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{{Infobox person
| 姓名 = 谢鹏
| 外文名 =
| 图像 =
|center|[https://p1.ssl.qhmsg.com/t01cc4c8488a76898c6.jpg 原图链接] [https://baike.so.com/doc/7727243-8001338.html 图片来源]]]
| 图像说明 = 重庆医科大学副校长
| 出生日期 = 1958年3月
| 出生地点 = 重庆
| 逝世日期 =
| 国籍 = 中国
| 母校 = 重庆医科大学
| 职业     =   教育科研管理工作者
| 知名作品 =

<ref>[html 谢鹏 ],搜狐, 2014-06-27</ref>

'''谢鹏''' ,男,汉族,1958年3月出生,重庆医科大学副校长,重庆医科大学神经科学研究中心主任,重庆医科大学研究生院院长,教授、博士生导师,重庆医科大学国家重点学科神经病学学术带头人,卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家,归国学者。


谢鹏 教授1982年毕业于重庆医科大学医学系。1982年至1985年在重庆医科大学第一附属医院神经内科攻读研究生,获硕士学位。毕业后留校任教。1995至1996年留学日本滨松医科大学神经精神科和日本福岛医科大学微生物教研室,担任客座研究员。历任重庆医科大学附属第一医院神经内科助教、住院医师、讲师、主治医师、教授、附属第一医院副院长、重庆医科大学校长助理,2004年9月起任重庆医科大学副校长。

谢鹏 教授长期从事神经病学的教学、医疗和科研工作。致力于临床神经病学,脑血管疾病,中枢神经系统病毒感染性疾病,神经生化与分子生物学研究,有丰富的临床经验,较高的学术造诣。曾获四川省科技进步一等奖1项,国家科技进步三等奖1项,全国第五届吴-杨奖(吴阶平医学研究奖)1项,重庆市科技进步二等奖1项。近5年先后发表专业学术论文2多篇,参编专著10余部。作为负责人,主持"BDV人体感染模型初探及病毒性脑炎的生物学诊断"、"活体MRI追踪脑内移植磁标记神经干细胞的实验研究"、"博尔纳病病毒的分子流行病学研究"、"抑郁症发病机制的功能磁共振和蛋白质组学研究"四项国家自然科学基金课题,以及卫生部科学基金、教育部博士点基金和人事部归国人员基金各1项,以及重庆市科技攻关课题等共10多项科研课题。

谢鹏 ,男,1958年3月出生,重庆医科大学副校长,重庆医科大学神经科学研究中心主任,重庆医科大学研究生院院长,教授、博士生导师,重庆医科大学国家重点学科神经病学学术带头人,卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家,归国学者。国务院学位委员会第六届学科评议组成员,教育部第二届全国专业学位教育指导委员会委员,中华医学会神经病学分会副主任委员,中国医师协会神经内科医师分会会长。先后负责已结题国家重大科学研究计划"973"项目和国家"863"目标导向项目各1项、国家自然科学基金6项、省部级等各类基金14项,共获准科研经费3380余万元。现已发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI论文65篇。担任全国医学院校五年制统编教材《神经病学》第四、五、六、七版编委,《临床神经化学》杂志主编,《中国神经科杂志》、《中国神经精神疾病杂志》、《中华神经医学杂志》、《中国实用内科杂志》、《中国脑血管疾病杂志》、《国际脑血管病杂志》、《国际神经病学神经外科学杂志》等10家杂志编委,担任《Stroke,BrainResearch》杂志的特约审稿人。 并担任全国研究生统编教材《神经内科学》主编,并主编和参编学术专著10余部。获得发明专利4项。曾获四川省科技进步一等奖1项,国家科技进步三等奖1项,重庆市科技进步二等奖2项,吴阶平医学研究奖(吴-杨奖)1项。



Zheng P, Wang Y, Chen L, Yang DY, Meng HQ, Zhou DZ, Zhong JJ, Lei Y, Melgiri ND,Xie P. Identification and validation of urinary metabolite biomarkers for major depressive disorder. Mol Cell Protomics, 2013; 12(1):207-14

Zheng P , Chen JJ , Huang T, Wang MJ, Wang Y, Dong MX , Huang YJ , Zhou LK ,Xie P. A Novel urinary metabolite signature for diagnosing major depressive disorder.J Proteome res, 2013,12(12):5904–5911

Zheng P, Wei YD, Yao GE, Ren GP, Guo J, Zhou CJ, Zhong JJ, Cao D, Zhou LK,Xie P. Novel urinary biomarkers for diagnosing bipolar disorder.Metabolomics, 2013; 9(4) :800-808

Shao WH, Fan SH, Lei Y, Yao GE, Chen JJ, Zhou J, Xu HB, Liu HP, Wu B, Zheng P,Xie P. Metabolomic identification of molecular changes associated with stress resilience in the chronic mild stress rat model of depression. Metabolomics, 2013; 9(2):433-443

Lei Y, Li D, Deng J, Shao WH, Fan SH, Wang X,Hua Huang, Chen SG, Zhang HZ, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Li WJ, Huang RZ, Liu X, Zhou CJ, Chen JJ,Xie P. Metabolomic profiling of three brain regions from a postnatal.infected Borna disease virus Hu-H1 rat model.Metabolomics, DOI: 10.1007/s11306-013-0593-y

Li X, Xu F, Xie L Ji YJ, Cheng K, Zhou QM, Wang T, C.Shively, Wu QY, Gong W, Fang L, Zhan QL, N. D. Melgiri,Xie P. Depression-Like Behavioral Phenotypes in the Socially and Socio-Visually Isolated Adult Female Macaca Fascicularis.PLOS ONE,2013,8(9): e73293

Liu XL , Zhang L , Cheng K, Wang X, Ren GP ,Xie P. Identification of suitable plasma-based reference genes for miRNAome analysis of major depressive disorder.J Affect Disorders

Zhang L , Xu MM , Zeng L , Liu S , Liu X , Wang X , Li D , Huang RZ , Zhao LB , Zhang QL , Zhu D , Zhang YY , Xu P ,Xie P. Evidence for Borna disease virus infection in neuropsychiatric patients in three western China provinces.Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s10096-013-1996-4

Deng M, Wei L, Zuo X, Tian Y, Xie F, Hu P, Zhu C, Yu F, Meng Y, Wang H, Zhang F, Ma H, Ye R, Cheng H, Du J, Dong W, Zhou S, Wang C, Wang Y, Wang J, Chen X, Sun Z, Zhou N, Jiang Y, Liu X, Li X, Zhang N, Liu N, Guan Y, Han Y, Han Y, Lv X, Fu Y, Yu H, Xi C, Xie D, Zhao Q,Xie P, Wang X, Zhang Z, Shen L, Cui Y, Yin X, Cheng H, Liang B, Zheng X, Lee TM, Chen G, Zhou F, Veldink JH, Robberecht W, Landers JE, Andersen PM, Al-Chalabi A, Shaw C, Liu C, Tang B, Xiao S, Robertson J, Zhang F, van den Berg LH, Sun L, Liu J, Yang S, Ju X, Wang K, Zhang X. Genome-wide association analyses in Han Chinese identify two new susceptibility loci for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Nature Genetics, 2013;45,697-700

Huang RZ, Gao HC, Ma LH, Jia JM, Wang X, Wang MJ, Zhang L, Liu X, Zhnen p, Yang L, Lei y, Li D,Xie P. Dynamic 1H NMR-based extracellular metabonomic analysis of oligodendroglia cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1. Metabolomics, 2013; 10.1007/s11306-013-0548-3

Wang T, Huang XL, Huang PY, Li D, Lv FJ, Zhang Y, Yang DY,Xie P. Early-stage psychotherapy produces elevated frontal whit matter integrity in adult major depressive disorder. Plos ONE, 2013;8(4):e63081

Chen JJ , Zhou CJ , Wu B , Wang Y , Li Q , Wei YD , Yang DY , Mu J , Zhu D , Zou DZ ,Xie P.Left versus Right Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Treating Major Depression: a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Psychiatry Research,2013,210(3): 1260–1264

Liu HP , Zhou J , Fang L , Liu Z , Fan SH ,Xie P.Acute tryptophan depletion reduces nitric oxide synthase in the rat hippocampus.Neurochemical Research,2013,38(12):2595-2603

Li Q ,Xie P. Outpatient workload in China. The Lancet, 2013; 381(9882):1983 – 1984.

Xie L, XU F, Liu SG, Ji YJ, Zhou QM, Wu QY, Gong W, Cheng K, Li J, Li LL, Fang L, Zhou LK,Xie P.Age- and sex-based hematological and biochemical parameters for macaca fascicularis. Plos ONE, 2013 ;8(6): e64892

Li D, Lei Y, Deng J, Zhou CJ, Zhang Y, Li WJ, Huang H, Cheng SG, Zhang HZ,Zhang L,Huang RZ, Liu X, Ma LH, Wang X, Li J,Xie P. Human but not laboratory Borna disease virus inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in human oligodendrocyte in vitro. Plos ONE, 2013, 8(6): e66623

Huang W, Zhao P, Chen X, Li P, Zhao GN, Xu MM, Chen XY,Xie P. Comparative study of different latent infections of herpes simplex virus type i in a murine model. Cell Biochem Biophys, 2013; DOI:10.1007/s12013-013-9682-9

Yang YT, Yang DY, Tang G, Zhou CJ, Cheng K, Wu B, Peng Y, Liu CY, Zhan Y, Chen JJ, Chen GH,Xie P. Proteomics reveals energy and glutathione metabolic dysregulation in the prefrontal cortex of a rat model of depression. Neuroscience, 2013; 247, 191–200

Zeng L, Guo J, Xu HB, Huang RZ, Shao WH, Yang L, Wang MJ, Chen JJ,Xie P. Direct blue 71 staining as a destaining-free alternative loading control method for western blotting. Electrophoresis, 2013; DOI:10.1002/elps.201300140

Li Q, Lv FJ, Wei YD, Luo TY,Xie P. Automated subtraction ct angiography for visualization of the whole brain vasculature: a feasibility study. Acad Radiol, 2013; 20 (8): 1009-1014

Hu YB, Zhou J, Fang L, Liu HP, Zhan QL, Luo D, Zhou CJ, Chen JJ, Li Q,Xie P. Hippocampal synaptic dysregulation of exo/endocytosis-associated proteins induced in a chronic mild stressed rat model. Neuroscience, 2013; 230:1-12

Huang W, Zhao Y, Zhu X, Cai Z, Wang S, Yao S, Qi Z,Xie P. Fluoxetine upregulates phosphorylated-AKT and phosphorylated-ERK1/2 proteins in neural stem cells:evidence for a crosstalk between AKT and ERK1/2 pathways. J Mol Neurosci, 2013; 49(2):244-9

Ji YJ, Xie L, Liu S, Cheng K, Xu F, Li X, Wang T, Zhou QM, Fang L,Xie P. Correlation of thoracic radiograph measurements with age in adolescent chinese rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta). J Am Assoc Lab Anim,2013; 52(1):78-82

Huang PY, Qiu LH, Shen L, Zhang Y, Song Z, Qi ZG, Gong QY,Xie P. Evidence for a left-over-right inhibitory mechanism during figural creative thinking in normal non-artists.Hum Brain Mapp, 2012; DOI:10.1002/hbm.22093

Zhou XY, Chen JJ, Li Q, Ren GP, Yao GE, Liu M, Dong Q, Guo J, Li L, Guo J,Xie P. Minimally invasive surgery for spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Stroke, 2012; 43(11):2923-30

Zheng P, Gao HC, Li Q, Shao WH, Zhang ML, Cheng K, Yang de Y, Fan SH, Chen L, Fang L,Xie P. Plasma metabolomics as a novel diagnostic method for major depressive disorder. J Proteome Res, 2012; 11 (3):1741-1748

Xu HB, Zhang RF, Luo D, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Fang L, Li WJ, Mu J, Zhang L, Zhang Y,Xie P. Comparative proteomic analysis of plasma from major
depressive patients: identification of proteins associated with lipid metabolism and immunoregulation. International Journal of Neuropsychoph, 2012; 15(10):1413-25

Zheng P, Gao HC, Qi ZG, Jia JM, Li FF, Chen JJ, Wang Y, Guo J, N. D. Melgiri,Xie P. Peripheral metabolic abnormalities of lipids and amino acids implicated in increased risk of suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder. Metabolomics. 2012; 9(3): 688-696

Xu F, Xie L, Li X, Li Q, Wang T, Ji YJ, Kong F, Zhan QL, Cheng K, Fang L,Xie P. Construction and validation of a systemtic ethogram of macaca fascicularis in a free enclosure. Plos One, 2012;7(5):e37486

Huang RZ, Gao HC, Zhang L, Jia JM, Liu X, Zheng P, Ma LH, Li WJ, Deng J, Wang X, Yang L, Wang MG,Xie P. Borna disease virus infection perturbs key metabolites associated with neuropsychiatric disorders in cultured human oligodendroglioma Cells. Plos One, 2012;7(9):e44665

Huang W, Chen X, Li Q, Li P, Zhao G, Xu M,Xie P. Inhibition of intercellular adhesion in herpex simplex virus infection by glycyrrhizin. Cell biochem biophys, 2012; 62:137-40

Zhang RF, Yang DY, Zhou CJ, Cheng K, Liu Z, Chen L, Fang L,Xie P. β-actin as a candidate loading control in western blot analysis of plasma from depressed patients. Anal Biochem, 2012;427:116-120

Xu HB, Fang L, Hu ZC, Chen YC, Chen JJ, Li FF, Lu J, Mu J,Xie P. Potential clinical utility of plasma aminoacid profiling in the detection of major depressive disorder. Psychiat Res, 2012; 200(2-3):1054-7

Li D, Deng J, He H, Bu Y, Peng F, Tang X, Wang B, Lei Y, Zhang H,Xie P. Primary breast diffuse large B-cell lymphoma shows an activated B-cell–like phenotype. Ann Diagn Pathol, 2012; 16(5):335-43

Huang W,Xie P,Xu M, Li P, Zao G. The influence of stress factors on the reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus type 1 in infected mice. Cell Biochem Biophys, 2011;61(1): 115-122

Zhou J, Hua YB, Lin Y, Liu HP,Xie P. Preparation and application of a partially degradable gel in mass spectrometry-based proteomic analysis. J Chromatogr B, 2011; 879(28):2957-2962

Yang DY, Li Q, Fang L, Cheng K, Zhang RF, Zheng P, Zhan QL, Qi ZG, Zhong S,Xie P. Reduced neurogenesis and pre-synaptic dysfunction in the olfactory bulb of a rat model of depression. Neuroscience, 2011;192: 609-618

Yang DY, Liu X, Zhang RF, Cheng K, Mu J, Fang L,Xie P. Increased apoptosis and different regulation of pro-apoptosis protein bax and anti-apoptosis protein bcl-2 in the olfactory bulb of a rat model of depression.Neurosci Lett, 2011; 504(1): 18-22

Li Q, Li J, Lv F, Li K, Luo T,Xie P. A multidetector CT angiography study of variations in the circle of Willis in a Chinese population. J Clin Neurosci, 2011; 18(3): 379-83

Zhang L,XieP, Wang J, Yang Q, Fang C, Zhou S, Li J. Impaired peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ contributes to phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells during hypertension. J Biol Chem, 2010; 285(18):13666-77

Li D,Xie P, Mi C. Primary testicular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma shows an activated B-cell-like phenotype. Pathol Res and Pract, 2010;206(9): 611-615

Lin X, Li D,XieP, Mi C, Lin Q. Primary testicular NK/T-Cell lymphoma: A study of two cases and review of literature. Chinese J Cancer Res, 2010; 22(3):239-244

Tang J, Li YJ, Li Q, Mu J, Yang DY, Xie P. Endogenous tissue plasminogen activator increases hemorrhagic transformation induced by heparin after ischemia reperfusion in rat brains. Neurol Res, 2010;32(5):541-6

Li Q, Lv F, Li Y, Luo T, Li K,Xie P. Evaluation of 64-section CT angiography for detection and treatment planning of intracranial aneurysms by using DSA and surgical findings. Radiology, 2009; 252(3): 808-15

Li Q, Lv F, Li Y, Li K, Luo T,Xie P. Subtraction CT angiography for evaluation of intracranial aneurysms: Comparison with conventional CT angiography. Eur Radiol, 2009; 19(9): 2261-7

Li Q, Wang Z, Zhu D, Xu M, Chen X, Peng D, Iwata Y,Xie P. Detection and analysis of borna disease virus in Chinese patients with neurological disorders. Eur J Neurol, 2009; 16(3): 399-403

Shen L, Zeng ZL, Huang PY, Li Q, Mu J, Huang XQ, Lui S, Gong QY,Xie P. Temporal cortex participates in spontaneous perceptual reversal. Neuroreport, 2009; 20(7): 647-51

Zhu D, Kang Q, Huang PY, He TC,Xie P. Neurogenesis-related genes expression profiling of mouse fibroblastic stem cells induced by Wnt signaling.Neurol Res, 2009; 31(2): 200-3

Tang J, Li YJ, Mu J, Li Q, Yang DY,Xie P. Albumin ameliorates tissue plasminogen activator-mediated blood-brain barrier permeability and ischemic brain injury in rats. Neurol Res, 2009;31(2):189-94

Li Y,Xie P, Fan X, Tang H. Balo's concentric sclerosis presenting with benign clinical course and multiple sclerosis-like lesions on magnetic resonance images. Neurol India, 2009;57(1):66-8

Wang T, Zhang QL, Li H, Qiu J, Tu S,Yu CY. The time course of chinese riddles solving: Evidence from an ERP Study. Behavl Brain Res, 2009;199(2): 278-82

Li YM, lv FJ, Mu J, li Q, Yang Q, Hu M, Tang H, Yi J,Xie P. Brain magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in neuromyelitis optica. Acta Neurol Scand, 2008;118(4):218-225

Mu J, Yang ZS,Xie P. Proteomic analysis of a rat model of depression. Expert Rev Proteomic,2008; 5(2): 315-320

Yang Q, Mu J, Li Q, Li A, Zeng Z, Yang J, Zhang X, Tang J,Xie P. A simple and efficient method for deriving neurospheres from bone marrow stromal cells. Biochem Biophy Res Co, 2008; 372(4):520-4

Fu Y,Xie P, Meng H, Qin Q, Jia L, Li Q, Huang Y, Hou X, Luo Q, Ma X, Deng W, Wang Y, Hu H, Du L, Feng K, Qiu H, Xiang Y, Li T. The construction and prospects of the Chongqing twin children database. Twin Res Hum Genet, 2008; 11(6): 629-33

Li Q,Xie P, Qin X. Susac's syndrome presenting with consciousness disturbance. Eur J Intern Med, 2008;19(3):223

Mu J, Yang ZS, Yang DL, Lv FJ, Luo TY, Li Y,Xie P. H magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of thalamus in treatment resistant depressive patients. Neurosci Lett, 2007;425(1):49-52

Mu J, Yang ZS, Yang DL, Lv FJ, Luo TY, Li Y,Xie P. Neurogenesis and major depression: Implications from proteomic analyses of hippocampal proteins in a rat depression model.Neurosci Lett, 2007;416(3):252-256

Iwata Y,Takahashi K,Xie P,Fukuda K,Ohno K,Ogawa T,Gonda K,Mori N,Niwa S,Shigeta S.Detection and sequence analysis of Borna disease virus p24RNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with mood diorders and schizophrenia.Journal of Virology. 1998; 72 (12) : 10044.-10049

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