

齊曄,教授。現為中國可持續發展研究會理事、《人口、資源、環境》雜誌編委;公共諮詢服務機構包括世界銀行,全球環境基金、國家發改委財政部國家林業局,國家環保局、美國能源部、農業部、自然科學基金會、加州政府、美國大自然保護協會等。 [1]

國籍 中國
職業 中國可持續發展研究會理事



1990-1993 紐約州立大學,助理研究員

1993-1994 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校(UC San Diego) 博士後 助理研究員 。

1995-1996 康奈爾大學(Cornell University)理論中心 研究員。

1996-2003 美國伯克利加州大學(University of California, Berkeley)環境科學、政策與管理系 副教授

2001-2004 北京師範大學全球環境政策中心教授,教育部與李嘉誠基金會""特聘教授;

2004- 清華大學公共管理學院教授,清華大學"百人計劃"特聘教授。

2009 美國能源基金會 北京辦事處首席代表,可持續能源項目副主任 [2]


1983 河北農業大學獲工學學士

1986 中國農業科學研究院碩士

1987-1990 中國科學院生態環境中心,博士研究生

1994 美國紐約州立大學環境科學與森林學院(SUNY-ESF) 博士


Liu, B., Xu M., Henderson M., Qi, Y. and Li, Y. 2004. Taking China's temperature: daily range, warming trends, and regional variations, 1955-2000. Journal of Climate 17: 4453-4462.

Qi, Y. M. Henderson, M. Xu, J. Chen, P. Shi, C. He, and G. W. Skinner, 2003. Evolving Core-Periphery Interactions in a Rapidly Expanding Urban Landscape: The Case of Beijing, Landscape Ecology19:375-388.

Tang, J., Qi, Y., Xu, M., Misson, L., and Goldstein A. H. 2004. Effects of forest thinning on soil respiration in a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada, Tree Physiology (in press).

Xu, M. and Y. Qi. 2003, Scale dependence on relationship between landscape structure and microclimate, Plant Ecology (in press).

Tang, J., D. Baldocchi, Y. Qi, L. Xu 2003. Assessing soil CO2 efflux using continuous measurements of CO2 profiles with small solid-state sensors, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Qi, Y., M. Xu and J. Wu. 2002. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration and its impact on ecosystem carbon flux: Measurement and modeling, Ecological Modeling.153(1-2):131-142.

Qi, Y. 2002. Global biodiversity scenarios for the 21st Century, Review of Chapin III, F. Stuart, Osvaldo E. Sala, Elisabeth Hubber-Sannwald, Global Biodiversity in a Changing Environment: Scenarios for the 21st Century, Ecology (in press)

Xu, M., J. Chen and Y. Qi 2002. Growing season microclimate along a 10 km transect across a forested landscape, Climate Research: Interactions of Climate with Organisms and Human Society. 22:57-72.

Qi, Y. and M. Xu 2002. Separating the combined effect of moisture and temperature on soil CO2 efflux in a coniferous forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountain. Plant and Soil, 237, 237:15-23.

Gong, P., M. Xu, J. Chen, J. M. Chen, Ye Qi, G. Biging, J. Liu, S. Wang, 2002. A preliminary study on the carbon dynamics of China's terrestrial ecosystems in the past 20 years, Earth Science Frontiers, 9(1):55-61.

Xu, M. and Y. Qi 2001. Spatial and seasonal variations of Q10 determined by soil respiration measurements at a Sierra Nevadan Forest, Global Biogeochemical Cycle. 15(3): 687-696.

Xu, M. and Y. Qi 2001. Soil Surface CO2 Efflux and Its Spatial and Temporal Variations in a Young Ponderosa Pine Plantation in Northern California. Global Change Biology, 7(6): 667-677.

Xu, M., T. DeBiase, Y. Qi, A. Goldstein, and Z. Liu 2001. Ecosystem Respiration in a Young Ponderosa Pine Plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountain, California. Tree Physiology Vol 21: 309-318.

Qi, Y., M. Xu. J. Tang, P. Gong, and F. Li. 2001. Contrasting Stem Respiration of a Young and a Mature Conifer Forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountain, California. Tree Physiology (Revised and resubmitted in June 2001).

Yi, C, Gong, M. Xu, and Y. Qi 2001. The effects of buffer and temperature feedback on the oceanic uptake of CO2 Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 28(5): 751-754.

Xu, M. Y. Qi, and P. Gong 2000. China's New Forest Policy, Science, 289(5487): 2049.

Xu, M. T. DeBiase, and Y. Qi. 2000. A simple technique to measure stem respiration using a horizontally oriented soil chamber, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 30:1-6.

Wu, J. and Y. Qi. 2000. Dealing with Scale in Landscape Analysis: An Overview. Geographic Information Science, 6(1):1-5.

Xu, M. Y. Qi, J. Chen, W. Yin 2000. Effects of spatial heterogeneity of microenvironment on plant biodiversity in the Southeastern Missouri Ozarks. Geographic Information Science, 6(1):38-47.

Yang Y, J. Yao, S. Hu, Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of Agricultural Chemicals on DNA Sequence Diversity of Soil Microbial Community: A Study with RAPD Marker. Microbial Ecology, 39(1):72-79

Goldstein, A.H., Hultman, N.E., Fracheboud, J.M., Bauer, M.R., Panek, J.A., Xu, M., and Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of climate variability on the carbon dioxide, water, and sensible heat fluxes above a ponderosa pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada (CA). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Vol. 101:113-129.

Tian, H., C. A. S. Hall, and Y. Qi 2000. Increased biotic metabolism of the biosphere inferred from observed data. Science in China (中國科學),Series B (Chemistry), 40(1):58-68.

Xu, M., and Y. Qi. 2000. Effects of spatial scale on the relationships between plant species richness and microclimate in the Southeastern Missouri Ozarks, USA. Polish Journal of Ecology.48(1): 77-88.

齊曄(1999)氣候變化對北半球高緯度地區植被的影響的溫度假說,生態學報,卷19(4): 474-478.

Qi. Y. and Y. Yang 1999. Topographic effect on spatial variations of plant diversity in California. Geographic Information Science, Vol. 5(1): 39-46.

Tian, H., C. A. S. Hall, and Y. Qi 1998. Modeling primary productivity of the terrestrial biosphere in changing environments: toward a dynamic biosphere model. Critical Review of Plant Science. 15(5): 541-557.


Qi, Y. and J. K. Gilless 1999. Modeling processes and patterns for multiple-use management. In F. Helles (ed.) Multiple Use of Forests and Other Natural Resources - Aspects of Theory and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 24-31.

齊曄(2000) 土地利用與土地覆蓋模型. 宮鵬、史培軍、齊曄、李小兵著. 土地利用變化:動態與評估,北京:高等教育出版社pp. 99-105

齊曄(2000)全球變化,李博(主編)〈生態學〉(二十世紀教科書), 北京科學出版社pp. 331-337.

齊曄 等(2000). 全球變化研究中的生物圈模型: 呼吸與分解. 韓興國 等編. 《現代生態學講座》北京:科學出版社


清華大學公共管理學院教授, 公共政策研究所所長,國務院學位委員會學科評審委員。




2001年入選教育部與李嘉誠基金會""特聘教授,2004年入選清華大學"百人計劃"特聘教授。研究領域:資源環境政策與管理;全球氣候變化,生物多樣性,可持續發展理論 ,方法與政策。


  1. 齊曄,北京師範大學網
  2. 齊曄 ,文軒網