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《中国文化掠影》对于外国朋友来说,是可以轻松了解中国文化的一条捷径。而其平易流畅的英语,对于希望提高英语水平,增进翻译能力的大、中学生来说,也不失为一个优秀的读本。 全球一体化的趋势,让中国与其他国家的距离越来越近。而随着近年来中外交流日益频繁,越来越多的外国朋友迫切渴望探知这个神秘国度的文化。为此,作者编写了《中国文化掠影》。 《中国文化掠影》没有厚重的中国历史,没有繁重的文化全景。它只是用随笔的形式,为读者在悠长漫长的中国历史长河中撷取最为精彩、最为耀眼的片断。 全书语言优美,风格清新,即使在此之前,对中国文化一无所知,也可以很容易地走进中国文化所经历的五千年,从而从古老的历史中读懂今天中国的一点一滴。





外文名:Glimpses of Chinese Culture




《中国文化掠影(新)》Glimpses of Chinese Culture is a solution for you to have a basic understanding of Chinese culture in a short period of time.

A brief account of Chinese history and culture from the perspective of a Chinese scholar.

25 topics involving Chinese history, philosophy, religion, politics, economics, arts and literature, science and technology, etc.

With stories told on almost 200 historical figures, the book is a collection of the most gorgeous episodes in the history of Chinese culture. --此文字指其他 平装 版本。
丁往道,Professor Ding Wangdao was born in Wuwei County, Anhui Province in 1924. He graduated from the English Department of Sichuan University in 1946 and started teaching in the English Department of Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages (now Beijing Foreign Studies University) in 1950. He was secretary general of China English Language Education Association and was a visiting professor of Western Washington University and Moscow Foreign LanguagesUniversity respectively for one year. He retired in 1991. --此文字指其他 平装 版本。
1.Beginnings of Chinese Culture

2.Confucius:The First Private Teacher in Chinese History

3.Lan Zi:The Founder of Taoism

4.The Warring States Period:The Contention of a Hundred Schools

5.Ancient Historians:Uninterrupted Recording of Chi-nese History

6.Dong Zhongshu and wang Chong:Two Contra-dictory Great Philosophers of the Han Dynasties

7.The Coming of Buddhism to China

8.Pure Talk and Mysterious Learning

9.Chan(Zen)Buddhism and Huineng the Sixth Patriarch

10.Tang Poetry and Major Tang Poets

11.Tang Prose and Fiction:The Literary Reform

12.Wang Anshi,Sima Guang and Su shi:Three Great Figures of the Northern Song Dynasty

13.Zhu Xi:The Synthesizer of the Philosophy of Principle

14.Ci-Poems in Irregular Meter

15.The Four Great Inventions

16.Yuan Drama:One of the Three Peaks in the History of Drama in the World

17.The Rebuilding of Beijing and Zheng He's Voyages

18.Ming Novels and Its Three Masterpieces

19.The Rise of Southern Drama and Great Ad-vance of Short Fictions in the Ming Dynasty

20.Ming and Early Qing Thinkers:The Yangming School and Outstanding Progressive Scholars

21.Early Qing Fiction and Drama

22.Cao Xueqin and Dream of the Red Man-sions

23.Traditional Chinese Painting

24.The Opium War and Changes in Cultural Trends After it

25.Causes of the Long Feudal Period<ref>[https://www.docin.com/p-670689085.html  中国文化掠影]豆丁网,2013-06-26</ref>