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! <p style="background: #0088A8; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0; "> 約書亞·奧本海默 </p>


|<center><img src="https://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Joshua+Oppenheimer+Opening+Ceremony+La+La+a67Vzu6ZlSMx.jpg" width="280" > </center>

<small>[https://www.zimbio.com/photos/Joshua+Oppenheimer/66T-9-gPr3S/66th+Annual+Directors+Guild+America+Awards 圖片來自zimbio] <br>

'''出生'''    1974年9月23日<br>

'''逝世'''    描述<br>

'''母校'''    [[哈佛大學]]<br>

'''三個字'''   描述<br>

'''曾擔任'''   描述<br>

'''任期'''    描述<br>

'''知名於'''   電影導演<br>

'''現職'''    描述<br>

'''專業領域'''  描述<br>

'''四個字題'''  描述<br>

'''五個字題目''' 描述</small>



'''约书亚·奥本海默'''({{lang|en|Joshua Lincoln Oppenheimer}},{{bd|1974年|9月23日||}}),1974年9月23日出生於[[德克薩斯州]][[奧斯丁]]的一個德國[[猶太]]家庭。 他的父母在很小的時候就因在[[納粹大屠殺]]中失去親人而逃離德國到美國。成长于[[华盛顿特区]]和[[新墨西哥州]]的Santa Fe。是一位[[美国]]电影导演。
<ref>{{cite news|last1=Benzine|first1=Adam|title=“Killing,” “Square,” “20 Feet” among 2014 Oscar nominees|url=http://realscreen.com/2014/01/16/killing-square-20-feet-among-2014-oscar-nominees/|accessdate=2 September 2014|work=Realscreen|date=16 January 2014|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140907133240/http://realscreen.com/2014/01/16/killing-square-20-feet-among-2014-oscar-nominees/|archive-date=2014-09-07|dead-url=yes}}</ref>,主要活跃于[[丹麦]][[哥本哈根]]<ref>[http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/jun/20/joshua-oppenheimer-act-of-killing "They're desperately trying to run away from the reality of what they've done," says Oppenheimer, a 38-year-old Harvard graduate now based in Copenhagen] The Guardian</ref><ref>[http://bombsite.com/issues/1000/articles/6992 Interview with Joshua Oppenheimer "Originally hailing from Texas, Joshua Oppenheimer now makes his home in Copenhagen, Denmark"] Bomblog</ref>。

== 經歷 ==

2014年的《[[沉默之像]]》获得了[[第71届威尼斯影展]]评委会大奖<ref >{{cite web|url=http://ent.163.com/14/0907/02/A5GO9IMG00031H2L.html | language= | title=《寒枝雀静》擒威尼斯金狮 《闯入者》颗粒无收 |publisher= 网易娱乐 |date=2014-09-07 |accessdate= }}</ref>,并再次入围奥斯卡最佳纪录片。

* 2016年 第88届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳纪录长片(提名) 沉默之像
* 2014年 第86届奥斯卡金像奖 最佳纪录长片(提名) 杀戮演绎
* 2013年 第63届柏林国际电影节 费比西奖(国际影评人联盟奖) 大观单元最佳影片 杀戮演绎

*''Hugh'' (1995)
*''These Places We've Learned to Call Home'' (1996)
*''The Challenge of Manufacturing'' (1997)
*''The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase'' (1997)
*''The Globalisation Tapes'' (2003) (With Christine Cynn, co-director)
*''A Brief History of Paradise as Told by the Cockroaches'' (2003)
*''Market Update'' (2003)
*''Postcard from Sun City, Arizona'' (2004)
*''Muzak: a tool of management'' (2004)
*''Show of Force'' (2007)
*''Several Consequences of the Decline of Industry in the Industrialised World'' (2008)
*[[杀戮演绎]]/''The Act of Killing'' (纪录片,2012)
*[[沉默之像]]/''The Look of Silence'' (纪录片,2014)

*''Acting on AIDS: Sex, Drugs & Politics (Acting on AIDS)''. London & New York: Serpent's Tail, 1997, ISBN 1-85242-553-9, ISBN 978-1-85242-553-1. (With Helena Reckitt, co-editor.)

*''Going through the motions and becoming other''. (With Michael Uwemedimo, co-author). In: Chanan, Michael, (ed.) Visible evidence. Wallflower Press, 2007. London, UK. (In Press)

*''History and Histrionics: Vision Machine's Digital Poetics''. (With Michael Uwemedimo, co-author). In: Marchessault, Janine and Lord, Susan, (eds.) Fluid screens, expanded cinema. University of Toronto Press, 2007, Toronto, Canada, pp.&nbsp;167–183. ISBN 978-0-8020-9297-7.

*''Show of force: a cinema-séance of power and violence in Sumatra's plantation belt''. (With Michael Uwemedimo, co-author). In Critical Quarterly, Volume 51, No 1, April 2009, pp.&nbsp;84–110. Edited by: [[Colin MacCabe]]. Blackwell Publishing, 2009. ISSN 0011-1562.

*''[[Killer Images: Documentary Film, Memory and the Performance of Violence]]''. (With Joram Ten Brink, co-author). Columbia University Press (28 Feb 2013), ISBN 0231163347, ISBN 978-0231163347


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== 參考文獻 ==

*[https://www.toledoblade.com/Movies/2014/01/12/Haunting-documentary-shines-light-on-death-squads.html  The Blade -Haunting documentary shines light on death squads ]
*[https://movie.douban.com/celebrity/1030415/  豆瓣電影-约书亚·奥本海默 Joshua Oppenheimer]
*[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1484791/ IMDB-Joshua Oppenheimer -Director, Producer ,Cinematographer]
* [http://forward.com/articles/168338/filming-the-killing-fields/?p=all Filming the 'Killing' Fields: Joshua Oppenheimer on Making 'The Act of Killing'-Sheerly Avni,], ''[[The Jewish Daily Forward]]'', January 4, 2013
*[https://www.cinemaofchange.com/why-filmmakers-shouldnt-chase-impact-joshua-oppenheimer/ Cinemaofchange JOSHUA OPPENHEIMER: WHY FILMMAKERS SHOULDN’T CHASE IMPACT ]