



增加 5,536 位元組, 6 年前
创建页面,内容为“'''拉结'''({{lang-he|'''רחל'''}})<!-- "Ewe," also "innocence and gentility of a rose" and may mean "lovely". -->,根据《圣经·创世记》的…”
'''拉结'''({{lang-he|'''רחל'''}})<!-- "Ewe," also "innocence and gentility of a rose" and may mean "lovely". -->,根据《[[圣经]]·[[创世记]]》的记载,是[[以色列人]][[祖先]][[雅各]]第二位和最宠爱的妻子(原是表妹),[[古埃及]][[维齐尔 (古埃及)|大内总管]][[约瑟 (旧约圣经)|约瑟]]和[[便雅悯]]的母亲,[[拉班]]的女儿,雅各第一位妻子[[利亚]](Leah)的妹妹。丈夫雅各是她的表兄,婆婆[[利百加]]是拉结的姑母。

== 生平 ==
=== 出场 ===
拉结在圣经中首次出现,是在{{Bible|创世记|29|17}},被形容为“生得形貌美丽。”({{lang-he|'''וְרָחֵל הָֽיְתָה יְפַת־תֹּאַר וִיפַת מַרְאֶה'''}})。

=== 嫁给雅各 ===
雅各的母亲利百加劝他逃到拉结的家,以免被哥哥[[以扫]]杀害,也能有机会物色一位妻子。他看见拉结,立刻爱上了她,希望同她结婚,舅舅[[拉班]]要求雅各为他牧羊7年,但在婚礼的夜晚却哄骗他,将姊姊利亚穿上礼服,冒充拉结嫁给雅各。犹太人中还传说,雅各和拉结怀疑拉班会施行这样的诡计,设计了一连串的暗号,让新郎到时可以识别出蒙头的新娘。可是当拉结发现拉班带利亚前去时,不忍让自己的姊姊在众人面前蒙羞,将暗号透露给了姊姊<ref>Wagensberg, Abba (2006), [http://www.aishdas.org/ta/5767/vayeitzei.pdf "Between The Lines,"] in Toras Aish, Volume XIV, No. 11, © 2006 Rabbi A. Wagensberg & aish.com </ref>。当雅各在结婚[[初夜]]发现妻子是利亚后,婚姻已经生效。于是雅各接受拉班的要求,再牧羊7年,才有机会娶到了拉结。随了利亚及拉结外,拉班也给予利亚及拉结的两个[[侍女]]给雅各,两人皆成为雅各的妻子。<ref>Ginzberg, Louis (1909) [http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/loj/loj108.htm ''The Legends of the Jews''], Volume I, Chapter VI: Jacob, at sacred-texts.com </ref>

=== 母亲 ===
当利亚生了四个儿子后,拉结仍难以怀孕。她让其[[侍女]]辟拉给雅各,辟拉再生了两个儿子,被视为拉结的儿子。利亚再生了两个儿子及一个女儿,亦使其侍女悉帕生了两个儿子,拉结自己其后生了两个儿子。<ref name = "je">[http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=57&letter=R&search=rachel '''Rachel'''] at [http://jewishencyclopedia.com http://jewishencyclopedia.com]</ref>'''《[[创世纪]]》''' (35章24节) 拉结生—— [[约瑟]] \ יוֹסֵף [[便雅悯]] \ בִּנְיָמִין

=== 去世与埋葬 ===

== 后代 ==
拉结所生的长子约瑟成为以色列支派的领袖,他成为[[古埃及]]的[[维齐尔 (古埃及)|大内总管]],期间以色列人移居埃及,在埃及建立自身的民族主义。<ref>[http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=441&letter=J&search=Joseph '''Joseph'''] at [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com jewishencyclopedia.com]</ref><ref>Davidiy, Yair, [http://www.britam.org/messiah.html "Moshiach Ben Yoseph,"] at [http://www.britam.org/ britam.org]</ref><ref>[http://www.truthnet.org/TheMessiah/4_Messiah_of_Judaism/ "The Messiah of Judaism,"] at [http://www.truthnet.org/ truthnet.org]</ref>

<!-- ==Additional references in the Bible==
In [[Book of Jeremiah|Jeremiah]] 31:15, the prophet speaks of 'Rachel weeping for her children' ([[KJV]]). This is interpreted in [[Judaism]] as Rachel crying for an end to her descendants' sufferings and exiles following the destruction of the [[First Temple]] in ancient [[Jerusalem]]. According to the [[Midrash]], Rachel spoke before God: "If I, a mere mortal, was not prepared to humiliate my sister and was willing to take a rival into my home, how could You, the eternal, compassionate God, be jealous of [[idolatry|idols]], which have no true existence, that were brought into Your home (the [[Temple in Jerusalem]])? Will You cause my children to be exiled on this account?" God accepted her plea and promised that, eventually, the exile would end and the Jews would return to their land.<ref>Weisberg, Chana, [http://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article.asp?AID=439609 "Rachel - Biblical Women"] at [http://www.chabad.org chabad.org]</ref>

In the second chapter of the [[Gospel of Matthew]] (part of the [[Christianity|Christian]] [[New Testament]]), this reference from Jeremiah is interpreted as a prediction of the [[Massacre of the Innocents]] by [[Herod the Great]] in his attempt to kill the young [[Jesus]]. -->

== 其它 ==

== 参见 ==
* [[拉结墓]]
* [[雅各]]
* [[拉班]]
* [[利亚]]
* [[约瑟 (旧约圣经)]]
* [[便雅悯]]
* [[便雅悯支派]]

== 注释与参考文献 ==
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== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.rachelstomb.org/ The Committee for Rachel's Tomb]

{{Sons of Jacob}}
