



增加 1,849 位元組, 2 年前
锦囊妙计/富贵满华堂 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
合家欢A Hole in the Head (1959)
The Unchained Goddess (1958)
Hemo the Magnificent (1957)
[[ File:弗兰克·卡普拉4.jpg|缩略图|右|250px|[https://baike.so.com/doc/5424018-5662234.html 原圖鏈接][https://baike.so.com/gallery/list?ghid=first&pic_idx=1&eid=5424018&sid=5662234 来自原图]]]  
The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays (1957)
Our Mr. Sun (1956)
喜临门Here Comes the Groom (1951)
Riding High (1950)
美好人生/风云人物(台)/生活多美好It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
War Comes to America (1945)
Two Down and One to Go (1945)
Know Your Enemy: Japan (1945)
Your Job in Germany (1945)
毒药与老妇/砒霜与烈酒/老处女与毒药/疯狂世家 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
Tunisian Victory (1944)
The Battle of China (1944)
第二次世界大战启示录/战争序幕 Prelude to War (1943)
The Battle of Britain (1943)
The Battle of Russia (1943)
Divide and Conquer (1943)
The Nazis Strike (1943)
约翰·多伊/与无名氏对话 Meet John Doe (1941)
浮生若梦 You Can't Take It with You (1938)
Broadway Bill (1934)
[[ File:弗兰克·卡普拉6.jpg|缩略图|右|250px|[https://baike.so.com/doc/5424018-5662234.html 原圖鏈接][https://baike.so.com/gallery/list?ghid=first&pic_idx=1&eid=5424018&sid=5662234 来自原图]]]
一夜风流It Happened One Night (1934)
颜将军的伤心茶The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1933)
一日贵妇/淑女一日 Lady for a Day (1933)
美国疯狂 American Madness (1932)
Forbidden (1932)
The Miracle Woman (1931)
ames Cagney and Jack Warner (2003)
Frank Capra and James Stewart (2001)
George Stevens: The Filmmakers Who Knew Him (2001)
马丁斯科塞斯美国电影之旅 A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995)
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