



移除 5,633 位元組, 5 年前
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Battle of Rorke's Drift <br /> 罗克渡口战役
| partof = [[祖鲁战争]]
| image = [[File:Alphonse_de_Neuville_-_The_defence_of_Rorke's_Drift_1879_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg|300px]]
| caption = “罗克渡口防御战”,由[[阿尔丰斯·德·纳维尔]]绘于1882年。
| date = 1879年1月22日-23日
| place = [[纳塔尔殖民地]]罗克渡口
|coordinates = {{Coord|28|20|57|S|30|32|3|E|type:landmark|display=inline,title}}
| result = 英军取得战术胜利
| combatant1 = {{flagicon|United Kingdom}} [[大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国|英国]]
| combatant2 = [[祖鲁王国|祖鲁]]
| commander1 = [[约翰·查德]] <br /> [[冈维尔·布罗姆黑德]]
| commander2 = Dabulamanzi kaMpande
| strength1 = 139名至141名英国步兵,11名殖民地步兵,4名平民<ref>Knight, Ian. ''Zulu: Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift'', 1992, pp. 107–108.</ref><ref>Holme, Norman. ''The Noble 24th'', Savannah Publications, ISBN 1-902366-04-2, 1999, p. 265–369, 383.</ref><ref>Whybra, Julian. ''England's Sons'', Gift Ltd., 2004, pp. 68–69.</ref> <br /> 100名至350名纳塔尔土著步兵<ref>Knight, Ian, Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996, ISBN 1-85532-506-3. p. 36, NNC included in garrison.</ref> <br /> 约100名纳塔尔土著骑兵
| strength2 = 4个祖鲁军团,3,000名至4,000名士兵<ref>Estimates vary: Colenso, F.E. ''History of the Zulu War and Its Origin'', London, 1880, p. 305, gives 3,000; Knight, Ian. ''The Zulu War 1879'', Osprey, 2003, ISBN 1-84176-612-7, p. 37, Knight gives: "in excess of 3,000"; Lock, Ron; Quantrill, Peter (2005). ''Zulu Victory: The Epic of Isandlwana and the Cover-up''. Greenhill Books. pp. 231–232. ISBN 1-85367-645-4. gives 3,000, p. 231; Morris, Donald R. ''The Washing of the Spears'', Da Capo Press, 1998, gives over 4,000.</ref> <br /> iNdluyengwe军团:500名至700名士兵<br/> uThulwana, iNdlondo, uDluko军团:约3,000名士兵<ref>Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996, ISBN 1-85532-506-3, p. 23.</ref>
| casualties1 = 17名士兵阵亡或者受到致命创伤<ref>Porter, Whitworth (1889), ''South African Wars, 1847–1885'', ''History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, II'', London: Longmans, Green, and Co. p.33, "17 killed and 10 wounded.". (including one killed by 'friendly fire' while fleeing the garrison at start of the battle)</ref> <br /> 15名士兵受伤 <br /> 约100名纳塔尔土著士兵死伤<ref>Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996, ISBN 1-85532-506-3, p. 88, "First shots of the battle; the Natal Native Horse break before the oncoming Zulus ...".</ref> <br /> 100名至350名纳塔尔土著士兵和几名平民在战役开始时逃离战场。
| casualties2 = 351名士兵阵亡<ref>Colenso, F.E. ''History of the Zulu War and Its Origin'', London, 1880, p. 305</ref> <br /> 约500名士兵受伤<ref>{{cite book |title= Zulu Victory: The Epic of Isandlwana and the Cover-up|last= Lock |first= Ron|authorlink= |coauthors= Quantrill, Peter|year= 2005 |publisher= Greenhill Books|location= |isbn= 1-85367-645-4|page= |pages= |url= |accessdate=}} excerpt from private journal of Lieutenant Colonel John North Crealock, Crealock states "351 dead were found and 500 wounded".</ref>}}
{{模板:Campaignbox Anglo-Zulu War}}
'''罗克渡口战役'''('''Battle of Rorke's Drift'''),又称为'''罗克渡口防御战'''('''Defence of Rorke's Drift'''),是[[祖鲁战争]]当中的一场战役。属于[[皇家工程兵团]]的[[约翰·查德]]中尉在英军兵败[[伊散德尔瓦纳战役|伊散德尔瓦纳]]之后,带领罗克渡口传教站守军,成功击退进攻的祖鲁军团。
=== 防御淮备 ===
[[File:Dabulamanzi.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Dabulamanzi kaMpande亲王]]
作出决定后,查德和布罗姆黑德命令士兵作好防御淮备。400名士兵用玉米袋迅速兴建了一个防御阵地。<ref>Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996,ISBN 1-85532-506-3, p. 28, "With 400 men to build them..."</ref>防御阵地包围了一座仓库、一座医院和一座石制土著栅栏。上述建筑的外墙上面凿有射击孔,外门后面设有家私堆砌而成的障碍。
[[File:ZuluWarriors adj.jpg|300px|left|thumb|同一时期的祖鲁士兵。]]
祖鲁士兵多数使用经过改良的轻型短矛(Iklwa)和牛皮制盾牌。<ref>[http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=bfcfOrihAvAC&pg=PA462&dq=zulu+rifles&client=firefox-a&cd=8#v=onepage&q=zulu%20rifles&f=false ''World History of Warfare'', By Christon I. Archer] University of Nebraska Press, 2002, ISBN 0-8032-1941-5, p.462 "They had a national army of twenty-five thousand men equipped with cowhide shields, assegais and clubs. Lock, Ron; Quantrill, Peter (2005). ''Zulu Victory: The Epic of Isandlwana and the Cover-up''. Greenhill Books, ISBN 1-85367-505-9, p.62, John Shepstone, Acting Secretary for Native Affairs at the time on the Zulu army – "Equipment: Each man carries his shield and assegais, and a kaross or blanket if he possesses one, he may also have a war dress of monkey skins or ox tails, this is all."</ref>所有士兵都受过个人作战、团体作战的训练。部分士兵配备旧式火枪、步枪,不过缺乏训练,也没有足够和良好的火药。<ref>Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996,ISBN 1-85532-506-3, pp. 33, 38, 39.</ref>
== 战斗经过 ==
[[File:Rorke's.Drift.Post.jpg|300px|right|thumb|罗克渡口地图,出自“皇家工程兵团历史”。<ref>{{Citation |last=Porter|first=Whitworth|year=1889|contribution=Drawing, Rorke's Drift Post|title=History of the Corps of Royal Engineers|volume=II|publisher=Longmans, Green, and Co|publication-date=1889|publication-place=London|page=31|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=FqdBAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA31|accessdate=2008-08-14}}</ref>]]
4点20分,战斗开始。在奥斯卡堡执行警戒任务的土著骑兵队首先与祖鲁前锋交战。<ref>Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996, ISBN 1-85532-506-3. p.36, and on p.88 this is described by Knight as "the first shots of the battle".</ref>骑兵队经过之前在伊散德尔瓦纳的战斗后,很快就因为体力不足、弹药缺乏,撤往海尔普默卡尔。骑兵队的指挥官亨德森将敌军来袭的消息告诉查德,并且对他说“他的队伍不听命令,逃往海尔普默卡尔”。<ref>Morris, Donald R. ''The Washing of the Spears'', Da Capo Press, 1998, p. 401.</ref>
=== 退守医院 ===
[[File:Lady butler defense rorkes drift.jpg|300px|left|thumb|“罗克渡口防御战”,由[[伊丽莎白·汤普森|巴特勒爵士夫人]]绘于1880年。]]
查德意识到士兵不能在祖鲁军队的持续进攻之下守住北墙,在下午6点命令士兵退到玉米袋筑起的防御阵地,过程中,守军放弃了医院当中的前两个房间。医院开始变成难以防守的据点。守军如果透过射击孔开枪,步枪很有可能被祖鲁士兵夺去。但如果守军对射击孔置之不理,祖鲁士兵又会用自己的枪械,透过射击孔向守军开枪。防守医院的士兵有:威廉·威尔逊·阿伦下士(William Wilson Allen),二等兵科尔(Cole)、邓巴(Dunbar)、希契(Hitch)和霍里根(Horrigan)、约翰·威廉斯(John Williams)、约瑟夫·威廉斯(Joseph Williams)、阿尔弗雷德·亨利·胡克(Alfred Henry Hook)、罗伯特·琼斯(Robert Jones)和威廉·琼斯(William Jones)。
== 维多利亚十字勋章及杰出指挥奖章 ==
[[File:Lieutenant J R Merriott Chard.jpg|200px|right|thumb|陆军中校约翰·查德,VC]]
有11名战役参与者获颁维多利亚十字勋章,当中有7个人属于第2/第24步兵团,至今仍然是在单一行动中获奖最多的团。不过,参与者获得最多维多利亚十字勋章的单一行动并非这场战役,而是[[印军哗变]]中的[[第二次勒克瑙解围行动]](Second Relief of Lucknow)。<ref>{{London Gazette|issue=24717|startpage=3177|endpage=3178|date=2 May 1879|accessdate=2007-11-28}}</ref>
=== 参考 ===
*Colenso, F.E. ''History of the Zulu War and Its Origin'', London, 1880.
*''Military Heritage'' discussed Rorke's Drift and the politics of the Victoria Cross (Roy Morris Jr., ''Military Heritage'', August 2005, Volume 7, No. 1, p.&nbsp;8).
*Morris, Donald R. ''The Washing of the Spears: A History of the Rise of the Zulu Nation under Shaka and Its Fall in the Zulu War of 1879'' Da Capo Press, 1998, ISBN 0-306-80866-8.
*Knight, Ian, ''Rorke's Drift 1879, "Pinned Like Rats in a Hole"''; Osprey Campaign Series #41, Osprey Publishing 1996, ISBN 1-85532-506-3.
*{{Citation|last=Porter|first=Whitworth|year=1889|contribution=South African Wars, 1847–1885|title=History of the Corps of Royal Engineers|volume=II|publisher=Longmans, Green, and Co|publication-date=1889|publication-place=London|pages=24–43|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=FqdBAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA24|accessdate=2008-08-14.}}
*Snook, Lt Col Mike, ''Like Wolves on the Fold: The Defence of Rorke's Drift''. Greenhill Books, London, 2006. ISBN 1-85367-659-4.
*Thompson, Paul Singer. ''Black soldiers of the queen: the Natal native contingent in the Anglo-Zulu War,'' University of Alabama Press, 2006, ISBN 0-8173-5368-2.
*Whybra, Julian. ''England's Sons'', Gift Ltd., 2004.
== 外部链接 ==
{{Commonscat|Battle of Rorke's Drift|罗克渡口战役}}
* [http://www.rorkesdriftvc.com/battle/roll.htm The Roll of those present at Rorke's Drift 22/23 January, 1879]
* [http://www.militaryhistoryonline.com/19thcentury/rorkesdrift/default.aspx Gilbert Padilla, "The Battle of Rorke's Drift"]
* [http://www.rorkesdriftvc.com/battle/chard_map.htm Lt. Chard's Map]
* [http://www.travellersimpressions.com/process/articlepage.php?storycode=rg0004 Travellers Impressions]
* [http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue/displaycataloguedetails.asp?CATLN=6&CATID=7121720 Catalogue description of papers relating to rewards for gallantry for Rorke's Drift], The National Archives.
*[http://www.britishbattles.com/zulu-war/rorkes-drift.htm The Battle of Rorke's Drift]