'''苏雷曼特帕修道院'''苏雷曼特帕修道院Suleimantepa,),公元1 至9 至[[9 世纪;]]。
Suleimantepa archaeological site is an example of a Christian monastery of the‘Church of the East’on the Silk Roads and is a testimony of the spread of Eastern Syriac Christianity on the Silk Roads in the 5th century and its further development until the 14th century(when Christianity vanished from the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor).The monastery of 9th-early 13th century is documented in written sources;its architectural planning as basilica shows identical developments and cultural contacts of Christians from Near East to Semirechye through Zarafshan Corridor along the Silk Roads.
苏雷曼特帕是一处 [[ 基督教 ]] 聂斯托利派修道院,位于距撒马尔罕以南30公里的乌尔古特(Urgut)镇最南端。对 [[ 遗址 ]] 下层部分的发掘揭露出约900平米的,由通廊和房间组成的建筑<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/454686591_100279380 两分钟搞明白中国木结构建筑三大类型],搜狐,2021-03-08</ref>基址(35x25米)(图48),及其北侧的部分庭院(25x10米)。
苏雷曼特帕修道院是公元8 至13 至[[13 世纪 ]] 时期,聂斯托利派基督教在 [[ 丝绸之路 ]] ,尤其是泽拉夫尚-卡拉库姆区域内传播和发展的重要见证和代表。
[[Category:790 文物考古總論]]