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'''蛇皮果'''([[学名]]:''Salacca zalacca'')是[[東南亞]]地區的水果,屬於[[棕櫚科]][[蛇皮果属]],原產於[[印尼]]的[[爪哇島]]及[[蘇門答臘島]],但也有在其他地方種植作食用,包括有:[[巴厘島]]、[[龙目岛]]、[[帝汶島]]、[[馬來西亞]]、[[马鲁古省]]及[[蘇拉威西]]<ref name=kew>[http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/namedetail.do?name_id=181818 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families]</ref><ref>Govaerts, R. & Dransfield, J. (2005). World Checklist of Palms: 1-223. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.</ref>。

[[Image:Snake fruit.jpg|thumb|right|180px|印尼出口的蛇皮果]]
{{nutritional value | name= Salak Pondoh
| kJ = 1539
| protein = 0.8 g
| fat = 0.4 g
| calcium_mg = 38
| iron_mg = 3.9
| vitC_mg = 8.4
| phosphorus_mg = 18
| sodium_mg = 0
| cholesterol_mg = 0

|File:Snake fruit.jpg|印尼产的蛇皮果
|File:Salacca P 071118 1165 ipb.jpg|西爪哇[[茂物]]的蛇皮果林
|File:Salacca Fr 071117-1095 ipb.jpg|幼果

== 参考 ==

== 延伸阅读 ==
{{commons category|Salacca zalacca}}
* {{cite journal|title=Changes in the Volatile Compounds and in the Chemical and Physical Properties of Snake Fruit (''Salacca edulis'' Reinw) Cv. ''Pondoh'' during Maturation| journal=J. Agric. Food Chem.| volume=50| issue=26| pages=7627–7633| year=2002| doi=10.1021/jf020620e| author=Supriyadi; Suhardi; M. Suzuki; K. Yoshida; T. Muto; A. Fujita; and N. Watanabe| pmid=12475281}}


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