


Creepin up on you

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[[File:经典老歌.jpg|280px|缩略图|[http://img3.jarhu.com/goodimages/201511/112/gi1447231518938.jpg 原图链接]
[http://www.jarhu.com/book-1012623.html 来自 甲虎网 的图片]]]

《'''creepin up on you'''》是一首[[经典老歌]]。

老歌,像一本泛了黄的旧书,只想轻轻的翻开它,用心去聆听,细细[[品味]],然后跟着轻哼,不舍得丢弃;老歌,像一坛陈年老[[酒]],开启的那一刻,醇香味浓,小抿一口,便令人回味无穷<ref>[https://www.kugou.com/yy/special/single/2753661.html 怀旧经典:老歌就像陈年老酒,历久弥香_精选集],酷狗音乐</ref>;老歌,更像一本儿时的相册,那种锁进抽屉里,尘封许久没有再翻动过,当有一天不经意打开它,已逝的灿烂年华便清晰如镜地呈现在眼前……

老歌,是一种[[情怀]],唱起它,便会触动我们似乎已经麻木许久但其实内里依旧非常容易感动的心<ref>[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/50439665 喜欢听老歌,是不是代表怀旧呢?你怎么看?],知乎,2018-11-20</ref>。


creepin’ up on you is the wrong thing to do
i found your address and got your phone number too
visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes
been to secret places you think nobody knows
if i had to live without you
nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i’m creepin’ up on you
i know that it wouldn’t be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin’ up on you
i’ve been hanging ’round all the places you haunt
spying on your friends to find out what you want
drinking from the glass that you left on the bar
follow you around driving home in your car
do i have to breathe without you?
’cause nobody could
i need to be around you
watching you
no one else can love you like i do
feel it when i’m creepin’ up on you
i know that it wouldn’t be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin’ up on you
i know this must be wrong
it can’t go on
this kind of thing is taking all my sanity
and making me a mockery
this must be wrong
it can’t go on
so won’t somebody free me from this misery?
bring my baby closer to me
’cause no one else can love you like i do
you feel it when i’m creepin’ up on you
i know that it wouldn’t be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
no one else can love you like i do
i know you feel it when i’m creepin up on you
i know that it wouldn’t be right
if i stayed all night
just to peep in on you
creepin’ up on you
’cause no one else can love you, no no
like i do
i know you feel me peeping in on you
watching everything you do
’cause no one else can love you, no
like i do
no one else should love you, no
like i do
baby creepin’ up on you
watching everything you do
yeah ’cause no one else can love you
no no one else should touch you
no one else can love you
touch you
love you
be with you


老歌抓住了人们心中那根最淳朴的神经,每每让人们在内心深处独自享受着莫可名状的感动,不管时代怎么改变,[[审美]]观念如何的“潮”<ref>[https://k.sina.cn/article_1653689003_v62914aab01900mrdm.html 当代年轻人的潮流审美观:一半潮,一半“老”],新浪,2020-10-14</ref>,但人追求纯洁的心是不会改变的,我没有经历过上山下乡<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/212195517_100009961 历史上的今天:知识青年上山下乡 ],搜狐,2017-12-22</ref>的改造,但《小芳》<ref>[https://haokan.baidu.com/v?vid=7603210526995640638&pd=bjh&fr=bjhauthor&type=video 经典歌曲《小芳》,李春波演唱],好看视频,2020-01-15</ref>那直白朴素的话语却仍然令我充满遐想。我虽然不曾有过恋人,但《[[涛声依旧]]》中的那份感受却仍让我在动情之处潸然泪下。

老歌如同一部无声[[电影]]<ref>[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/33413760 无声电影时期(1918-1930)],知乎专栏,2018-01-30</ref>,歌者不需要是帅哥美女,也无需热舞和激光束的渲染,老歌所凭借的是他那纯粹的[[艺术]]魅力征服了一个又一个听众的心。


===<center> creepin up on you 相关视频</center>===


[[Category:913 聲樂;歌曲]]