


Bao Xu

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Joining Liangshan
==Joining Liangshan==
The imperial military officers Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo capture Liangshan's [[Xuan Zan]] and Hao Siwen at Lingzhou (凌州; present-day Ling County, Shandong), who have come with [[Guan Sheng]] to head them off before they set out on the mission to exterminate their stronghold by order of the Song court. Shan and Wei send the two captives to the imperial capital Dongjing (東京; present-day Kaifeng, Henan) for punishment.
Meanwhile, Li Kui has secretly left for Lingzhou after [[Song Jiang]] forbade him from being part of Guan Sheng's expedition. He gets into a fight with [[Jiao Ting]] on the way after accusing the other of staring at him. Jiao, who is a skilled wrestler, easily floors him twice. However, he is glad to learn that the dark fellow is Li Kui. Jiao, who is heading to Mount Deadwood to join Bao Xu's band, invites Li to go with him, suggesting that they could work out something with Bao about Lingzhou.
At Mount Deadwood, Bao Xu welcomes Li's invitation to join Liangshan. Just then the troops escorting Xuan Zan and Hao Siwen come past the hill and are set upon by Bao and his men. After rescuing the two, Li Kui leads an attack on a gate of Lingzhou, breaking into it, when Wei Dingguo is battling with Guan Sheng outside the city. Earlier, Guan has captured and won over Shan Tinggui. After Wei also surrendered, Guan takes the group, including Bao Xu, back to Liangshan.
<ref>[http://www.poisonpie.com/words/others/somewhat/outlaws/index.html Outlaws of the Marsh: A Somewhat Less Than Critical Commentary],Poison Pie Publishing House</ref>
Bao Xu is appointed as one of the leaders of the Liangshan infantry after the [[108 Stars of Destiny]] came together in what is called the Grand Assembly. He participates in the campaigns against the Liao invaders and rebel forces in Song territory following amnesty from Emperor Huizong for Liangshan.