

Earth Song (Live) - 張杰


Earth Song (Live) - 張杰



Earth Song (Live) - 張杰 (Jason Zhang)[1]

What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

This crying Earth these weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

What have we've done to the world

Look what we've done

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son

What about flowering fields

Is there a time

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice

This crying Earth these weeping shores

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

I used to dream

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know

We've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Aaaaaaaaah Oooooooooh

Hey what about yesterday

(What about us)

What about the seas

(What about us)

Heavens are falling down

(What about us)

I can't even breathe

(What about us)

What about children dying

(What about us)

Can't you hear them cry

(What about us)

Where did we go wrong

Someone tell me why

What about baby boy

(What about it)

What about the days

(What about us)

What about all their joy

(What about us)

What about the man

(What about us)

What about the crying man

(What about us)

What about Abraham

(What about us)

What about death again

Do we give a damn


簡介: 張杰,中國著名歌手,華語歌壇新生代領軍人物,偶像與實力兼具的超人氣天王。2004年出道至今,已發行6張高品質唱片,

唱片銷量稱冠內地群雄, 舉辦過4場爆滿的個人演唱會。

2008年以來在各大權威音樂獎項中先後10次獲得 內地最受歡迎男歌手 稱號,2010年在韓國最權威的頒獎禮[2]


  1. [1] | 來自於QQ音樂]
  2. [2] |張杰 來自於九酷網 音樂]