



增加 7,738 位元組, 6 年前
|3= zh-cn:夏洛特; zh-tw:夏綠蒂; zh-hk:夏綠蒂;
|4= zh-cn:甘斯布; zh-tw:甘絲柏; zh-hk:甘斯柏格;
{{Infobox musical artist
| name = 赛日·甘斯布<br>Serge Gainsbourg
| image = Serge Gainsbourg par Claude Truong-Ngoc 1981.jpg
| caption = 赛日·甘斯布在1981年
| image_size = 220px
| background = solo_singer
| birth_name = Lucien Ginsburg
| alias = Julien Grix, Gainsbarre
| birth_date = {{Birth date|1928|4|2}}
| death_date = {{Death date and age|1991|3|2|1928|4|2}}
| death_place = 法国巴黎
| birth_place = 法国[[巴黎]]
| instrument = 声乐,钢琴,吉他,贝司,古钢琴,手风琴,口琴
| genre = 法国摇滚,法国流行,yé-yé,[[爵士乐]],[[雷鬼音樂]],[[新浪潮]]
| occupation = 创作歌手,音乐家,诗人,演员,导演,艺术家
| years_active = 1957–1991
| label = Mercury/[[环球唱片|环球]]
| website = [http://www.universalmusic.fr/serge-gainsbourg/ 赛日·甘斯布环球音乐官方网站]
| notable_instruments =
'''赛日·甘斯布'''({{lang-fr|'''Serge Gainsbourg'''}},原名'''Lucien Ginsburg'''<ref>[[Ginsburg]] is sometimes spelled Ginzburg in the media, including print encyclopedias and dictionaries. However, Ginsburg is the name engraved on [[:Image:Serge Gainsbourg Grave.jpg|Gainsbourg's grave]], and "Lucien Ginsburg" is the name by which Gainsbourg is referred to, as a performer, in the [[Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique|Sacem]] catalog [http://www.sacem.fr/catel/] (along with "Serge Gainsbourg" as the author/composer/adaptor)</ref>,{{IPA-fr|sɛʁʒ ɡɛ̃sbuʁ}},{{bd|1928年|4月2日|1991年|3月2日|catIdx=G}})<ref name=ALLMUSIC>[{{Allmusic|class=artist|id=p22806/biography|pure_url=yes}} allmusic Biography]</ref>是一位法国歌手,作曲家,钢琴家,电影作曲家,诗人,画家,编剧,作家,演员和导演。<ref>Obituary ''[[Variety Obituaries|Variety]]'', 11 March 1991.</ref>他是在法国流行音乐中最重要的人物之一,他的作品经常充满挑衅性和诽谤性,<ref>{{cite web|last=Ankeny |first=Jason |url=http://www.allmusic.com/artist/serge-gainsbourg-mn0000174822 |title=Serge Gainsbourg – Music Biography, Credits and Discography |publisher=AllMusic |date= |accessdate=2012-11-10}}</ref><ref name="simmons2001">{{cite news| url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2001/feb/02/culture.features | work=The Guardian | first=Sylvie | last=Simmons | title=An extract from Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes by Sylvie Simmons | date=2001-02-02}}</ref>他的曲风多元,体现了[[爵士乐|爵士]],曼波(manbo),[[世界音乐|世界]],[[香颂]],[[流行 (音樂類型)|流行]]和[[yé-yé]],到[[摇滚]],[[前衛搖滾]],[[雷鬼音樂|雷鬼]],[[電子音樂|電子]],[[迪斯科]],[[新浪潮]]和[[放克]]等各种风格。甘斯布多样的音乐风格和个性使他难以被归类,他的作品已深入人心,被视为世界上最有影响力的流行音乐家之一。<ref>{{cite web|author=2003年4月21日 (月) |url=http://www.hmv.co.jp/news/newsDetail.asp?newsnum=304080038 |title=The 100 Greatest Artists – No. 62 |publisher=Hmv.co.jp |date= |accessdate=2011-01-25}}</ref>
他的抒情作品经常因为挑衅,幽默,讽刺或颠覆的原因加入大量巧妙的文字游戏来欺骗听众。他歌曲中的文字游戏常见类型有[[擬聲詞]],[[押韻]],[[首音互換]]和[[雙關語]]等等。在甘斯布的职业生涯中,他写了超过500首歌曲。<ref>{{link-fr|赛日·甘斯布歌曲列表|Liste des chansons de Serge Gainsbourg}}</ref><ref>{{link-fr|赛日·甘斯布的重复小调|Reprises des chansons de Serge Gainsbourg}}</ref>
甘斯布出生于法国巴黎,是俄罗斯犹太移民的儿子<ref>Benjamin Ivry: [http://forward.com/articles/14621/the-man-with-the-yellow-star-/ The Man With the Yellow Star: The Jewish Life of Serge Gainsbourg], ''The Jewish Daily Forward'', 26 November 2008.</ref><ref>[http://www.deconstruction-in-music.com/proefschrift/500_john_zorn/580_great_jewish_music/great_jewish_music.html Great Jewish Music], Deconstruction in Music.</ref>。父母在[[1917年俄国革命]]后逃到巴黎。他的父亲是一个古典音乐家,工作是在赌场或者夜总会弹钢琴。也教他和双胞胎妹妹<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.notablebiographies.com/supp/Supplement-Fl-Ka/Gainsbourg-Serge.html |title=Serge Gainsbourg Biography – life, family, parents, name, story, death, wife, school, young, son, book, old, born, husband, marriage, time, year, scandal, sister, The outsider |publisher=Notablebiographies.com |date= |accessdate=2011-01-25}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=LucienGrix No real name given + Add Contact |url=https://secure.flickr.com/photos/48580880@N08/4443395660/ |title=1928 Liliane & Lucien Ginsburg &#124; Flickr – Photo Sharing! |publisher=Flickr |date= |accessdate=2011-01-25}}</ref>弹钢琴。<ref>http://www.vanityfair.com, Robinson, Lisa, Legends, “''The World of Serge Gainsbourg'',” November, 2007, retrieved September 3, 2012</ref>
1951年11月3日他与Elisabeth "Lize" Levitsky开始第一段婚姻,1957年离婚。1964年1月7日与Françoise-Antoinette "Béatrice" Pancrazzi结婚,与第二任妻子有两个孩子:女儿Natacha(出生于1964年8月8日)和儿子Paul(出生于1968年春)。他们于1966年2月离婚。
1968年中,他爱上了年轻的英国歌手和女星[[珍·柏金]],他们的关系维持了十多年<ref name="Charlotte">{{Cite news |work=TIME |title=French Chanteuse Charlotte Gainsbourg |url=http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1956411,00.html#ixzz1Va7NJr9U | first=William Lee | last=Adams | date=2010-01-26}}</ref>。1971年,他们有了一个女儿,女演员和歌手[[夏洛特·甘斯柏格]]。虽然许多消息来源称,他们已经结婚<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.life.com/gallery/44901/image/2661198/best-looking-couples-ever#index/2 |title=Best-Looking Couples Ever |work=LIFE.com |publisher=See Your World LLC}}<br>{{Cite news |url=http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/europe/inside-travel-pooches-in-paris-2309010.html |title=Inside Travel: Pooches in Paris |date=2011-07-09 |author=JoAnne Good |publisher=independent.co.uk}}<br>{{Cite news |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/8309301/Serge-Gainsbourgs-women-the-music.html |title=Serge Gainsbourg's women: the music |date=2011-02-07 |publisher=Telegraph Media Group Limited |work=The Telegraph}}<br>{{Cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/gainsbourg-the-movie/birkin-bardot |title=Birkin, Bardot and Gainsbourg, the accidental sex symbol |publisher=Guardian News and Media Limited |work=The Guardian |date=2010-07-05}}<br>{{cite web |url=http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jane-birkin/id45830 |title=Jane Birkin |publisher=Apple Inc}}</ref>,但他们的女儿夏洛特透露,情况并非如此。<ref name="Charlotte"/>柏金1980年离开甘斯布。
* 1958: ''Du chant à la une''
* 1959: ''N° 2''
* 1961: ''L'Étonnant Serge Gainsbourg''
* 1962: ''Serge Gainsbourg N° 4''
* 1963: ''Confidentiel''
* 1964: ''Percussions''
* 1968: ''Bonnie & Clyde'' (和[[碧姬·芭杜]])
* 1968: ''Initials B.B.''
* 1969: ''Jane Birkin/Serge Gainsbourg''
* 1971: ''Histoire de Melody Nelson''
* 1973: ''Vu de l'extérieur''
* 1975: ''Rock around the bunker''
* 1976: ''L'Homme à tête de chou''
* 1979: ''Aux armes et cætera''
* 1981: ''Mauvaises nouvelles des étoiles''
* 1984: ''Love on the Beat''
* 1987: ''[You're Under Arrest''
* 1980: ''Enregistrement public au Théâtre Le Palace''
* 1986: ''Live (Casino de Paris)''
* 1988: ''Le Zénith de Gainsbourg''
* 1967: ''Anna''
* 1970: ''Cannabis'' (器乐)
* 1976: ''Je t'aime... moi non plus&nbsp;– Ballade de Johnny-Jane'' (器乐)
* 1977: ''Madame Claude''
* 1977: ''Goodbye Emmanuelle'' (器乐)
* 1980: ''Je vous aime''
* 1986: ''Putain de film !&nbsp;– B.O.F. Tenue de soirée''
* "Black Trombone" (1962)
* "La Javanaise" (1963)
* "Couleur Café" (1964)
* "New York U.S.A." (1964)
* "Hold Up" (1967)
* "Initials B.B." (1967)
* "Bonnie and Clyde" (1968) (和[[碧姬·芭杜]])
* "Je t'aime... moi non plus" (1969)
* "La Décadanse" (1971)
* "Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais" (1973)
* "L'Homme à Tête de Chou" (1976)
* "Marilou" (1976)
* "Sea, Sex and Sun" (1978)
* "Aux armes et caetera" (1979)
* "Lola Rastaquouère" (1979)
* "Dieu fumeur de havanes" (1980) (凯瑟琳·德纳芙和赛日·甘斯布)
* "Sorry Angel" (1984)
* "Lemon Incest" (1985) (夏洛特和甘斯布)
* "You're Under Arrest" (1987)
* "Mon légionnaire" (1987)
* "Requiem pour un con" (1991)
* "Élisa" (1995)
* "La Noyée"
* ''Serge Gainsbourg: View From The Exterior'' by Alan Clayson (1998). Sanctuary. ISBN 978-1-86074-222-4
* ''Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes'' by Sylvie Simmons (2002). Da Capo Press. ISBN 978-0-306-81183-8
* {{fr icon}} [https://web.archive.org/web/20091125203322/http://www.universalmusic.fr/artiste/serge--gainsbourg 赛日·甘斯布官方网站]
* {{IMDb name|id=0006092}}
* {{Discogs artist|Serge Gainsbourg}}
{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Gainsbourg, Serge}}