


萧敬腾演唱歌曲 Mr. JAZZ vs. Mr. Rock 25岁,萧敬腾的精神年。所以他用直觉做分享。不论是演唱会上Mr. Rock的狂放摇滚,还是爵士之夜Mr. Jazz的静谧温润,都是萧敬腾直觉式分享的一部份。

图片来自 搜狐

[1] 中文名 fever

演唱者 萧敬腾

专辑名 《Mr.JAZZ》

时 长 04:18



“如果不擅长用说的,那就用唱的吧!”唱歌,对他来说比讲话容易。他把所有的心情都唱进歌里…开心的、不开心的、梦想的、爱的、不爱的…..很直接的用歌曲来表达。Mr. Jazz _ A Song For You他试着用这11首歌去更靠近梦想,换一种更温柔的方式让更多人听到他对唱歌这件事的热情。 爵士乐最引人入胜的地方在于音乐本身的自由解放精神,变化出多姿多彩的面貌。面对爵士乐对灵魂的挑逗,是生命中一大享受。萧敬腾精选了11首他最喜欢的西洋经典,以爵士润色,在2012年-他25岁的这一年,给大家一场不同于以往极致的音乐盛宴

Mr. JAZZ心目中的JAZZ 萧敬腾:“我喜欢Jazz不转弯的情感,没有华丽的文字修饰,象是在说话,这是和流行音乐不同的地方。”中文歌有时没办法让萧敬腾马上懂得歌词里的意思,但这次Mr. Jazz专辑11首英文歌,萧敬腾却不假他人之手,从查翻译字典、找资料到选歌,反而是英文歌里直白的歌词与旋律,更能触动他。11首经典乐曲,萧敬腾呢喃唱出男人在爱情里的悲与伤,炙热的,温暖的,有别于摇滚的声线,这是另一个萧敬腾-Mr. JAZZ。我们说他唱出了男人的心声,即使是一首悲伤的歌,他用自己的方式唱出自己的Jazz Song,希望能感动人、带来正面的力量。 不论经历多久,我们翻唱着这些经典,然后再成为经典。 而这是萧敬腾心目中的11首经典,Song For You. Mr. JAZZ的精挑细选 11首经典乐曲,萧敬腾与金木义则老师以Jazz编制重新编曲。在生日前夕,萧敬腾选择了这样的方式与歌迷朋友家人们分享,他最想要做的,用音乐分享这个特别的时刻。



Never know how much I love you

Never know how much I care

When you put your arms around me

I get a fever that's so hard to bear

when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning

Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the daytime

Moon lights up the night

My eyes light up when you call my name

and you know you're gonna treat you

are you give me feel

when you kiss me

Fever when you hold me tight

Fever in the morning

Fever all through the night

Everybody's got the fever

That is something you should know

Fever isn't such a new scene

Fever started long ago

Romeo loved juliet

Juliet, she felt the same

When he put his arms around her

He said julie baby, you're my flame

He gave her fever

when you kiss me

Fever with thy flaming youth

Fever Im afire

Fever yea I born for sooth”

Capin Smith and Pocahantas

Had a very mad affair

When her daddy tried to kill him she said

“Daddy, o, dont you dare

He gives me fever with his kisses

Fever when he holds me tight

Fever Im his missis

Daddy wont you treat him right?

Now youve listened to my story

Heres the point hat I have made

Chicks were born to give you fever

Be it Fahrenheit or centigrade

They give you fever when you kiss them

Fever if you live and learn

Fever till you sizzle

What a lovely way to burn....

What a lovely way to burn....

What a lovely way to burn....

What a lovely way to burn....

The end~
