



移除 1,862 位元組, 6 年前
== 爭議事件 ==
在2015年9月11日於[[推特]]公開轉發牧師[[约翰·派博]]一篇反同志結婚的文章,內文主要為美國[[肯塔基州]][[羅恩縣 (肯塔基州)|羅恩郡]][[書記官]][[w:en:Kim Davis (county clerk)|金·戴維斯]]表示拒絕給同志們[[結婚證書]]{{NoteTag|1 = I will respectfully refuse any such offers.— SIWON CHOI(@siwon407),2015年9月11日 <ref>{{cite news | title = K-Pop Crossover: Super Junior Vocalist Siwon Supports Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis's Anti-Gay Marriage Stance | publisher = KpopStarz | url = http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/239920/20150911/kim-davis-siwon.htm |author= Robert Kuang | date = 2015-09-11 | accessdate = 2015-09-14 | language = en}}</ref>}} 。始源轉發此文後,隨即引來網友批判,認為他反對[[同性婚姻]]<ref>{{cite news | title = SJ崔始源反同志結婚 挨批連發8條道歉文 | publisher = 聯合報 | url = http://udn.com/news/story/8/1183873 | author = 高睿希 | date = 2015-09-13 | accessdate = 2015-09-14 | language = zh-hant | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20150916013538/http://udn.com/news/story/8/1183873 | archivedate = 2015-09-16 }}</ref> 。隔日他一連發表8則推特,向受到傷害的粉絲道歉,解釋自己會轉推約翰派博的推特,是因為希望能表達多元看法,但卻從大家的回應中發現自己讓許多人受到了傷害{{NoteTag|1 = 「I am truly sorry. My judgment was insensitive, thoughtless, and ill-conceived.」,「However, now I realize that my comments were hurtful to those whom I hold dearest : my fans, and their friends and families.」— SIWON CHOI(@siwon407),2015年9月12日 <ref>{{cite news | title ='Super Junior' Star Choi Siwon Apologises For Tweet on Same Sex Marriage; Do Koreans Support Him? | publisher = International Business Times, India Edition | url = http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/239920/20150911/kim-davis-siwon.htm |author= Rushali Pawar | date = 2015-09-11 | accessdate = 2015-09-14 | language = en}}</ref>}} 。崔始源坦承公開轉推反同文章,此舉既不明智又輕率,表示會從這次錯誤中好好學習如何表達自己信仰,並感謝那些支持也了解他想法的粉絲<ref>{{cite news | title = 反同性婚姻?SJ始源挨轟道歉 | publisher = 中國時報 | url = http://star.chinatimes.com/news/20150912003469-261101 | author = 吳玫穎 | date = 2015-09-12 | accessdate = 2015-09-14 | language = zh-hant | deadurl = yes | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20150915024408/http://star.chinatimes.com/news/20150912003469-261101 | archivedate = 2015-09-15 }}</ref>
2017年10月21日,崔始源愛犬自行走出家門並不幸咬傷鄰居,致對方敗血症而死亡,始源因而受到網友抵制,甚至使其主演的電視劇《[[卞赫的愛情]]》也受到了影響與衝擊。始源表示與家人曾多次到達死者靈堂道歉,已得到死者家屬諒解;其後始源本人決定不參加所屬組合[[Super Junior]]後續專輯《[[Play (Super Junior專輯)|Play]]》的回歸宣傳活動,後來於11月25日的日本粉絲見面會正式歸隊。