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'''阿萨尔特'''阿萨尔特——包容之地与好客之城As-Salt - The Place of Tolerance and,阿萨尔特城建于[[约旦]]中西部巴尔卡高地的3座紧密相连的山丘之上,是东部[[沙漠]]和西部地区之间重要的贸易<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/609290057_121438954/ 我国进出口贸易现状分析 ],搜狐,2022-11-23 </ref>纽带。在奥斯曼帝国统治的最后60年里,来自纳布卢斯、[[叙利亚]]和黎巴嫩的商人来到这里定居,他们通过贸易、银行和农业致富,推动了当地的繁荣。
As-Salt-The Place of Tolerance and Urban Hospitality
Built on three closely-spaced hills in the Balqa highland of west-central Jordan,the city of As-Salt,was an important trading link between the eastern desert and the west.During the last 60 years of the Ottoman period,the region prospered from the arrival and settlement of merchants from Nablus,Syria,and Lebanon who made their fortunes in trade,banking,and farming.This prosperity attracted skilled craftsmen from different parts of the region who worked on transforming the modest rural settlement into a thriving town with a distinctive layout and an architecture characterized by large public buildings and family residences constructed of local yellow limestone.The site’s urban core includes approximately 650 significant historic buildings exhibiting a blend of European Art Nouveau and Neo-Colonial styles combined with local traditions.The city’s non-segregated development expresses tolerance between Muslims and Christians who developed traditions of hospitality evidenced in Madafas(guest houses,known as Dawaween)and the social welfare system known as Takaful Ijtimai’.These tangible and intangible aspects emerged through a melding of rural traditions and bourgeois merchants’and tradespeople’s practices during the Golden Age of As-Salt’s development between 1860s to 1920s.
该遗址的都市核心包括约650座具有重要[[历史]]意义的建筑<ref>[https://www.sohu.com/a/145983594_534369 中国传统建筑风格|六大古代建筑样本 ],搜狐,2017-06-04</ref>,这些建筑融合了欧洲新艺术风格和新殖民风格与当地传统。城市的非隔离发展体现了穆斯林和基督徒之间的宽容,他们共同形成了以马达法(招待所,也称为达瓦温)和一种名为塔卡福伊吉马伊的社会保障[[系统]]为代表的好客传统。这些有形和无形的方面是在阿苏尔特发展的黄金时代(19世纪60年代至20世纪20年代)期间,通过农村传统与资产阶级商人和工匠实践的融合而产生的。