

Dawn of us(王嘉爾演唱)

Dawn of us - 王嘉爾

Dawn of us (歌曲)

歌曲名:Dawn of us        歌手:王嘉爾          專輯:Dawn of us

詞:王嘉爾 Jackson Wang

曲:王嘉爾 Jackson Wang/Boytoy




Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down

Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down

Keep that addicting smile that you had

You my all

No doubt for sure

I mean what I said girl

In to you now in to you now

Wish I can say these words to you beside the fireplace now

Hold up just hold up baby

I ain't no filthy player

You be the Mara Jade I'll be your skywalker

Every perspective of yours is like a magazine cover

Hope one day the person I give my ring to is ya

We gon we gon we gon go reach the paradise

We all we know for you yeah I would sacrifice

We gon we gon we gon go reach the paradise

We all we know for you yeah I would sacrifice

Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down

Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down

Get on my ride get on my ride

Sit back hold on tight

Feeling my vibe feeling my vibe

I see you in my sight

If you the sun

Then I hope to be the planets surrounding you

Taking selfies with the satellites while I'm with you

Romeo and Juliet but we don't have to split apart

Gonna hit the bullseyes anyway

Believe and throw the dart

Across the amazon

Let me bring you back to a brand new journey

Started from day one

All ready I'm packed

Leave it all down to me

We gon we gon we gon go reach the paradise

We all we know for you yeah I would sacrifice

We gon we gon we gon go reach the paradise

We all we know for you yeah I would sacrifice

Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down

Let it come

Let it come

Starting brand new chapter from today at dawn

We gon make it I know our sun won't go down


王嘉爾(Jackson Wang/잭슨),1994年3月28日出生於香港,中國香港流行樂男歌手、音樂人、主持人、MV導演,TEAM WANG主理人、主設計師、創意總監。 王嘉爾在個人運動生涯中拿下三枚亞洲冠軍、三枚全國冠軍、九枚國際和香港冠軍。2014年以GOT7成員的身份出道 ;同年獲得SBS演藝大賞綜藝部門男子新人獎。2015年與何炅搭檔主持脫口秀節目《拜託了冰箱》。2016年與何炅搭檔主持綜藝節目《透鮮滴星期天》;同年獲得騰訊視頻星光大賞年度綜藝之星獎 。2017年宣布在中國成立個人公司 ,專門負責大中華區活動;同年擔任亞洲金曲大賞的嘉賓主持並獲得MTV特別大賞,此後相繼推出個人電音嘻哈單曲《Generation 2》、《Papillon》 、 《OKAY》、 《Dawn of us》。 2018年作為Rap導師參加的真人秀節目《偶像練習生》首播;1月27日獲得流行音樂年度盛典年度最受歡迎新人獎;8月作為首位獲得全美青少年選擇獎明日之星獎的中國人 ;11月與美國說唱歌手Gucci Mane合作發行單曲《Different Game》;同年,作為「X導師」參加節目《夢想的聲音第三季》 。 2019年發行個人首張數字專輯主打曲《BULLET TO THE HEART》。2020年8月27日,王嘉爾名列《2020福布斯中國名人榜》第41位。 12月17日發行與林俊傑合作的中文單曲《過》。 2021年1月11日,JYP宣布組合GOT7合約到期不續約;1月14日,王嘉爾合約回歸TEAMWANG,繼續發展全球事業。 7月29日,發布個人單曲《Drive You Home》。 8月25日,PANTHEPACK熊貓團正式官宣成立。


Jackson Wang (王嘉爾) - Dawn Of Us 歌詞


  1. Dawn of us,QQ音樂