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创建页面,内容为“ '''扎伊克'''扎伊克ZhayikZhayik古老的居民区距离乌拉尔河右岸的现代城市乌拉尔斯克有10公里。该场地的广场占地7至9公顷。…”



扎伊克古城位于现代城市乌拉尔斯克以北约10公里处,位于乌拉尔河右岸。该遗址的面积在7至9公顷之间。历史上,这座城市没有防御工事。对遗址的规划和建筑技术分析表明,它们受到了花剌子模和锡尔河绿洲城市的建筑<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/411477040_617491 为什么必须要了解硬山建筑?这就是原因!],搜狐,2020-08-04</ref>传统的影响。在遗址上发现的主要考古成果之一是大型浴场的遗迹,这表明该遗址作为重要城市中心的区域重要性。这一事实也通过发现的陶瓷<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/360649223_120361740 大数据告诉你:陶瓷艺术设计专业的学生,毕业后的薪资水平如何?],搜狐,2019-12-16</ref>碎片和硬币得到了证实。

©The National Commission of Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO/Zhayik

The ancient settlement of Zhayik is situated in 10 km from the modern city of Uralsk on the right bank of the Ural River.The square of the site is between 7 and 9 hectares.Historically the city didn’t have any defensive fortifi cations.Analysis of the plans and construction techniques of the settlement have shown that they have experienced the influence of construction traditions of Khorezm and cities of Syrdarya oases.One of the main archaeological discoveries made on the territory of the settlement was the remains of the big baths,which shows the regional importance of the settlement as a big urban center.This fact was also proved by revealed ceramic fragments and coins.

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