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! <p style="background: #0088A8; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; padding:5px 0; "> 湯瑪斯·薩金特 </p>


|<center><img src="https://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/static/photos/tsargent.jpg" width="280" > </center>

<small>[https://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/thomas-sargent 圖片來自 Leonard N. Stern School of Business ] <br>

'''出生'''    1943年7月19日<br>

'''母校'''    [[哈佛大學]]<br>

'''榮譽'''    諾貝爾經濟學獎 (2011)<br>

'''專業領域'''  總體經濟學[[貨幣經濟學]]<br>


'''湯瑪斯·约翰·“汤姆”·薩金特'''({{lang-en|'''Thomas John "Tom" Sargent'''}},生于[[加州]][[帕萨迪纳 (加利福尼亚州)|帕萨迪纳]],{{bd|1943年|7月19日|catIdx=Sargent}}),為[[美國]][[經濟學家]],擅長於[[總體經濟學]]、[[貨幣經濟學]]、[[時間序列]]等領域。



由於對宏觀經濟因果關係的實證研究,他與[[普林斯頓大學]]的[[克里斯托弗·西姆斯]] (Christopher Sims) 共同獲得2011年諾貝爾經濟學獎。以表揚「他們對[[總體經濟學]]成因與效果所投入的實證研究」<ref name=nobel>{{cite web |url=http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2011/ |title=The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2011 |publisher=Nobel Prize |date=2011-10-10 |accessdate=2011-10-17 |language=en |archive-date=2013-05-28 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130528015455/http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2011/ |dead-url=no }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://news.163.com/11/1010/19/7G1CU6SQ00014JB5.html |language= |title=美国两名学者获诺贝尔经济学奖 |publisher=中国新闻网 |date=2011-10-10 |accessdate= |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111012185226/http://news.163.com/11/1010/19/7G1CU6SQ00014JB5.html |archive-date=2011-10-12 |dead-url=yes }}</ref>。

== 生平 ==

== 代表性著作 ==
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. | title=A Note on the Accelerationist Controversy | journal=Journal of Money, Credit and Banking| year=1971| volume=3|issue=3 | pages=721–25 | doi=10.2307/1991369}}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Neil Wallace| title=The Stability of Models of Money and Growth with Perfect Foresight | journal=Econometrica | year=1973| volume=41|issue=6 | pages=1043–48| doi=10.2307/1914034}}
*{{cite book | author=Sargent, Thomas J.| title=Macroeconomic Theory | url=https://archive.org/details/macroeconomicthe00sarg| year=1979, 1987| publisher = New York: Academic Press | id = ISBN 0-12-619750-4}}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Lars P. Hansen| title=Formulating and Estimating Dynamic Linear Rational Expectations Models | journal=Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control| year=1980| volume=2|issue=1 | pages=7–46}}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Neil Wallace| title=Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic | journal=Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review| year=1981| volume=5|issue=3 | pages=1–17}}
*Sargent, Thomas J. (1983). “The Ends of Four Big Inflations” in: ''Inflation: Causes and Effects'', ed. by Robert E. Hall, University of Chicago Press, for the NBER, 1983, p. 41–97.
*{{cite book | author=Sargent, Thomas J.| title=Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory| url=https://archive.org/details/dynamicmacroecon0000sarg| year=1987| publisher = Harvard University Press| id = ISBN 0-674-21877-9}}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Albert Marcet| title=Convergence of Least Squares Learning Mechanisms in Self-Referential Linear Stochastic Models| journal=Journal of Economic Theory| year=1989| volume=48 |issue=2 }}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Albert Marcet| title=Convergence of Least Squares Learning in Environments with Hidden State Variables and Private Information| journal=Journal of Political Economy| year=1989| volume=97 |issue=6 | doi=10.1086/261603 | pages=251 }}
*{{cite book | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Lars Ljungqvist| title=Recursive Macroeconomic Theory | year=2000, 2004| publisher = MIT Press | id = ISBN 0-262-12274-X}}
*{{cite journal | author=Sargent, Thomas J. and Lars Hansen| title=Robust Control and Model Uncertainty| journal=American Economic Review| year=2001| volume=91 |issue=2 | pages=60–66}}


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== 參考文獻 ==

*[http://www.tomsargent.com/ Thomas J. Sargent 個人網站-Professor of Economics, New York University -Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford, CA]
*[https://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/thomas-sargent Leonard N. Stern School of Business -Thomas J. Sargent- William R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business]
*[https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/2011/sargent/facts/ NobelPrize-Thomas J. Sargent]
*[http://homepages.nyu.edu/~ts43/ Homepage at the New York University website]