Yang, C., Gu, H., Xiao, M., Shang, S., Dong, N., Gao, L., Arnault, J., Laux, P., Kunstmann, H., (2021). Performance of the WRF model in simulating intense precipitation events over the Hanjiang River Basin, China–A multi-physics ensemble approach. Atmospheric Research, 248, 105206.
[8] Zhao, P., Gao, L.*, Wei, J., Ma, M., Deng, H., Gao, J., Chen, X., (2020). Evaluation of ERA-Interim air temperature data over the Qilian Mountains of China. Advances in Meteorology, 7353482:1-11.
[9] Cheng, Q., Gao, L.*, Zhong, F., Zuo, X., Ma, M., (2020). Spatiotemporal variations of drought in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, southwest China, during 1960–2013 and their association with large-scale circulations and historical records. Ecological Indicators, 112, 106041.
[10] Ye, J., Lin, G., Zhang, M., Gao, L., (2020). Hazard analysis of typhoon disaster-causing factors based on different landing paths: a case study of Fujian Province, China. Natural Hazards, 100(2): 811-828.
[11] Wu, H., Chen, Y., Chen, X., Liu, M., Gao, L., Deng, H., (2020). A New Approach for Optimizing Rain Gauge Networks: A Case Study in the Jinjiang Basin. Water, 12, 2252:1-13.
[12] Yang, Q., Yu, Z., Wei, J., Yang, C., Gu, H., Xiao, M., Shang, S., Dong, N., Gao, L., Arnault, J., Laux, P., Kunstmann, H., (2020). Performance of the WRF model in simulating intense precipitation events over the Hanjiang River Basin, China-A multi-physics ensemble approach. Atmospheric Research, 248:105206.
[13] Chen, Q.P., Zuo, X.A., Zhong, F.L., Gao, L., Xiao, S.C., (2019). Runoff variation characteristics, association with large-scale circulation and dominant causes in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment, 688: 361-379.
[14] Liu, M.B., Chen, X.W., Chen, Y., Gao, L., Deng, H. J. (2019). Nitrogen Retention Effects under Reservoir Regulation at Multiple Time Scales in a Subtropical River Basin. Water, 11(8), 1685: 1-15.
[15] Chen, Y., Xu, C.Y., Chen, X.W., Xu, Y.P., Yin, Y.X., Gao, L., Liu, M.B., (2019). Uncertainty in simulation of land-use change impacts on catchment runoff with multi-timescales based on the comparison of the HSPF and SWAT models. Journal of Hydrology, 573: 486-500.
[16] Cheng, Q.P., Gao, L*., Zuo X.A., et al., (2019). Statistical analyses of spatial and temporal variabilities in total, daytime and nighttime precipitation indices and of extreme dry/wet association with large-scale circulations of Southwest China, 1961-2016. Atmospheric Research, 219: 166-182.
[17] Jiang, Q., Yue, Y., Gao, L., (2019). The spatial-temporal patterns of heatwave hazard impacts on wheat in northern China under extreme climate scenarios. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10(1): 2346-2367.
[18] Xu, T., Sun, X.S., Hong, H., Wang, X.Y., Cui, M.Y., Lei, G.L., Gao, L., Liu, J., Lone, M.A., Jiang, X.Y., (2019). Stable isotope ratios of typhoon rains in Fuzhou, Southeast China, during 2013-2017. Journal of Hydrology, 570: 445-453.
[19] Gao, L*., Wei, J.H., Wang, L.X., et al., (2018). A high-resolution air temperature data set for the Chinese Tian Shan in 1979-2016. Earth System Science Data, 10(4): 2097-2114.
[20] Gao, L*., Huang, J., Chen, X.W., et al., (2018). Contributions of natural climate changes and human activities to the trend of extreme precipitation. Atmospheric Research, 205: 60-69.
[21] Chen, Y., Chen, X.W., Xu, C.Y., Zhang, M.F., Liu, M.B., Gao, L., (2018). Toward improved calibration of SWAT using season-based multi-objective optimization: a case study in the Jinjiang basin in Southeastern China. Water Resources Management, 32(4): 1193-1207.
[22] Cheng, Q.P., Gao, L*., Chen, Y., et al., (2018). Temporal-spatial characteristics of drought in Guizhou province, China, based on multiple drought indices and historical disaster records. Advances in Meteorology, 4721269:1-22.
[23] Yue, Y.J., Ye, X.Y., Zou, X.Y., Wang, J.A., Gao, L., (2017). Research on land use optimization for reducing wind erosion in sandy desertified area: a case study of Yuyang County in Mu US desert, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(6): 1371-1387.
[24] Gao, L*., Bernbardt, M., Schulz, K., et al., (2017). Elevation correction of ERA-Interim temperature data in the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 37(9): 3540-3552.
[25] Wang, Y.F., Chen, X.W., Chen, Y., Liu, M.B., Gao, L., (2017). Flood/drought event identification using an effective indicator based on the correlations between multiple time scales of the Standardized precipitation Index and river discharge. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 128(1-2): 159-168.
[26] Gao, L*., Huang, J., Chen, X.W., et al., (2017). Risk of extreme precipitation under nonstationarity conditions during the second flood season in the southeastern coastal region of China. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(3): 669-681.
[27] Wu, J.F., Chen, X.W., Gao, L., (2016). Response of hydrological drought to meteorological drought under the influence of large reservoir. Advances in Meteorology, 2197142:1-11.
[28] Gao, L*., Bernhardt, M., Schulz, K., et al., (2016). A first evaluation of ERA-20CM over China. Monthly Weather Review, 114(1): 45-57.
[29] Lin, B.Q., Chen, X.W., Yao, H.X., Chen, Y., Liu, M.B., Gao, L., (2015). Analyses of landuse change impacts on catchment runoff using different time indicators based on SWAT model. Ecological Indicators, 58: 55-63.
[30] Gao, L*., Hao, L., Chen, X.W., (2014). Evaluation of ERA-interim monthly temperature data over the Tiberan Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science, 11(5): 1154-1168.
[31] Gao, L*., Schulz, K., Bernhardt, M., (2014). Statistical downscaling of ERA-Interim forecast precipitation data in complex terrain using LASSO algorithm. Advances in Meteorology, 472741:1-16.
[32] Gao, L., Bernhardt, M.*, Schulz, L., (2012). Elevation correction of ERA-interim temperature data in complex terrain. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(12): 4661-4673.
[33] 毛春莹,高路,王静爱.中德中学灾害教育对比研究[J].中学地理教学参考,2022,待刊.
[34] 刘倩,高路*,马苗苗,汪澜,林晖.辽宁大凌河流域气温和降水降尺度研究[J].水利水电技术(中英文), 2021, 52(9): 16-31.
[35] 雷享勇,高路*,马苗苗,党皓飞,高建芸.鄱阳湖流域极端降水时空分布和非平稳性特征[J].应用生态学报,2021,32(9): 3277-3287.
[36] 王迪,刘梅冰,陈兴伟,高路.基于CMIP5和SWAT的山美水库流域未来蓝绿水时空变化特征.南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2021,19(3):446-458.
[37] 刘倩,高路*,赵鹏,陈兴伟.2000-2016年中国热带气旋灾害时空特征研究[J].中国防汛抗旱,2020,30(05):50-57.
[38] 邓海军,郭斌,曹永强,陈忠升,张余庆,陈兴伟,高路,陈莹,刘梅冰.1961—2016年中国昼夜降水变化的时空格局[J].地理研究,2020,39(10):2415-2426.
[39] 綦昕瑶,高路*.不同地形条件下的台风灾害链致灾分析——以“利奇马”台风为例[J].福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2020,36(05):74-83.
[40] 江清华,高路*.1950—2000年福建暴雨灾害灾情时空分析[J].亚热带资源与环境学报,2019,14(02):41-48.
[41] 何泽仕,郑巧雅,徐曹越,高路*.1960—2013年福建省台风暴雨时空特征研究[J].人民珠江,2019,40(03):1-8+18.
[42] 卢彬彬,陈莹,陈兴伟,刘梅冰,高路.基于AnnAGNPS模型的山美水库流域非点源氮控制研究[J].亚热带资源与环境学报,2019,14(01):54-61.
[43] 陈兴伟,高路,陈莹,邓海军,刘梅冰,林炳青.台风与非台风暴雨洪水的分类研究[J].中国防汛抗旱,2019,29(04):18-21.
[44] 吴丽娜,陈莹,陈兴伟,刘梅冰,高路,杨博,卢彬彬.气候变化下山美水库流域未来径流量变化[J].亚热带资源与环境学报,2019,14(04):18-22+35.
[45] 程新宇杰,高路*.ECMWF再分析气温资料在天山山区的可信度检验[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2018,54(05):635-644.
[46] 杨博,陈莹,陈兴伟,刘梅冰,高路.基于PEST的HSPF模型径流模拟优化[J].中国水土保持科学,2018,16(02):9-16.
[47] 程新宇杰,高路*.基于综合自然区划的天山区域气温变化研究[J].山地学报,2018,36(02):194-205.
[48] 孟翔翔,高路*. ERA-Interim降水数据在福建省的适用性评估[EB/OL]. 北京:中国科技论文在线 [2018-10-08]. http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201810-2.
[49] 吴杰峰,陈兴伟,高路,陈莹,刘梅冰.人类活动对晋江流域径流演变影响的分析与定量评估[J].南水北调与水利科技,2017,15(02):65-72+79.
[50] 郑玉萍,高路,张江燕,朱芸.福州市极端气候变化趋势研究[J].福建师范大学学报(自然科学版),2017,33(02):96-104+116.
[51] 吴杰峰,陈兴伟,高路.水文干旱对气象干旱的响应及其临界条件[J].灾害学,2017,32(01):199-204.
[52] 黄婕,高路*,陈兴伟,王静爱.降水极值的非平稳性特征及其重现期研究——以福建省为例[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016,52(05):603-609.
[53] 吴杰峰,陈兴伟,高路,林志东.基于标准化径流指数的区域水文干旱指数构建与识别[J].山地学报,2016,34(03):282-289.
[54] 黄婕,高路*,陈兴伟,陈莹,刘梅冰.东南沿海前汛期降水极值变化特征及归因分析[J].地理学报,2016,71(01):153-165.
[55] 黄婕,王跃峰,高路*,陈兴伟.1960—2011年福建省不同等级降水时空变化特征[J].中国水土保持科学,2015,13(02):17-23.
[56] 高路*,郝璐.ERA-Interim气温数据在中国区域的适用性评估[J].亚热带资源与环境学报,2014,9(02):75-81.
[57] 高路*,Karsten Schulz,陈兴伟,林广发.基于ERA-Interim再分析资料的中国极端气温分析[J].南水北调与水利科技,2014,12(02):75-78+106.
[58] 王静爱,刘金欣,高路,孟繁蕴,张文生,陈静.浅谈“数字药匣”的理论构建与应用[J].中草药,2011,42(06):1046-1052.
[59] 刘金欣,刘鑫欣,高路,魏英勤,孟繁蕴,王永炎.数字地球技术在中药资源研究中的应用[J].中国中药杂志,2011,36(03):243-246.
[60] 郝璐,王静爱,高路,潘东华.老哈河流域近40年径流变化趋势分析[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2008,44(06):629-634.
[61] 周洪建,史培军,王静爱,高路,郑憬,于德永.近30年来深圳河网变化及其生态效应分析[J].地理学报,2008(09):969-980.
[62] 王静爱,史培军,郝璐,高路.区域可持续发展中的生态教育移民[J].北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),2008(04):139-145.
[63] 高路,陈思,周洪建,罗奎,王静爱,毛佳.重庆市2006年特大旱灾分析与灾后恢复性研究[J].自然灾害学报,2008(01):21-26.
[64] 周洪建,王静爱,史培军,潘东华,高路,贾慧聪.深圳市1980-2005年河网变化对水灾的影响[J].自然灾害学报,2008(01):97-103.
[65] 万金红,王静爱,刘珍,贾慧聪,高路,高立龙,张峰.从收入多样性的视角看农户的旱灾恢复力——以内蒙古兴和县为例[J].自然灾害学报,2008(01):122-126.
2020.11 第十四届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖
2020.01 福建师范大学“宝琛计划”青年英才支持计划
2019.08 2018年度福建省科技进步奖二等奖(排名第五)
2018.12 2018年度福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划
2017.03 德意志学术交流中心-王宽诚教育基金会高级访问学者奖学金
2017.01 福建师范大学“宝琛计划”青年英才支持计划
1. 福建省灾害天气重点实验室开放课题:东南沿海暴雨集合预报可行性和方法研究(2020KFKT01),2020.07-2022.06,主持。
2. 国家重点研发计划“战略性国际科技创新合作”重点专项:大湖流域生态-水安全保障关键技术研究及应用示范(2018YFE0206400),课题一:鄱阳湖流域极端气候演变规律与集合预报技术,2019.12-2022.11,主持。
3. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划,2019-2021,主持。
4. 福建省科技厅省属公益类科研专项:基于WRF-Ensemble的东南沿海暴雨预报技术(2019R1002-3),2019-2022,主持。
5. 国家自然青年基金:复杂地形区的再分析资料降尺度研究——以天山山区为例(41501106),2016.01-2018.12,主持。
6. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:ERA-Interim再分析资料的中国区域适用性评估与统计降尺度研究(2014-1685),2015-2017,主持。
7. 福建省科技厅省属公益类科研专项:基于历史灾害案例的极端降水事件阈值界定方法研究(2014R1034-6),2014-2016,主持。
8. 福建省教育厅A类项目:ECMWF再分析气温资料在天山山区的适用性评估(JA14083),2015-2017,主持。
9. 福建省科技厅自然科学基金青年创新项目:基于再分析资料的青藏高原气温降尺度研究(2015J05080),2015-2018,主持。[1]