

I Vow To Thee My Country(Katherine Jenkins)

Katherine Jenkins

I Vow To Thee My Country (歌曲)

歌曲名:I Vow To Thee My Country 歌手:Katherine Jenkins 所屬專輯:《The Ultimate Collect》

發行公司:Decca 發行時間:2009-12-31 [1]  



I Vow To Thee, My Country - Katherine Jenkins

I vow to thee my country

All earthly things above

Entire and whole and perfect

The service of my love

The love that asks no question

The love that stands the test

That lays upon the altar

The dearest and the best

The love that never falters

The love that pays the price

The love that makes undaunted

The final sacrifice

And there's another country

I've heard of long ago

Most dear to them that love her

Most great to them that know

We may not count her armies

We may not see her king

Her fortress is a faithful heart

Her pride is suffering

And soul by soul and silently

Her shining bounds increase

And her ways are ways of gentleness

And all her paths are peace

And all her paths are peace


凱瑟琳•詹金斯Katherine Jenkins)1980年6月29日出生於英國威爾士的尼思,是一名備受讚譽的女次高音歌手。



《夢幻之中》 凱瑟琳·詹金斯演唱
