

Do It Again( The Ting Tings)

The Ting Tings

Do It Again (歌曲)

歌曲名:Do It Again 歌手:The Ting Tings 所屬專輯:《Super Critical》

發行公司:Finca Records 發行時間:2014-10-20 [1]  



Do It Again - The Ting Tings (丁丁樂隊)

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

We love Do It Again now

Go do something wrong

Do it again now do it again now

Pretty sure I'd do it again now

Do it again now do it again now

I wake up in the morning

Sick of all the same old

Someone else is playing gold

Someone else is on a roll

How about you checking out

Something that we're doing wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

But it can never happen

Everybody's rappin'

You wonder how you got here

You dream about the future

So how about you think 'bout

Something that you're doing wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

We love Do It Again now

Now go do something wrong

(Do something wrong)

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

We love Do It Again now

Go do something wrong

Someone's talking down

I got a bunch of roses

Didn't know how to hold it

I couldn't afford my soul it

It's lying here in the garden oh

I think I'm doing something wrong

Something wrong

I wake up in the morning

Sick of all the same old

Someone else is playing gold

Someone else is on a roll

How about you checking out

Something that we're doing wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Please do something wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

Oh baby something wrong

Please do something wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

We love Do It Again now

Go do something wrong

Do something wrong

Please do something wrong

Something wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Please do something wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now

Oh baby something wrong

Please do something wrong

Oh baby something wrong

Stop short do it again now

Restart do it again now


The Ting Tings 是2007年在格拉斯頓伯里音樂節上表演後開始被眾人關注的。

2007練電視轉播的英國格拉斯頓伯里音樂節Glastonbury Festival)上,Ting Tings 組合在給人以引人注目的出色表現,並以此在流行樂壇上擁有了一批專注的擁護者。

他們的電子玩的就沒Crystal Castles那麼高深莫測,感覺更貼合大眾。Great DJ似乎已經為他們積攢了不少人氣,且MV讓人捧腹的搞笑味道又讓人印象深刻。而Katie White的俏皮女聲卻已經深深的電到了我,仿佛和Kate Nash當初給我的感覺一樣,都是不一般的才女。


The ting tings是這幾年不可多得的一支基於跳舞音樂進行創作的獨立搖滾樂隊。當中的英國味道非常明顯,你能在像《皮囊》這種講述英國青少年文化的連續劇里聽到類似的音樂。


The Ting Tings 現場版


  1. Do It Again ,九酷音樂